We’re Free Obsessed

We're Fresh Obsessed tooIt’s no coincidence that Fresh and Free both start with the same three letters. At A&P, Dominion, Ultra Food & Drug and The Barn Markets store you’ll always get your grocery fresh or free. Yes that’s true! Although most customers have heard of the “We’re fresh obsessed” slogan very few know that it means you can get your grocery for free (and fresh too) if it’s not originally fresh. So here is how it works:

If you find any spoiled item at A&P, Dominion, Ultra Food & Drug or The Barn Markets store, just take that spoiled item to the Customer Service Desk and they’ll give you one fresh replacement free of charge 🙂 Yes, it’s that simple!

What is a spoiled item?
Well according to them, it is any item where the “best before” date has passed. Products with “Best Before” dates are considered fresh until midnight the day before.

What is not a spoiled item?
– Minor food bruises and discolouration occur naturally and don’t affect freshness.
– Damaged or reduced items are excluded – this includes Extra Ripe Produce.
– With multiple items like a bad banana in a bunch, they’ll only replace the individual item.
– Since organic grown produce can appear blemished or less fresh due to the lack of pesticides and fertilizers used, it isn’t included in this free guarantee.

So in a nutshell, if an item’s best before date has been reached, just take that spoiled item to the Customer Service Desk and they’ll give you one fresh replacement free of charge.

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4 responses to “We’re Free Obsessed”

  1. […] This article is a continuation of my previous post. Please read my previous post first if you haven’t already done so to understand what this is about. […]

  2. Karen says:

    Nice!!! I know a couple of stores that would give away more product than they would sell if they adopted this policy…

  3. dizzyb says:

    I’ve heard that berries are also not included in the guarantee due to their short shelf life. Have never tested it, though.


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