Canada Post has unveiled the highly anticipated Royal Wedding Stamp collection. I have to embarassingly admit I haven’t really been following the Royal Wedding much. (Due to a lack of interest) But I know many are following the couple.
Will you be preordering these special stamps?
no comment!! 🙂
Oh – completely! I know some folks aren’t fans of the monarchy, but I am and am lapping everything up. 🙂
Kate has big shoes to fill – Princess Diana is a hard act to follow. I just hope she doesn’t buckle under the pressure. Perhaps William will support her instead of feeding her to the papparazzi wolves like Charles did to poor Diana.
Won’t pre-order, but I may buy a corner when they come out.
Definitely not. Their pictures are everywhere now and I’m so sick of seeing their pictures again.
can i say this makes me barf? who cares?
this is just a sign of canada being britain’s little poodle
I could care less about their engagement, who cares?
I don’t think its embarassing to admit that you haven’t been following the details of this wedding.
I’d find it more embarassing to admit it if I HAD been following.
The media is all over it to the point of overkill.
i rather spend it to my own personal stamps 🙂
@kier – LOL! Imagine we had those ‘eraser board’ type stamps and we could personalize them anyway we want..haha
I’m pretty sick ‘n tired of hearing about them as well…NOT APPLICABLE to my life!
Thank you! i am so over these two the media is acting tlike we are all waiting for every single detail about the wedding. Personally I don’t care, can not wait for it to be over so i don’t have to hear about it again. and who is getting up at 3am to watch this wedding? Thank god for
cable so i will have something to watch that day.
rant over. thanks.
super boring looking stamps. but to each their own.
i think it would have been nicer to have an actual photo from the wedding. not just those recycled pics.
There’s only one wedding I care about this year – my own.
You’re embarrassed to admit you’re not following the wedding? Serious? Who cares.
i dont give a rats a$$ about their wedding damn i wish the media would put as much efford into covering “their every day person” who goes out everyday and works and makes a difference in life on a daily basis’s that has to work and put their hard work into getting their wedding paid for, all over the papers. who cares really
Just hope that William doesn’t have a “true love” somewhere in the background like his pathetic father did. Can’t wait til this is over!!!
My wife and I are taking the day off work to watch the wedding.
Hundreds of people are here in Canada without family doctors and not money from the goverment to get more soon and the people just care about a wedding? really get a life get involved on something productive!!!
On the CP site, you can get other collectibles, as well as UK stamps.
I’m interested in the wedding, not enough to need to buy the stamps but I will watch the wedding and I’m not embarassed to say that. Does that mean that I don’t care about other things? No it certainly doesn’t!! I’ll spend about as much time watching the wedding as I do watching a movie in the theatre. To each their own I guess.
I remember getting up early to watch Diana & Charles wedding 30 years ago, and look forward to this wedding as well. I must admit that I will be using my PVR and will watch it in the morning when I wake up at a normal hour. I will also be buying these stamps. Why not? It is nice to have something happy to see on the news for a change. They will be a great future king & queen in my opinion.
WTF I thinks it’s wonderful a Royal wedding with TRUE LOVE!!!!!
Can somebody tell me why do we still have a monarchy?