Well.ca Online Deals: 50% Off on JJ Cole Infant BundleMe Soho and More Deals Plus FREE Shipping


The JJ Cole Infant BundleMe Soho is a rather popular baby accessory, especially for those of us who reside in areas where winter is more of three seasons, rather than the brief 3-4 months stint it is advertised as being. Right now, on Well.ca you can pick up one of these JJ Cole Infant BundleMe’s in the Soho colour for half-off the regular price of $59.96, as it is now on sale for just $30. And since Well.ca will also ship orders that are over $29 for free, then you will also have this product shipped to your home free of charge.

I was also able to find the same model, the JJ Cole Infant BundleMe in Soho, on Amazon.ca for a comparable price of $27. If you were placing one large order on Well.ca, then perhaps you may not mind ordering the JJ Cole from Well.ca for the additional $3 for convenience’s sake. However, if you were just looking to buy the JJ Cole Infant BundleMe Soho and nothing else from Well.ca, then I’d advise you purchase it from Amazon.ca, as they too will ship it to your home for free since it is above $25.


An accessory that will help to keep mom and dad comfortable after long car rides, instead of your little one, is this HoMedics Back & Shoulder Shiatsu Massage Cushion and it is now on sale at Well.ca for just $125 (was $209). The Back and Shoulder Cushion can adjust to fit your body, and unlike some massage cushions, will spot-massage on areas of tightness that may need a little extra TLC. This massage cushion will also ship to your home for free, since it is above $29.

One response to “Well.ca Online Deals: 50% Off on JJ Cole Infant BundleMe Soho and More Deals Plus FREE Shipping”

  1. MoochMom says:

    Just a reminder that you shouldn’t put anything, including the Bundle Me, between your infant and the car seat. Items like this can compress in an accident and make the car seat ineffective or more dangerous. Only manufacturer approved items should be used. In the winter, it is advised to place blankets on top and only dress baby in thin layers for the car seat.

    It is however, great for a stroller 🙂


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