Thanks Koala for posting about Walmart new store hours on the forum 🙂
Unless otherwise noted, the following stores will open 24 hours a day beginning December 1 and concluding December 24, Christmas Eve.
More than one in four Wal-Mart stores Canada-wide will open around the clock (CNW)
Calgary, Westbrook
Calgary, Marlborough
Calgary, Deerfoot Mall
Calgary, Shawnessy
Edmonton, 40th St. NW
Edmonton, South Common
Edmonton, Capilano
Sherwood Park
St. Albert
British Columbia
Prince George
Brandon (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for Sunday bylaw)
Winnipeg, Crossroads Shopping Centre (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are
modified for Sunday bylaw)
Winnipeg, Empress St. (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for Sunday
Winnipeg, Unicity Mall (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for
Sunday bylaw)
Winnipeg, McPhillips St. (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for
Sunday bylaw)
Winnipeg, St. Vital (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for Sunday
Winnipeg, Kenaston St. (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are modified for
Sunday bylaw)
New Brunswick
Moncton, Champlain Place
Moncton, Wheeler Blvd. and Mapleton Rd. (24-hours start Dec. 3, and are
modified for Sunday bylaw)
St. John’s, Kenmount Rd.
St. John’s, Mount Pearl
St. John’s, Stavanger Dr.
Nova Scotia
Halifax, Mumford Rd.
Barrie, Highway 400 and Molson Park Dr.
Barrie, Bayfield St.
Brampton, Highway 10 and Bovaird
Brampton, Highway 7 and Airport Rd.
Fort Frances
Kitchener, Ottawa St. S.
Kitchener, Fairview Park Mall
London, Clarke Rd.
London, White Oaks Mall
London, Fanshawe Park Rd. W.
Mississauga, Meadowvale, Winston Churchill and 401
Niagara Falls
North Bay
Ottawa, Orleans, Innes Rd.
Ottawa South, Bank St.
Richmond Hill
St. Catherines, Lincoln Mall
St. Catherines, Vansickle Rd.
Thunder Bay
Toronto Stockyards, St. Clair and Runnymede
Toronto, Agincourt Mall
Toronto, Keele and Lawrence
Toronto, Scarborough Town Centre
Toronto, Scarborough West Hill
Toronto, Scarborough, Eglinton Ave. E.
Windsor, Tecumseh Rd. E.
Prince Albert
Regina, Rochdale Blvd.
Saskatoon, Preston Ave.
The new store hours remind me of:
Walmart is making it easier for all of us to buy goods (some with health hazards) made in questionable working conditions using men, women, and children. These are poor people making pennies an hour.
Thankyou Walmart.
Wow, 24 hours Wal-Mart for a month
That will be cool just to think about walking to WM at 3 am
This is crazy, people don’t need to be able to shop at 4AM at Walmart, nor anywhere. I think this is completely nuts.
I would like to go to WalMart at 3 am just for fun…
The poor employees….Walmart’s insanity continues
the hours are crazy, but you can’t blame a lot of people for shopping there.
union ppl gripe, blah blah, everyone gripes, but what do you do when you have needs and things are often unecessarily expensive.
things won’t change until ppl learn that there is nothing to be ashamed of when living humbly and spend accordingly.
It’s one thing to pop into a store at 3am. It’s another to be stuck at a till from midnight till 8am. This is not needed.
I love the idea, I haaaaate going to walmart with all 40 ppl deep line. This will eleviate some of the rush, the demand is obviously high enough, or walmart wouldn’t be doing this. Have you ever tried going to walmart during december????????
It’s a great business idea for Walmart. They’ll get people like me who would rather shop at 1AM than fight the crowds at 7PM.
But then I will never spend a dime at that store. And I’am not stupid enough to shop anywhere except online in December. I go shopping during the ten months when the stores are half empty.
I love the idea….for the ppl that complain about it…. DON”T SHOP THERE, as for the POOR EMPLOYEE’s… if they don’t like it… FIND ANOTHER JOB…. nobody is MAKING you go there or MAKING them work there….
Simple Fix.. don’t like it, don’t go… EASY….sheesh
I agree with Jamie on this one. Someone made a comment earlier that being open 24 hours is not needed. Well some people work odd hours and can only find time to do late night shopping and you should take that into consideration as well.
If people are willing to work the hours then why are you feeling sorry for them? At least they are doing something with themselves. Maybe working there is just getting their foot in the door somewhere for a better opportunity to open up elsewhere.
A job is a job, no matter what you are doing. If you do not like working there, find somewhere else to work like anyone else who is unhappy with their situation. Or perhaps you can go back to school and find a career path.
“I haaaaate going to walmart with all 40 ppl deep line.”
They wouldn’t have 40 ppl deep if they had some staff on till.
To you folks that don’t like the idea of Walmart going 24 hours during the holiday can go to hell. This is called freedom and soldiers die for this everyday. Stay home if you don’t want to go to shop but don’t hate on people that want to shop at 2,3,4,5 am. LET FREEDOM REIGN!!!!
“Soldiers die for this every day,” says Taz.
Indeed they do, sir. Indeed they do.
Um, have you kind of thought that through, dude? Is that the kind of “freedom” that’s worth people’s lives? Really??
I wouldn’t spend money in Wal-Mart if they were the only food store and I was starving. Seriously.
Spend a couple of those 24 hours watching *that* and let me know if you still think Wal-Mart is worth soldier’s lives, Taz.
Has any actually talked to the Walmart employees – they actually like working the night shift – they say it’s easier and less hectic – if they aren’t complaining about the extended hours than why should we.
Lets see, they actually like working the night shift?
Pobably about as much as the rest of us like getting a wrong number on the phone at 2 am.
