Canada Post Unveils The Royal Wedding Stamp Collection



Canada Post has unveiled the highly anticipated Royal Wedding Stamp collection. I have to embarassingly admit I haven’t really been following the Royal Wedding much. (Due to a lack of interest) But I know many are following the couple.

Will you be preordering these special stamps?

27 responses to “Canada Post Unveils The Royal Wedding Stamp Collection”

  1. anisa says:

    no comment!! 🙂

  2. Joy says:

    Oh – completely! I know some folks aren’t fans of the monarchy, but I am and am lapping everything up. 🙂

  3. Pat says:

    Kate has big shoes to fill – Princess Diana is a hard act to follow. I just hope she doesn’t buckle under the pressure. Perhaps William will support her instead of feeding her to the papparazzi wolves like Charles did to poor Diana.

  4. Kelly says:


  5. AmberLab says:

    Won’t pre-order, but I may buy a corner when they come out.

  6. anon says:


  7. cutie says:

    Definitely not. Their pictures are everywhere now and I’m so sick of seeing their pictures again.

  8. linda says:

    can i say this makes me barf? who cares?

  9. linda says:

    this is just a sign of canada being britain’s little poodle

  10. TrixyLuxx says:

    I could care less about their engagement, who cares?

  11. Teal says:

    I don’t think its embarassing to admit that you haven’t been following the details of this wedding.

    I’d find it more embarassing to admit it if I HAD been following.

    The media is all over it to the point of overkill.

  12. kier says:

    i rather spend it to my own personal stamps 🙂

  13. julyprincess says:

    @kier – LOL! Imagine we had those ‘eraser board’ type stamps and we could personalize them anyway we want..haha

  14. Stephania says:

    I’m pretty sick ‘n tired of hearing about them as well…NOT APPLICABLE to my life!

  15. Annatree says:

    Thank you! i am so over these two the media is acting tlike we are all waiting for every single detail about the wedding. Personally I don’t care, can not wait for it to be over so i don’t have to hear about it again. and who is getting up at 3am to watch this wedding? Thank god for
    cable so i will have something to watch that day.

    rant over. thanks.

  16. honeydoo says:

    super boring looking stamps. but to each their own.

    i think it would have been nicer to have an actual photo from the wedding. not just those recycled pics.

  17. Eric says:

    There’s only one wedding I care about this year – my own.

  18. Lina says:

    You’re embarrassed to admit you’re not following the wedding? Serious? Who cares.

  19. shirley says:

    i dont give a rats a$$ about their wedding damn i wish the media would put as much efford into covering “their every day person” who goes out everyday and works and makes a difference in life on a daily basis’s that has to work and put their hard work into getting their wedding paid for, all over the papers. who cares really

  20. Theresa says:

    Just hope that William doesn’t have a “true love” somewhere in the background like his pathetic father did. Can’t wait til this is over!!!

  21. Rodger says:

    My wife and I are taking the day off work to watch the wedding.

  22. jopava says:

    Hundreds of people are here in Canada without family doctors and not money from the goverment to get more soon and the people just care about a wedding? really get a life get involved on something productive!!!

  23. Natalka says:

    On the CP site, you can get other collectibles, as well as UK stamps.

  24. DebD says:

    I’m interested in the wedding, not enough to need to buy the stamps but I will watch the wedding and I’m not embarassed to say that. Does that mean that I don’t care about other things? No it certainly doesn’t!! I’ll spend about as much time watching the wedding as I do watching a movie in the theatre. To each their own I guess.

  25. Ann says:

    I remember getting up early to watch Diana & Charles wedding 30 years ago, and look forward to this wedding as well. I must admit that I will be using my PVR and will watch it in the morning when I wake up at a normal hour. I will also be buying these stamps. Why not? It is nice to have something happy to see on the news for a change. They will be a great future king & queen in my opinion.

  26. Tiggy says:

    WTF I thinks it’s wonderful a Royal wedding with TRUE LOVE!!!!!

  27. jubejube says:

    Can somebody tell me why do we still have a monarchy?


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