When What to my Wondering Eyes Should Appear . . .


So I’m flipping through the October issue of Canadian Living looking for coupons (scan for coupons first, read later) when I see the word ‘coupons’. Upon closer examination I discover that it is an article entitled “Online Coupons” by Deena Waisberg. Hmm, I wonder to myself, what sites does she list? I scan the bolded text box on the bottom right hand side of the page, pretty much assuming it’d be save.ca and the like, and what do I see but – you know what’s coming here don’tcha??? http:smartcanucks.ca !!!!!!!!! Woohoo! That’s Us!! I mean I know it’s Boo Radley (did I mention you’re fantastic!) but collectively it’s us!!!!  Right there in print on page 186 of Canadian Living – wooh Boo your name’s going to be in bright lights! (well, your user name anyway ;-p) Congrats SmartCanucks!!

24 responses to “When What to my Wondering Eyes Should Appear . . .”

  1. kingy says:

    did Boo know about this before hand or should Boo pull a Walmart and threaten legal action?


  2. Litesandsirens911 says:

    Fantastic, I a going to buy three of these issues, one for me, and one for mom and sis!
    Congrats Boo…did you ever think you would be in a Canadian magazine and that SC would be growing as much as it is?
    Good for you!

  3. Melody113 says:


  4. lyssa says:

    this is exciting

  5. Heather says:

    Haha, pull a Walmart, I am so using that, hehe

  6. Alberta Girl says:

    Congrats Boo and everyone who makes this site so incredible

  7. Tara says:

    YAY!!!!!! I get this mag so I’ll have a copy–how wonderful! I had an Aaron Carter website way back in the day and my site was named/listed in some mags/books–it’s a big accomplishment! Short lived, but no doubt it’s a great thing!! Well done Boo!!!!!!!!!! And well done SC!!!!!!

  8. Sallycat says:

    Congrats SC, on being mentioned in Canadian Living. I hope this site lasts forever because I don’t know what I’d do without it! I have saved so much and have gotten so many promotional freebies. Thanks SC. Keep up the great work!

  9. hadacareer says:


  10. bargainboy says:

    Smartcanucks.ca was mentioned in last week’s Ottawa Citizen too I believe.

  11. Zay says:

    Way to Go! Smartcanucks is the best.

  12. spice_43 says:

    yeah for us!!!

  13. declan's mom says:

    fantastic!! way to go SC!

  14. Doris says:

    I first saw SC on TV! CTV I think it was! Article was “ways to save”…I copied the web site down, the rest is History, so they say. Thanks for all the updates…..I always used “coupons”, when I can – and it always nice to receive something free once in awhile too!

  15. trisha says:

    thats awesome for boo i absolutely love this site i look at it 5xs a day …. trish

  16. cheapskate101 says:

    very cool!

  17. cdnwaterboy says:

    congrats boo and community, thanks for all the hard work 🙂

  18. Boo Radley says:

    Thanks everyone for your wonderful support and thanks blueegg for posting about this 😀

  19. Ann says:

    I just got my magazine yesterday, and read that article first. Who is Jennifer from Orillia anyway, what is her screen name? Just curious.

  20. Lori says:

    While I think it’s great that smartcanucks gets mentioned and is getting publicity, I feel that this site should only have gotten publicity AFTER the cash back was working properly. ONE of the nice features about this site is “cash back” rewards and that is one of the reasons I joined here. Though, I am loving the other features, I wished I had known before I made all my purchases through here that this was being revamped. I have no idea if any of my transactions went through or not !! My account doesn’t even show I made any transactions here. I do realize how long testing can take but at the same time, was not aware there was any such thing going on. And I am pretty sure I am not alone in feeling this way.

  21. Alex says:

    “did Boo know about this before hand or should Boo pull a Walmart and threaten legal action?”~kingy

    No trademark on free speech
    Copyright protection was not designed to insulate corporations from public criticism

  22. Ilissa says:

    Very exciting! Congrats! 🙂

  23. Lynn49 says:

    I just hope that everyone who joins after reading that article is as nice as the people I’ve met here since I joined…Thanks, everyone for making this such a nice, soft place to land each day…;-)

  24. Thanks SC for letting us know the best deals on the web. The give aways/freebies you mention are a treat to get. Keep going for more 🙂


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