This is probably not so much about sales, but Walmart getting its name out in the public for free using a press release. Imagine all of the free advertising they are getting?
people who work at walmart get benefits, it’s not a crap job. there are plenty of crap jobs out there.
walmart isn’t as evil as americans want us to think it is. just cause life in the states sucks doeasn’t mean that we need to follow their ignorant babble.
where does the whole foreign made complaining stop? we live ina global economy, should other countries stop importing our goods?
the 24hour thing isn’t permanent, it’s for the season. plenty of people work night shifts in all sorts of industries. some families find it works so that mom can work day, dad can work nigh and kids are always with a parent at home. no babysitter. don’t judge.
nothing’s ever perfect and we don’t all have the blessing of an excess of money allowing us to shop exclusivly at higher priced stores.
hell, if anything, complain about walmart being an american store in canada and how we should make an effort to shop Canadian. yay!
I like you nis
you’re not a whiner 🙂
I agree…I work second shift.
I’d love to be able to go shopping at 12:00am, because I am still wide awake.
wow what a ridiculous conversation. lol …
go if you want to, don’t if you don’t.
Well, I went to Walmart last night for some Christmas Tree lights and while being served at our new ‘express check-out’, I asked the gal if she is looking forward to working until the morning. She told me she was off of work at 11pm and that the people who are working during the overnight are doing so…on a voluntary basis.
Sooo….no one is being forced into working those hours. Besides, I bet the smart ones who are taking those shifts are making a nice premium and just like the customers who are shopping during those ‘off hours’ who are ecstatic that it’s not busy, the staff is equally as excited about that – if not more so.
I’d certainly shop at 3am – if I could only stay awake long enough to do so…..
i love walmart- f yah 24 hours. i wish my walmart was open 24 hours all year round. bob don’t know what he talkin bout, foo. walmart is my nigz
Yaa, this Danny Phở Phanny has his shit together he knows whats up, I’m down like the clouds to slap bob upside his dome for saying this. I’ve got stamina like an apple, and hearing like a moose. Walmart 24 is how it should be, and Liz, I hope to see you there =)
yeah. Liz. 3 am, where we meetin? i say the baby department, cuz me and you gonna get real familiar in there, feel me?
I’ve got stamina like an apple?
… that’s actually nervous laughter….because I’m scared….
what’s happening to this site?
And yes JeLLo you’re right it’s the same in my city – it’s voluntary and they do get a night shift premium – although I didn’t want to pry and ask too many questions.
I would just like to say that there are a lot of people out there that work shift my husband and I do. Does someone want to argue and say that hospitals shouldnt stay open because the poor nurses and doctors need to stay up all night? Yes we get paid a lot more..but we also have a lot more to deal with. I think its great that they are staying open for 24 hours. That means that I can stop on my way home from work and get in and get out quick! Also, if my child gets sick and I dont have the proper meds..I can run and go get it at a cheaper price! Who would want to argue that???? So everyone relax, dont go if you are that against it…
I would think that most of the staff that is working at night, probably was already there doing stocking work. Sometimes they will train existing staff to work cash or there could be the occasional person from days that would work nights.
I would not doubt that some would like to take the opportunity to make some extra money (possibly because they are just making ends meet working at Walmarts wages).
I would also suggest that some of the people who want 24/7 shopping would feel done badly if they were asked to work till 6pm on a Friday. Sobey’s stores in Ontario are 24 hours and there really isn’t a lot of excitement during the night.
Walmart is doing what it does best. They are creating contraversy and getting a lot of free press. Good for Xmas sales I would say. Still it is not an ethical company and every time we shop at places like Walmart (and others are following suit) we are supporting an American retailer that is bringing in foreign made goods. This company has encouraged our jobs in manufacturing to leave, and find a new home where exploited people can be worked for low wages (pennies and hour) under the threat of dismisal.
The Washington Post had an article on these Chinese factories that manufacture for Walmart. A big sign hangs so that the thousands of workers cans see. It says “work hard today, so that you don’t have to work hard tomorrow looking for a new job”.
Merry Christmas. Good will to all, except those who make the gifts that we pretend were made by happy little elves at the North Pole.
You really never can resist yourself can you?
If you think going to Zellers (a well known”Canadian” company) is better then giving your hard earned coin to Walmart, take a walk in the ladies lingerie department. Almost every garment is made in either Bengladesh, China, or Thailand. Look at the bottom of most toys they are manufactured in China. (I thought we were trying to free Tibet), We all drive cars made in Japan & Germany(lets not forget what German dictators and supporters did in the 40’s to the Jews). Yep our Old Navy Fleece is made in Phillipines.ANd since when do you buy Canadian pinapple ever? Instead of picking on the Americans who obviously have outstanding business saavy, lets take advantage of some great prices, and do our best to live and let live…
umm no thank you danny.
i was thinking of going with my boyfriend.
Sorry 🙁
Thanks for the suggestions though, baby department….
“If you think going to Zellers (a well knownâ€Canadian†company) is better then giving your hard earned coin to Walmart…”~sj
Zellers (part of HBC) is American owned by Jerry Zucker.
I believe that there was a reference that said “(and others are following suit)”.
I do believe however that supporting Walmart is rewarding the worst of all the companies. Disregard for workers rights, ignoring Canadian labour laws, encouraging our manufaturing jobs to offshore, being one of the first supporters at using slave type labour when influencing suppliers. All one has to do is read the papers.
I do believe however that supporting Walmart is rewarding the worst of all the companies. Disregard for workers rights, ignoring Canadian labour laws, encouraging our manufaturing jobs to offshore, being one of the first supporters at using slave type labour when influencing suppliers. All one has to do is read the papers.
Well, as someone who was a cashier at Walmart for 3 years, I agree with the “don’t feel sorry for the employees”. As far as I’m concerned, Walmart (in CANADA) was just fine to its employees – in fact, they were the biggest sticklers for labour laws (enough breaks, etc) than any other job I’ve worked.
And yep, lots of people work overnight there already. And I’m betting they’ll be hiring a bunch of people (creating more jobs for the month) who don’t mind working the nights. I wouldn’t actually mind.
(THAT said, Walmart=big evil corporation? Still yes. Not good labour outside of Canada? Sure seems like it. Then again, a lot of stores are using sweat shops and the like [not that I’m condoning it! Just saying that the big W isn’t the only one!])
