Anne Dougherty

Canadian Coupons: $2 Off Two Dove Bar Soap Or Body Wash

We have a new coupon available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal this morning. Save $2 when you purchase any two Dove Beauty Bars or Dove Body Wash products with this coupon. It is a SmartSouce coupon so a limit of two prints per computer does apply in this case. The coupon does not …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $2 On Air Wick Holiday Products *Printable Coupon*

A new coupon is available through, to help fill your home with the scents of the holidays, now that Halloween is behind us. Save $2 on any one Air Wick holiday product with this printable coupon. Scents included are Warm Apple Crisp, and Vanilla Bakery Treat. Don’t forget the the AirWick Freshmatic Try Me …Read More

Canadian Mail In Rebates: New Resolve Try Me Free Available Through SmartSaver

With all of the endless mail in rebates that have been available for this product over the years, I’m not sure I’ve actually actually paid for it. Here is your chance to get yet another Resolve product for free with this new mail in rebate available through SmartSource. This new try me free offer is …Read More

VIP SampleSource Offers Coming Soon!

Hopefully most of you have received your SampleSource boxes, or will be receiving them in the next couple of days. While we will have to wait a while until the next sample box becomes available, stay tuned, as there are VIP Member sample offers coming soon! Watch your emails for invitations from SampleSource, as select …Read More

Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $4 on Nexxus Hair Care

The Walmart Canada coupon portal has a brand new coupon for you this afternoon. Save $4 on the purchase of any Nexxus hair care product, with this coupon that can either be printed, or mailed to your home. Nexxus products range in price from around $14 for some products, and up to about $30 for …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $2.50 On Flamingo Quisine General Tao Chicken *Printable Coupon*

Flamingo has added a new chicken product to their line up, and the have a new coupon that you can print to try it out! Save $2.50 on the purchase of Flamingo Quisine General Tao chicken with this printable coupon, available through the Flamingo website. I think $2.50 is of fairly high value for this …Read More

No Frills Ontario: Pampers Wipes $1 After Coupon

This week is your chance to stock up on an essential item for a great price if you have a baby, or even if you don’t! Pampers wipes tubs, the 56-72 count package, is on sale for $2 this week at No Frills Ontario. Use the $1 coupon from the P&G Everday coupon portal, and …Read More

Baby Deals And Offers In Flyers Until November 3rd

We have your list of deals on baby items in the flyers this week.  Save on food & formula diapers & wipes toiletries furniture and more. Click here to view the list.

Free Nicorette Gum Sample And $5 Coupon Through Smokers’ Helpline

Thank you to our forum member Shwa Girl for letting us know about this free offer for a sample of Nicorette Gum and $5 coupon, available through Smokers’ Helpline. To access the free sample order form, you must first register for Smokers’ Helpline. After joining you may request your free sample of Nicorette Gum, with …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $2 On Garnier Olia *Printable Coupon*

Garnier has a new coupon that you can print, for $2 off the purchase of Olia hair colour. To claim your coupon, you can click the link below, where you can then enter all of your information, including email and mailing address. I used my email address that I typically use for these sign ups, …Read More

SmartCanucks Official Hot Canadian Deals and Coupons to go With Flyer Savings October 28th – November 3rd

Here is the official SmartCanucks coupon match up list for the week of October the 28th to the 3rd of November.  Another week of sales is upon us and as always there are plenty of great deals with coupons across the country, so make sure to check out our list before you head out shopping. …Read More

Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $2 On High Liner Marinated Portions or Pan-Sear Selects

A brand new coupon has just become available through the Walmart Canada coupon portal. Save $2 on the purchase of any High Liner Marinated Portions 454g or Pan-Sear Selects Strips 500g. This coupon is available in both printable and mail to home versions, which is good news for those of you unable to print. If …Read More

No Frills Ontario: Free Danone Danino After Coupon

Here is a another freebie from No Frills Ontario this week, with a printable coupon that is currently still available to everyone. The flyer for this week, valid from tomorrow the 28th of October, to the 3rd of November, shows Danone Danino drinkable yogurt 4x93ml for just $1. The DanOn printable coupon portal currently has …Read More

No Frills Ontario: Free Nordica Cottage Cheese After Coupon

I have been saving a certain coupon for the right deal, and here it finally is! From October the 28th to November the 3rd, No Frills Ontario has Nordica Cottage Cheese 500g on sale for $2. There is a coupon that you may have that makes it completely free. If you are a subscriber to …Read More

Food Basics Ontario: Friskies Cat Food 88 Cents After Coupon

If you have a cat in your home, this week you will be able to take advantage of this fantastic deal on cat food for under $1 after coupon at Food Basics Ontario. In the latest flyer, Friskies Cat Food 1.4-1.5kg is on sale for $3.88. There is a printable SmartSource coupon which is still …Read More

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