Two brand new coupons are available through the Walmart Canada coupon portal this morning. Head over to the portal through the link below, and you will discover the following two new coupons:
- Save $2 on the purchase of 2 Iogo Nano Pouches
- Save $2 on the purchase of Oasis Nutrisolution
The pouches go on sale for $2.99 nearly every week which will make them $1.99 with this coupon. Before you add it to your cart to order it appears to be a coupon for $2 off, but it is $2 off when you buy two, and there is no mention of any savings on the large Iogo pouch so I’m not sure why that is pictured. I wish they would be more straightforward with these coupons. These are both mail to home coupons with no option to print, so you will have to wait about a week to receive them.
Click here to get these coupons through the Walmart Canada coupon portal.