So yeah. Will I shop there in the middle of the night? Probably not, but my Walmart isn’t one of the ones open 24 hours 😉
Walmart obeying labour laws in Canada while denying their rights to organize? It is kind of like saying “that person was thrown into jail, but they were treated well while there.” All we have to do is look at what happened in Jonquiere Quebec to see how Walmart respects Canadian workers:
Wal-Mart fired Jonquiere workers illegally, board rules
Compensation ordered for employees who filed
formal complaints after store closure last spring
Jonquiere, Quebec (22 Dec. 2005) – Wal-Mart has been found guilty by the Quebec labour board of closing its Jonquiere store last spring to avoid dealing with unionized workers – not because it was losing money as it claimed at the time.
After hearing four of 79 illegal dismissal complaints filed by workers at the store, the board concluded that the Arkansas-based retail giant had acted in violation of Quebec law and that it fired the workers unfairly.
The employees were dismissed because they were engaging in legal union activities, the board ruled.
One fact entered in evidence was that the company has yet to rescind a 20-year lease on its premises in Jonquiere. No attempt has been made to sublet the space, indicating that the company is keeping its options for the future open.
The board has ruled that Wal-Mart must compensate workers for its actions. Appropriate remedies will be decided later.
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW Canada) said the ruling backs up what the union has claimed from the outset and what polls show that citizens across Quebec generally believe.
Momentum picking up
The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has signed a formal protocol with UFCW Canada, supporting its efforts to organize Wal-Mart workers across Canada.
“Wal-Mart clearly closed this store because the workers succeeded in unionizing,” says Yvon Bellemare, president of the UFCW Canada’s Quebec council.
“The Labour Relations Board’s decision once again exposes the multinational’s anti-union attitude. The momentum is picking up. Wal-Mart employees now realize that if they want a union in their store, Wal-Mart may attempt to but can’t stop them.”
Quebec Federation of Labour President Henri Massé also hailed the decision and called on Wal-Mart to abide by the ruling and to dispense with its the now-familiar “legal guerrilla tactics” it has been using to prolong its anti-union war in the province.
The Jonquiere outlet was the first full Wal-Mart store in North America to be unionized. Approximately 190 employees lost their jobs when the store was closed. At the time the company was on the brink of having a first contract imposed by the board after its refusal to negotiate in good faith with the union. A total of 79 workers subsequently filed formal complaints. NUPGE
Web posted by NUPGE: 22 December 2005
Alex, you might be surprised just how many companies do exactly that – close their doors to break a union. I know for a fact that one very predominant ALL Canadian company did just that a few years ago.
I have a friend who works at Walmart and she is treated fairly and loves working there.
Don’t pass judgement if you haven’t worked there yourself.
And go ask the poor ppl who make the goods in other countries if they’d be happy if we took their jobs away. Its not right that they get paid peanuts but their cost of living is lower and some money is better than none when you are trying to feed your family.
I’m going to buy one of those blank white t-shirts and label it “ANTI-WALMART” and give it to Alex for Christmas.
P.S. I will buy the t-shirt from walmart – they’re pretty cheap there like 6 bucks
Just Joking with you Alex
I do understand the points you’re trying to make
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks amycanada77. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi all,
If you do the math Wal-Mart is not saving money for people instead they are giving you cheap quality stuff for less price than the value product sold by other retailers and as the product broke very soon and thus you are spending frequently. Also they are an economic curse to the world. They went to several international countries like Germany , Korea etc. and closed down their business b’cause people rejected their cheap quality products .
Also if you check the employee turn over in their Corporate office you will see the outflow of their key employees because of their greed and unreasonable business plans.
Thanks Canadian
I agree Canadian. There is a higher cost. I cannot understand anyone wanting to support a company that has been the #1 influence at encouraging (probably too weak of a word) manufacturers to offshore. We cannot compete with 25-30 cents an hour workforce. Not one business (either union or non-union) in Canada/USA can compete and Walmart has told suppliers that they must meet these cost prices for WM or they would be punished (shelf space taken away and/or another supplier would get the business. When everything is going up, yet a business advertises “rollbacks’ then there is something really wrong happening. The use of slave labour in third world countries is not much different than keeping cotton prices down a few hundred years ago in the deep south. A cheap $6.00 tee shirt makes me very uncomfortable. Was there a little kid making that shirt? Was that person working with no heat while the foreign bosses had heat in the attached office’s?
This is only the tip of the iceburg.
Thanks Canadian and Alex,
This Wal-Mart has a dark side which many customers are not aware of. They sell products for less at the cost of the manufacturer. They bargain and bargain until the manufacturer agree for a deal with less than 10% margin for him and then this Auger-Mart add around 25-35% profit for them. The Poor customers get a flyer and the fake “Smiley Face ” will say “Every Day Low Price” or “Rollback”. On the other side the manufacturer will go bankrupt. I am not telling imaginary stories. Last year the three big toy manufacturers realized the need to wake up and they joined together to make toys exclusively for ToysRus. If people don’t realize the high cost of low prices their generation will pay the price as this giant will make other retailers out of business and then next generation will work for this company for the low wages and the world won’t have another choice of products than this “Auger Mart import for then from the third world countries. There is lot to write but would like to hear your comments. I agree with Ales Yes it is only the tip of the iceburg!!!
I don’t think many will “get it” until they are directly affected by loss of jobs, recession. I only give my business to stores, companies, businesses who earn and deserve my business.
I am going to start to really check where things are made. I was shocked to see that the popular boots, Uggs and Emus which are supposedly Australian are actually made in China. Uggs are @$230/pair. I wonder how much those workers are paid out of that.
Looks like there is more choice than just Wal-Mart now!!!
Attention News Editors:
Real Canadian Superstores/Atlantic Superstores Open 24-hours this Holiday Season – select locations across Canada operate around the clock from December 10th-24th
BRAMPTON, ON, Dec. 6 /CNW/ – In time for the holiday season, Loblaw
Companies Limited today announced that from Dec. 10th to Dec 24th inclusive,
select stores across Canada will open 24-hours for the very first time
allowing customers to shop whenever it is most convenient for them during the
busy holiday season.
