What’s Your Summertime Drink?

Other / Canada

As the temperature rises, naturally, so does our intake of liquids – alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike! Hopefully, there is more non-alcoholic bevvies involved so that we don’t dehydrate ourselves. 😉

Anyway, because I am still paying off a car that I purchased in the Spring, I do not have money to take a vacay this Summer. However, there is nothing stopping me from enjoying my down time and pretending I’m on a tropical island by eating at a Mexican restaurant, going on a nice hike, BBQs/get togethers with friends, etc.

And a large part of this tropical feel is what we eat and drink. Personally, nothing says Summer more than either a gin ‘n tonic, mojito, or sangria.

(The problem with mojitos is getting the mint. I’m somewhat lazy to pick mint from my sideyard, but I’m too cheap to go out and buy fresh herbs!)

Non-alcoholic speaking, when water gets boring, I like to slice fresh citrus fruit and put it into my water AND I’ve been getting into pure coconut water!

So what drink(s) spell S-u-m-m-e-r for you?

16 responses to “What’s Your Summertime Drink?”

  1. tudorchick says:

    blended mojitos or corona..good on a hot summer day.dpends on my mood…malibu and oj is good too with pineapple

  2. Natalka says:

    Just water most of the time, lots of ice water – and we have great tap water here, so it’s that!
    Occasionally make sun tea.
    No booze when it’s hot, makes things worse.
    (uh, I used to be fun…)

  3. Corbinx says:

    Frozen Strawberry Limeade: Blend 1 can frozen limeade, 1/2 can sprite, 2 cups frozen strawberries, and the pulp of two limes.

    Frozen Raspberry Lemonade: Blend 1 can of lemonade concentrate, 1 1/2 cups of frozen raspberries, 1 tray of ice, and 1 can of water.

    Both are very tart but SO delicious!

  4. Tara says:

    Tim’s Ice Capps!!

  5. X says:

    Frozen lemonade! Cheap, yummy, and alcohol-free for those of us who like it that way. I like my cold drinks a little bit tart.

  6. MortgageQueen says:

    Slice an a granny smith apple and a few lime wedges. Drop into a couple litres of water and chill. Delicious!!!

  7. Janetta says:

    Ice water or chilled black tea with or without sliced lemons!
    When it’s super muggy and hot, water is all I drink. A lot of it too. 🙂
    I’ll add honey if I’m craving some sweetness. Yum!

  8. Scarecrow says:

    Iced Green Tea w/pomegranate and fresh lemon juice

  9. marta h. says:

    pimm’s punch. pimm’s, gingerale, strawberries and cucumbers.

  10. Moe says:

    Water with ice & either a squart of Lime or lemon. . . Ice Cold water nothing better!

  11. KG says:

    I just make a homemade shake with fro-yo, coffee syrup, and 1% milk. YUM!

  12. nick says:


  13. AP says:

    a simple sparkling water with fresh lime or lemon.

  14. kerry says:

    Growers Peach Cider

  15. DJ says:

    Lemonade and iced frappuccino Mmmmmm

  16. I love my SodaStream. I make sparkling lemon/limeade everyday and add stevia.


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