Zellers Canada Get a $10 Savings Card with $40 Purchase on HBC Card

Canadian Deals & Coupons


This week when you spend $40 at Zellers and pay for that purchase with an HBC credit card you will receive a $10 savings card to use towards you next purchase at Zellers.  The savings card needs to be used between October 29 and November 4 but there doesn’t seem to be a minimum amount spent in order to use it.  Remember though, you have to pay with an HBC credit card to qualify.

Thanks to Melody113 for posting this deal for us.

5 responses to “Zellers Canada Get a $10 Savings Card with $40 Purchase on HBC Card”

  1. dearange says:

    I was just there buying boots for the kids 🙂 I put them through in 2 different transactions and they gave me a $10 card for each purchase!
    Fantastic deal.

  2. Nelles says:

    I did the same thing! Put two different transaction through and got a $10 card for each! Woo hoo!

    I didn’t realize it was on all week, I thought it was just for today. I guess that means that I will have to go back for that $40 electric knife that I have wanted since my other one bit the dust.

    I think I’ll use the cards to buy other gift cards for Christmas shopping or for presents, as you have to spend the cards before Nov 4th.

  3. joy says:

    oh so you can buy a diff gift card using zeller’s gift card? thanks!

  4. Dee says:

    Just so you know, it says right on the back of the card that it can’t be used to purchase other gift cards:)

  5. Minou says:

    Went today to buy the Arrow shirts that are on sale this week. I’ve been waiting for a sale to buy them for Christmas gifts. They seem to be ringing up at slightly less than the posted price… is there some kind of additional discount today?? I think they were supposed to be $18.79, and they were ringing up at $17.49. The long-sleeved polos were priced at $22 something and ringing up at $20 something. Too bad I don’t have an SPC!

    Anyway, I did two transactions and got 2 cards. Zellers customer service/pricing errors bug me like crazy, so I’ll be sure to take full advantage of any great offers that’ll save me significant money. I won’t be doing my regular shopping there, though!


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