“During this busy time of the year, it often feels like there aren’t
enough hours in the day” says Elizabeth Margles, VP of Public Relations and
Public Affairs for Loblaw Companies. “Our Superstores will offer relief by
providing extended holiday shopping hours so our customers will have greater
convenience to get their shopping done.”
The demand for extended hours has never been greater. Customers have
stated their No.1 reason for shopping Superstore is “ease of shopping”
according to results of customer satisfaction insights. Customers also
appreciate great value, ample parking, neat, tidy and uncluttered aisles and
an overall positive shopping experience in Superstores.
With the convenience of 24-hour shopping, Real Canadian
Superstore/Atlantic Superstore will be at the top of the list for holiday
shopping destinations. Shoppers will be pleasantly surprised to find so many
great gift options and holiday necessities.
Unless otherwise noted, the following Superstores will open 24-hours
beginning December 10 and concluding December 24, Christmas Eve.
Here are all the Real Canadian Superstores that are opening!!!
Real Canadian Superstore
Calgary, 3575-20th Ave. NE
Calgary, 100-15915 Macleod Tr. SE
Edmonton, 9711 23rd Ave. NW
Edmonton, 17303 Stony Plain Road NW
British Columbia:
Real Canadian Superstore
Coquitlam, 3000 Lougheed Hwy
Langford, 835 Langford Parkway
Langley, 19851 Willowbrook Dr.
Kamloops, 910 Columbia St. W
Kelowna, 2280 Baron Rd.
Pitt Meadows, 19800 Lougheed Hwy
Real Canadian Superstore
Winnipeg, 2132 McPhillips St. (open 12-6 on Sundays)
Winnipeg, 1578 Regent Ave. W (open 12-6 on Sundays)
New Brunswick – beginning December 20:
Atlantic Superstore
Moncton, 89 Trinity Dr. (closed Midnight Dec. 22, open Dec. 23 10am-11pm)
Nova Scotia – beginning December 20:
Atlantic Superstore
Dartmouth, 650 Portland St.
Ontario – beginning December 20:
Real Canadian Superstore
Kitchener, 875 Highland Rd. W
Whitby, 200 Taunton Rd. W
Real Canadian Superstore
Regina, 2055 Prince of Wales Dr. (open 8-11 on Sundays)
Saskatoon, 2901 8th St. E (open 8-11 on Sundays)
Watchdog Finds Wal-Mart Christmas Ornaments Made Under Horrific Sweatshop
Conditions in China
Embargoed until 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The National Labor Committee has found Wal-Mart Christmas ornaments made under
horrific sweatshop conditions in China, including: 10, 12 and 15-hour shifts,
seven days a week, with workers cheated of their wages. Five to six hundred
16-year-old high school students worked in the factory along with some child
WHO: Charles Kernaghan, Director of the National Labor Committee and
the country’s leading anti-sweatshop activist, who recently
exposed sweatshop production for Victoria’s Secret, Mattel,
Speedo, and even crucifixes made in China.
WHAT: Press Conference — to release an explosive new report and
Documentation, including unprecedented internal factory production
orders, photographs of workers on the shop floor and video
footage shot inside the factory which smuggled out. Wal-Mart
ornaments made at the factory will be on display. Disks of the
photos and video footage will be available.
WHERE: Rockefeller Center
SE Corner of 49th Street & Rockefeller Plaza
(West of Fifth Avenue, across the street south of the Tree)
WHEN: 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Jonquiere, Quebec (22 Dec. 2005) – Wal-Mart has been found guilty by the Quebec labour board of closing its Jonquiere store last spring to avoid dealing with unionized workers – not because it was losing money as it claimed at the time.
Quebec is not the brightest Province in Canada in the way it is run nor the wa it’s laws are made and interpeted.
So John do you believe that provinces should be run buy foreign business corporations and citizens should not have a share of rights?
It is important to remember that the Walton family of Walmart fame have around 18 billion each while the company president Lee Scott takes home 22 million in a year.
The Jonquiere Quebec Walmart workers (like many in todays world) are making near the bottom of the barrel.
How much more money does the richest in society need?
I Wish Wal-mart were open 24 hours all the time…. Like everywhere in the states. Wish there were more great Departmant stores such as Target, and other huge grocery/department stores that are not here either. When are we going to get with the times!!!
Why is this a debate?
Seriously, if I was walmart and workers tried to start a union damn right id shut down.
Just like if my husbands place that is owned by a german will close and leave north america with his company if a union gets voted in.
Like its walmart, you want to pay higher prices elsewhere be my guest. I worked at walmart for a while and they treated there employees just as good as any other job ive had, which isnt great but its about the normal ive experienced.
There open 24 hours, well good for them I really dont care to shop at 3 am but im sure some people will.
Also, one of my friends companies dealt with walmart selling them flower pots, if those flower pots werent sold back they went and they expected a full refund.
They always tried to barter. Does that make them evil? No it makes them businessmen.
Like everyone can sit here and say ooh but there stuff is made in china and elsewhere, they have slave labour.
OPEN your stinking eyes, I bet you half of the stuff in your house if not more from any retailer was not made upon IDEAL conditions.
To think otherwise is completely ridiculous. Its a worldwide problem and started LONG LONG before Walmart even came about. To target them is just a lost cause.
One of my friends companies dealt with walmart selling them flower pots, if those flower pots werent sold back they went and they expected a full refund.
They always tried to barter. Does that make them evil? No it makes them businessmen.
Like everyone can sit here and say ooh but there stuff is made in china and elsewhere, they have slave labour.
OPEN your stinking eyes, I bet you half of the stuff in your house if not more from any retailer was not made upon IDEAL conditions.
To think otherwise is completely ridiculous. Its a worldwide problem and started LONG LONG before Walmart even came about. To target them is just a lost cause.
I believe that some folks don’t want to accept that people have rights. Too bad they don’t value humans instead of just big corporations.
Get ready for the big announcement everyone!!!
