
Globo Shoes Canada’s Adidas Sale Online Only: Save up to $20 on their Men’s & Women’s Footwear, Backpacks for $39.99, Sport Gags for $15.99 & FREE Shipping on Everything!

Globo Shoes Canada is having some new back to school deals online on their Adidas products. For a limited time only, you  can save up to $20 on select men’s and women’s Adidas footwear, select backpacks for $39.99 and select sport bags for $15.99. PLUS, they are having a FREE shipping promotion right now where …Read More

**HOT** Addition Elle Canada Online Deals: Buy One Get One FREE On All Sale Items Until August 24th!

AdditionElle Canada is having a new online deal where you can Buy One, Get One FREE on all sale items!!! Wow, this is amazing because most of their sale items are already heavily discounted, which means you’ll get it for super cheap and then something else for free – talk about a steal. This deal …Read More

Kitchen Stuff Plus Canada: Get More Than 20 Amazing Back to School Items For $10 Each – It’s Gotta Be Red Hot Deals!

Kitchen Stuff Plus is offering amazing deals for $10 this week only! Get discounts on kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom items for your home from August 21st to August 28th. This is perfect if you’re doing some last minute back to school shopping for dorm or a new student home. You can only receive the discount …Read More

Hudson’s Bay Canada Beauty Offers: Get 6 FREE Samples with Any Beauty Purchase Online Only!

Hudson’s Bay Canada just released an awesome new freebie. Online online, you can get 6 samples for FREE with any beauty purchase. The best part about this freebie is that you get to choose from 12 different samples! However, keep in mind that samples are limited and subject to availability. You may choose a max …Read More

Target Canada Promo: Get a FREE $10 Gift Card When you Spend $50 Storewide Until August 24th!

Target Canada has a new promo going on this weekend from August 22nd until August 24th where you can get a FREE $10 gift card when yo upend $50 or more storewide! This is a great time to do some back to school shopping, considering Target has everything you need to head back to school …Read More

Wind Mobile Canada’s Back to School Student Plans: Unlimited Data, Canada Wide Calling/ Texting & MUCH MORE for Only $35 a Month!

Wind Mobile has just launched a brand new back to school plan for all you students out there who are looking to save money, yet still have a great phone plan! If you join the Wind 35 Plan before September 1st, you’ll only be paying $35 a month! To get this plan, you must head …Read More

It’s Loblaws Canada’s Birthday! Celebrate with A Deal of the Day Every Day until August 28th!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday to Loblaws Canada! Happy birthday to you! To celebrate Loblaw’s 95th birthday, they’re offering you big birthday promotions all week long until August 28th! TODAY, you can get selected varieties of lays chips for $0.95 each (limit 8) and then after, they will be $2.50 …Read More

Newegg Canada’s Back to School Student Offer: Get the Cuisinat Silver PerfecTemp Cordless Electric Programmable Kettle Originally $149.99 on Sale For $79.99 & Free Shipping!

Newegg Canada has a new offer going on where you can save 47% on the Cuisinart CPK-17C Silver PerfectTemp Cordless Electric Programmable Kettle originally $149.99 on sale for $79.99 with free shipping! It has 6 preset temperatures, a memory feature that lets you leave the kettle off the base for up to 2 minutes without it …Read More

Sears Canada’s Lancôme Online Deals: Get a FREE 8 Piece Gift Set with any Lancôme Purchase of $36 or more!

Sears Canada has a new beauty promotion going on right now where you can get a FREE 8 Piece Lancôme gift set with any purchase of $36 or more. I always see this promo available at the Bay or on the Lancome website but never on the Sears website – this is a change! Gift …Read More

Guess Canada’s Sale on Sale: Save an Extra 40% off Sale Items, 30% off Women’s Jeans & Belts, 25% off Men’s Jeans & Belts until August 28th!

Guess Canada is having a new sale on sale promotion going on where you can save an extra 40% off sale items, 30% off women’s jeans & belts & 25% off men’s jeans & belts until August 28th! They offer free Shipping on orders over $99 when you use the promo code: FREESHIP99. Guess has some great jeans …Read More

SportChek Canada’s Back to School Spend & Get Event: Save Up To $50 Off Equipment, Apparel, Footwear & More!

SportChek Canada has just launched a new back to school event, called the “spend and get event”. If you spend $100 or more, you’ll get a $20 savings card and if you spend $250 or more, you’ll get a $50 savings card. You can choose between an online coupon or a promotional card towards your …Read More

Old Navy Back to School Deals: Save 15% If you Spend Under $50, Save 20% if you Spend over $50 & 30% if you Spend over $100 or More!

Old Navy Canada has a new promotion where the more you spend, the more you save, which is perfect if you’re back to school shopping! You can either save 15% off on your purchase if you spend under $50, save 20% off if you spend $50 or more or save 30% off if you spend …Read More

*HOT* Amazon Canada Deal: Get the Bosch Tassimo T55 Coffee/ Tea Brewer Originally $229.99 on Sale for $82.44 & FREE SHIPPING!

Amazon Canada has a new promotion going on where you can save 64% on the Brewer Bosch Tassimo T55 originally $229.99 on sale for $82.44 & free shipping! Wow – this is such a great deal especially if you’re a student heading off to school soon. Instead of waiting 5 minutes while your coffee maker …Read More

Toms Canada’s Online Back to School Footwear Sale: Get $5 Off Orders over $25, $10 Off Orders over $100 & FREE Shipping on Everything Until August 31st!

Are you shopping for new school shoes? Do you want them to be super comfortable and still super cute at the same time? Well, Toms Canada has the comfiest, cutest shoes around and they’re having a back to school online sale where you can save $5 off a $35 purchase when you use the promo …Read More

Ikea Canada Back To School Student Promotions: Get 15% off Computer Desks & Workspaces!

Ikea Canada is having a big back to school promotion where you can save 15% off computer desks & workspaces until August 24th. Of course Ikea has great deals on everything else you need too – whether it’s for your dorm, student house, bathroom, kitchen & the list goes on. I’ve said it once and …Read More

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