Walmart is opening 1 in 10 of its stores 24 hours permanently. They of course will say it was due to the unexpected success of pre-christmas if anyone really believes that. They opened in my opinion just to be able to say that the reason they are going 24 hours was due to customer demand.
I don’t think there can we a worse company than Walmart.
This retailer has about the lowest integrity of any company.
See you later.
I don’t know what all this bantering about being open 24hrs is about. There is absolutely nothing morally wrong about being open 24hrs. You say it as if, people are FORCED to work night shifts. What about the supermarkets. What about hospitals. What about convenience stores. What about 24hr Shoppers Drug Mart. It’s no different than other places being open 24hrs. It’s done to provide a convenience for those that work odd hours or would rather shop in the off hours.
All those complaints about labour and sweat shops and stuff. I understand where you guys are coming from. But at the end of the day Wal-Mart is just a retailer, they are not the ones producing the product. You want to knock on someone’s door go knocking down on those manufacturing companies that produce the products. Nike, Addidas, etc…etc…The fact of the matter is that whether you go to Walmart, Zellers, The Bay, Sears, Real Canadian Superstore, IKEA, wherever, they will all have products made from China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc…etc…All Walmart is trying to do is offer the same products at better prices to COMPETE with competing retailers.
I mean lets take for example a mainstream underwear brand like Hanes. Heck, I’m wearing a Hanes undershirt right now. It’s made in Bangladesh. Yeah, they sell it at Walmart, but they also sell it at a lot of other chains. If it was manufactured in sweat shops, don’t go blaming Walmart. Blame Hanes!
I mean sure, you can blame Walmart for carrying such products and in that way they are INDIRECTLY supporting any child labour, etc. etc. But so are all the competitors. And at the end of the day, Walmart is a retailer that needs to compete by offering the same products as their competitors. They are NOT THE PRODUCERS of the product.
A lot of people shop at IKEA, they are even worse than Walmart. Check your house to see if you have any IKEA products!
So go through your house and check everything you have and where its made before you start preaching about things and ethics. The reality is that not everything you own is made in Canada.
I just looked up Ikea – It seems that it is one of the few places that are sweatshop free. And Walmart and other retailers/manufacturers are taking advantage of people who need money so they manipulate/threaten workeres to “like” working the odd hours because those ppl may not have much choice, or emply ppl at less than a living wage because there are few alternatives… And what about those who don’t have enough money so they have to shop at the cheap stores, which perpetually supports the bad practices that these companies entail. And it’s hard to stop this chain… what need to happen is that the CEO’s of these companies need to cut their million dollar wages so that they can continue to be competitive on the market but be fair to the average consumer/worker.
I know of two stores that are permanently opened now 24 hours, two i know of our Edmonton-clairview, Oshawa-harmony road north. It is bad its turning this way, cause i do work in retail, and what i noticed working in retail, you must be able to work all available hours, which if your not able to work the night shift, you probably wont get the job. Walmart is starting this, watch more companies follow. Walmart was pushing to open at christmas last year, watch this year, wouldnt be surprised if there opened, turing like the states, where stores are open all the time, some even on Christmas day. Not fair to some.
I also believe that Walmart is just following Bentonville’s blueprint for store operations. The Christmas season is not a good indicator of what your store traffic will be the other eleven months of the year.
As far as good imported from China, it is widely held that Walmart is the major factor when it comes to this. Many documentaries have shown that Walmart is responsible for demanding that manufacturers meet a certain cost price (often not possible with our standard of living). Walmart is so big that if a supplier doesn’t do whatever it has to (including plant closings and moving operations to China)to meet their demands, the this retailer will just cut back its shelf space, drop lines and cut ad support. Basicly Walmart can cripple a manufacturer of consumer goods.
This company based in Bentonville has got to be one of the worst companies in the world in my opinion.
have you ever heard of shift work? i’m sure they appreciate being able to shop for a change. as for the wal mart employees…they APPLIED for the job. no one puts a gun to their head. go find something better to complain about.
Wow people you are sompletely dumb.
Wall mart usually works till 1o pm. What is you are running late and need a present for tomorrow morning…
Sure you can blame what ever you want i think no bad deed done if doe 23 days it will be open 24 hours..
shift duuhh..
most of the people can say shi about wallmark and human right and what? like soemthing will be done just blaming on rhw website..pff…
I think its a great ide to kep the store open for 24 hours, ( like BTW some shoppers are open till)
Someone mentioned earlier about the poor working conditions of people at Walmart. Working there is no different than having a job pumping gas, working at a fast food restaurant, or working at Zellers. Canada’s Walmart’s are a bit of a different story than the ones in the US, mostly because of our labor standards here, but really, Wal Mart’s founder is genius business man! And for those that complain about the poor people that work there, Wal Mart provides for a lot of jobs. Take high school & university students, and middle aged people who don’t have any schooling or education. You can’t really expect them to go and work somewhere else and make 15.00/hour (well Maybe at a McDonald’s in Saskatoon now!). And going to Walmart pisses me off just as much as the next person, but I’m glad I have one close to where I live!
Minnesota to get $14 million from Wal-Mart settlement
Last update: January 14, 2009 – 11:10 PM
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry will receive $14 million as part of a settlement between Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and state workers who sued the world’s biggest retailer over not paying them for all hours they had worked.
Wal-Mart won preliminary court approval on Tuesday to pay $54.3 million to settle the lawsuit.
“The settlement allows recovery on points where the court ruled against the plaintiffs,” workers’ attorney Justin Perl said in a hearing Wednesday urging approval. “We believe the terms of the payment to the Department of Labor and Industry is the largest payment [of its kind] in Minnesota history,” he said.
The Minnesota hourly workers said Wal-Mart forced them to work off-the-clock in training and denied full rest or meal breaks in violation of state wage-and-hour laws. In the first phase of the case, Dakota County District Judge Robert King Jr. ruled July 1, following a nonjury trial, that Wal-Mart broke labor laws more than 2 million times and ordered the retailer to give employees $6.5 million in back pay.
The lawsuit was settled last month, averting a trial where a jury would have been asked to order Wal-Mart to pay as much as $2 billion for the labor law violations.
what are the hours of operation of walmart during the week and weekends
I love the convenient! Anytime shopping is awesome!
well bob, people sometimes need to get something. For example, if you need to get something eary in the morning. I think it is very usefull to have a store open 24h a day!
i woud rather shop at sears @i do but at times walmart has very good sales.still i like to buy canadian
Apparently people have never heard of seasonal employees. You would think in a crappy economy giving people jobs so that they themselves might have a nice Christmas isn’t a worst case scenario. Nothing positive there, right?
As for anyone suggesting the store doesn’t need to be open 24 hours, obviously none of you have ever worked a night shift or been a primary care-giver for children who you can’t exactly bring along for holiday shopping. I don’t do a ton of shopping at Walmart, but when I do go I save quite a bit. The cough syrup that has always been most effective for my family costs twice as much at a local drug store for a smaller size. Walmart is also the only store in the entire 25 mile area that carries the shade of foundation I wear and again, it’s half the price of anywhere else. So yes, I am sorry, but when it comes to saving my family money I am not going to pretend like I am above that. If you are, that’s fine with me, but clearly the company would not have so many customers if they did not provide a valuable service to them.
Go Walmart Go……….I am on my out to go shopping (Midnight) for some groceries to avoid the rush. Yes I am can’t wait to walk in get what I need and get out. As for all those poor people that have to work these crazy hours. I bet you they are thankfull to have a job in today market and getting some exstra cash in there pockets help them out this time of the year. I enjoy shopping late and work days, and yes I would not like to work the night shift but if thats the only job I had I would not complain. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays. Hope everyone can shop when they feel like it. Enjoy.
Looking into China’s futureGood fortune might not last if struggling trade partners retaliate against unfair policies–looking-into-china-s-future
“But beneath the veneer of spectacular Chinese infrastructure projects at home and Wal-Mart stores abroad seemingly stocked with nothing but Chinese goods…”
“On the latter score, “China’s bad behaviour is posing a growing threat to the rest of the world economy,”
the people who are against this, are cry babies that have nothing to do besides complain about something that doesnt affect them in ANY WAY. Go hug some tree’s and cry over the small pox blankets. This is 2009 now folks and the dollar wins.
I live in London Ont, and the Clarke Road walmart was open for 24hrs for the LONGEST time and it was GREAT! I just went there and there is a sign on the door saying NEW STORE HOURS “7am – 11pm” …so much for going shopping after I’m done work.
It was such a great thing. >:(
I like many of you that have already commmented, hate the crowds and long lines at Walmart but recognize the cost savings of shopping there. I appreciate being given options when the store is not packed and have been there at 1am before and think it’s great.
With respect to products made in China. My mother has been on a real campaign not to buy things made in China because of the lack of standards in their materials and let me tell you, EVERYTHING is made in China. Most stores sell stuff that is MADE IN CHINA. It is really crazy when you start paying attention just how much everyday stuff we buy is made in China. She eventually had to give it up because she was unable to buy the things she needed and have them made in Canada at the same time. Believe me she was committed to the boycott but had to hang it up out of frustration.
I also agree with those that have said, if you don’t like it, don’t shop there. It’s that simple
Hi, I live in Windsor and I love shopping late night at walmart as the lines are way smaller.
Windsor Ontario
Well actually it isnt that bad. There are some people who work 6pm-2am and the stores and traffic are too crazy during the day time to go shopping, its actually better no line ups always a place to park. It is actually probably one of the better things they have done. And the workers at walmart are getting paid for working all night so thats more money in the wallets. So whats the problem?
“I was a temporary night shift worker at Wal-Mart during the holiday season and my experience was utterly horrible. The pay sucked. I would arrive at 10 pm and most days we were not allowed to leave until 9am because everything on a certain list had to be done no matter what it was, or how long it was going to take. I was a good worker and worked hard. Once Christmas was over, I was called in the office on 01-01-2009. They let me go because the season was over. Just like that, I was unemployed.”
– Patrick
I used to live in Alberta. Thank heavens WalMart was open 24 hours before xmas! It was the only store around for miles with enough variety to do xmas shoppimg at, and with a hubs that worked shifts, shopping after 9pm was a necessity. But the main reason we so enjoyed shopping after midnight, or early in the morning was beause the Natives were either still at the bars, in lock up or still in bed! Shopping in WalMart when the Natives were on the loose was a nightmare. As for the staff…….it was mostly students during the night and they were just so glad to be working and making some xmas money, they were fun to interact with. Give me WalMart after midnight any day!
This all makes me laugh!
Everyone has an opinion, which is great, but to single out one retailer for the pratices of all is crazy! I shop at all major retailers, i do not support one over another.
As a food supplier to Wal-Mart and al The other Retailers in Ontario, i can tell you first hand that the loyalty shown by Wal-Mart puts them on the top of the list. Really look at the products you buy from other retailers, especially in food, then decide. Most of the “Canadian Retailers” threatened our business relationships if we dealt with Wal-Mart
BTW, if someone was to start a Union in one of our plants we would shut it down. Don’t believe in them, don’t think they do any good. (ask GM and other major car manufacturers)…..
As a retailer their job is to compete with others in at the same level. Loblaw did not carry jeans, jackets, TV’s…until Wal-Mart showed up. Guess what, most of that stuff is off shore..Look at the P.C. stuff, most of it is off-shore, including food.
If everyone wants to start a movement to save jobs and the economy, go after all of them, don’t single out the big guy because everyone else does.
open 24 hrs. just like Las Vegas ….
I work from 6pm-3am, so this is wonderful for me! I can go after work and shop while NO ONE IS AWAKE. I hate crowds.
Why few people thinking Wal-Mart is only one store have a 24 hrs? Come on? Metro (Grocery Stores) have 24 hrs! Tim Horton’s have 24 hrs! McDonald’s have 24 hrs!
I like to see more 24 hrs business to help Economy better, more jobs and more busy, growth population! Welcome to 21st Century! Why you feel sorry for them? you’re wrong! what about Janitor at school? they cleaning all night since After School, you don’t know what is business schedule, if your boss say “I want you work at 11pm to 7am” and you say “forget it!” then boss will say “oh ok, you miss double pay and I can find someone who want work night time for double pay!”
Look at Police? they do work 24 hrs! Hospital? they do work 24 hrs! Now I want to say “SHUT UP” to all people who did complain and say “why 24 hrs? sound like stupid” and shut your whine up! This is not old fashion anymore, Today is Future! I love Wal-Mart! I think 24 hrs for only December? sound like Awesome!
So convenient for those of us that are shift workers. We can go to walmart on our lunch at 4am. We can shop at 7am after a midnight shift. We can stop on the way home after work at 7am. It’s much easier and less rushed when we can do it on our schedule.
Unfortunately, those of us that have jobs and must work those shifts, really appreciate the hours. Thank you Walmart.
Walmart’s Reign of Terror
“The Supreme Court will now hear Walmart’s appeal to a ruling in a class-action sexual-discrimination suit that began back in 2001, when plaintiffs argued that female employees receive lower wages and fewer opportunities for promotion relative to their male counterparts.
If the superstore’s appeal is unsuccessful, as many as one million female employees could be eligible to receive compensation.
This marks another chapter in Walmart’s long and storied history of screwing people over. As founder Sam Walton once infamously said, “I pay low wages. I can take advantage of that. We’re going to be successful, but the basis is a very low-wage, low-benefit model of employment.”
Yes wal mart may be an evil in this world but they sure know how to make things convenient! some locations are open 24 hours year round and when you are sick or just don’t like big crowds or work weird hours, knowing you can go in at anytime and buy groceries or whatever other item you need is very useful. thank you for the convenience wal mart and keeping people employed no matter how crappy the wage.
this is NOTHING NEW>… walmart been doing this for YEARS and so do many many stores!
Life at Wal-Mart: The Workers Speak,
“A few years ago I spent a summer working at Wal-Mart between my second and third years of university. I’m Canadian, and the Wal-Mart I worked at was located in a city of about 50,000 people. I wasn’t particularly enthused about spending my summer working there, but I was a student and I needed money. Here are some things that stick out in my mind about the experience: […]”
why is there no 24 hr walmart in hamilton for the christmas? I find this very unfair!
Wal-Mart Canada begins injunction bid in union squabble
Read more:
“The company filed the motion for a temporary and permanent injunction about 18 months ago after noticing its new logo and indicia — part of a rebranding program that cost the company $9 million to develop — and photos of workers who, like company associates on the floor, are wearing blue vests, were on the union’s website.
That website also used the slogan “Get Respect, Live Better,” which the company says is a play on its new tagline, “Save Money, Live Better.”
I was just told about my redundancy today so I am now officially unemployed. Your post, however, gave me something interesting to think about. Thanks for the post!
Bangladesh: riots for higher wages
“Days of violent protests by Bangladeshi garment workers – who produce clothes for western brands like Marks & Spencer, H&M, Tesco and Walmart – demanding a higher minimum wage peaked on Sunday when at least three people were killed and 250 people were injured in clashes with police.”
South Africa Wakes Up to Wal-Mart
“The union launched an education campaign to inform workers about Wal-Mart’s arsenal of union-busting artillery, including instructions for management on “How To Remain Union Free.” From shutting down unionized stores to harassing organizers, the company has earned condemnation from the international human rights community”
Oh my, some of you are worse than Peta throwing red paint at fur wearers. What right do you have to tell me when and where I should shop? I don’t bitch at you for buying whatever products you pay 3 times as much for because they’re ‘fair’. Go ahead, spend your last pennies on fair trade, $22 a pound coffee, I’ll take my $4 coffee and put the rest into my savings. And then I’ll be able to retire one day, and eat on a daily basis, and I won’t lose any sleep at night because in the end, Wallmart provides jobs. Much needed jobs, that some people are to arrogant to work at, probably because they used mummy and daddy’s money to go to school for something useless like political science. And look where it gets you, fighting over something that doesn’t have to affect you. Don’t go to Walmart, only hang out with people who are appalled at the idea of even driving past one… hell move to China and tell all of the workers that its not fair and stage a protest, but leave the people who don’t have the money for organic, free trade, humanitarian award products alone. If I bought all of those things, I’d be able to buy 3 apples a week, and some new underwear once ever 6 years.
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I work at Walmart and its not too bad. But i dont do the overnights as you have to work your arse off. They also turn off the air conditioner and the heat so its either sweating in there or freezing.
In the USA a lot of walmarts are 24 hours all year long…
I love the idea
I work in a night club and LOVE to be able to do my
groceries or christmas list or what ever I need, when I get off of work @ 4 am. There’s no line up and amazing prices..
I wish ALLL walmarts were 24 hours all year long 😀
I THINK YALL SHULD JUSTTTT SHUSSHY . Ho una bomba nella mia borsa, i work at walmart and yall are crazzzzy. nuff said.
This Thankyou goes out to not only the Walmart Company and management but also to all the staff who stay the long shifts. Your efforts are greatly appreaciated.
Thankyou for the being open 24hrs during December. I work the evening shift from 3-11pm and dont get a chance to do much Christmas Shopping otherwise. Thankyou for giving me a better chance to be able to provide a decent Christmas for my family.
Your all Awesome! Merry Christmas, Happy Honnaka, Happy Kwanza, and to all the other religions that celebrate at this time of year. Peace and Blessings be to all.
walmart always opens 24hrs here in TO (ontario)for xmas but why isn’t there one open 24hrs all the time with a population of acouple of million and barrie (ontario) with a population of of acouple of thousand has one open all year go figure!good luck trying to shop anytime after midnight when the isles are full of skids and boxes and you have to park your cart 2 isles over and walk to get what you want and then some night worker sees you shopping and just throws boxes or cart right where you need to get past and then acts brain dead. same when you ask where something is they either say they don’t sell it anymore or sends you several isles away just so he doesn’t have to deal with you. WALMARTS ALWAYS JACKED THEIR PRICES HIGH BECAUSE CANADIANS WILL PAY ANYTHING AND SINCE WALMART CAN’T MAKE THEIR PROFITS FROM THE AMERICANS JUST GET IT IN CANADA. THANK GOODNESS FOR TARGET COMING IN ANOTHER 15 MONTHS THEN WATCH WALMART START STAYING OPEN ALL NIGHT AND HAVING SOME DECENT SALES.
LOL walmarts been open 24/5 in winnipeg for a good year…. they close on saturdays at 11pm and close on sundays at 6pm every other day they are open 24 hours… only change is they don’t close saturday or sunday…..
They do close the tills from 11:50 to 12:00 and the line ups get quite long as I am waiting for 15 min already
I work nights so I love it. My store was 24 hour all the time but recently stopped.
Big deal,so they are open 24 hours for a month. I worked at Shopper’s Drug Mart for years,and they have been open 24 hours for years as well,all year round.In fact open on Christmas Day as well. Some people like to work the night shift,and quite frankly it’s better for them to do so,due to things at home. At SDM at least(and I’m sure it might be true at walmart),they couldn’t force an employee,already employed, to work the night shift,and couldn’t fire an employee if they chose not to.But hired new employees with the caveat that they could be required to work the shift,that way the applying person could have the option to not accept the position. 24 hours,gives more hours for more employees,which allows more money being brought home. For those that choose to do it,seems fair to me. Plus,there are people who are sleeping most of the day(because they work the night shift elsewhere),and like to stay on that schedule even on days off.They can at least get their shopping done at 3 AM,and not disrupt their sleep schedule!
Just let u guys know stores like wal mart n also grocery stores like no frills for ex. are working 24 hours theres always employees restocking the shelvs so the only difference between a regular day of the year n december at wal mart is that there is a cashier.
Ajith, I have just now registered and added my blog.
Well at least they don’t have 1 person working all 24 hours. I know years ago when I worked at a Wal-Mart, I enjoyed working the overnight shift.
The store really have good working hours. I was actually searching something like this. I would love to publish it on so that max people can take its advantage.
People work shifts all over the place. The convenience for shift workers and parents with children is awesome having a store open 24 hours.
We now live in a world economy, and have for awhile.
I think all stores should be open 24 hours.
Those whining about having to work late or for crappy wages either have no concept of reality, or are limited in their education, no insult intended. With 24 hour openings, you can actually work a full 8 hours and then pop off to school to further your education.
I see this as nothing but good.
Wonderful site. Lots of useful information here. I am sending it to a few friends ans additionally sharing in delicious. And obviously, thanks to your effort!
I would love to buy only local made goods and forget chinese products. The problem is, when I can afford the higher prices I will look at the labels. If I can afford only cheap stuff from Walmart, I am stuck with what they have. I already avoid Pier1 because I know the products come from all over the world. If I knew where to shop and save on quality products, I would. I am not convinced however that canadian would be higher quality.
As for the business hours, I really like the option of shopping at night. When I was working 12 hour shifts at the hospital and stores would be closed by the time I managed to make it there after work, it was very helpful to know I could shop later. I would always take advantage of the convenience and avoid the crowds. Also when I had my twins I could get out of the house only at night when I got help. It was nice to just get out and read the newspaper or the tabloids for an hour for free and often that was the only time I had for adult conversations between breast feeding and diaper changes and a few hours of sleep.
I never noticed that the employees were treated poorly in my community. Maybe in the US they are?
Wish Wal-Mart would be open 24hrs past the 24th od Decemberm,the whole month of December would be perfect!!
I hate waitin in lines and don’t mind shopping at 2am on times when the wait in line is almost an hour!
What I love even more was if I’d stay on 24hrs all year around.
There is always something you need at 3am when your not feeling well, but Shoppers will do for that!
I live in oshawa ontario , i went several years now to wal-mart at 3am 🙂 it’s awwsome less line ups and more time to shop and less time being bugged by th eamount of people , daily nightly deals and specials … who wouldnt wanna be there? employee;s get special rates for being christmas dont think they are being worked like dogs .
again … wally-mart being 24/7 at christmas is a grace!!!
it deffently helps out not being busy ..
and deffently helps to be able to find parking specialy in SNOW!!!!
better prices than the 24 / 7 shoppers down here!!!!
(L)in the wal-mart supercentre! OSHAWA
I work two jobs, have two young sons, had Walmart NOT been open 24 hours for the Holiday season, I would NOT have been able to buy my childrens gifts this year as the ONLY time I had to do any shopping was after midnight when my second job ended!!!! I wish there were more stores that would stay open all night!!!! I love my Sobeys 24 hour store as MANY MANY MANY nights after working my second job, I had to buy groceries… yes BOB, there ARE people who NEED to shop at 4 AM …. been there done that, many times!!!!
Sigh…why can’t Canadian Walmarts be open 24 hours year round? Small towns of a few thousand in the US have 24 hour year round Walmarts, yet the Walmarts my city of three hundred thousand close up tight in the evening. I guess convenience is “un-Canadian”
people like to eat and have a roof over there head , if Walmart is paying them to work them what difference does it make what the hours are , I have worked for 30 years for private employers and they don’t give a shit about any of us , so why not work for Walmart at least they look after their employees it seems . A job is a job , in the end you die , work and make the money to enjoy life while you can , cause it will all be over soon ….
I love when Walmart is open 24hrs .. sometimes I work at 9am until 10 or 11pm and its very helpful to get christmas shopping done when I can go at midnight & avoid the lines or busy crowds of people and take my time browsing and shopping
If anyone is still reading this…. walmart is open 24 hrs all year long in the states and mexico and has been for many years. They also sell booze and guns there too. Booya
I love the Hours and wish that they were open 24 hours/day/7 days/week all year round, i love to shop there and we need a 24 hour store in woodstock ever since sobeys stopped doing it for us here
Good site you have got here.. It’s difficult to find excellent writing like yours these days. I honestly appreciate individuals like you! Take care!!
Awesome, just the morale we need for a 24 hour economy
Good riddance
Awesome, thanks
great idea.