I hope everyone had a happy and safe NYE! Do you make New Years resolutions? Is so what resolutions did you make for 2011? I tend not to make any resolutions for the beginning of the year, I give myself until the end of January to “prepare” for my resolution. I’m coming up on 2 years of being a non smoker. I’m still pretty proud of that feat, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve commited to. Have you ever kept any resolutions?
This year I’d like to commit to having a more active and healthy lifestyle. I seriously need to stop loving fresh cut fries as much as I do lol!
I look forward to reading your comments.
Congrats on quitting smoking! I woke up this AM and wrote down a list of things I’d like to work on. Some may call them resolutions… but hey, that works. lol Main ones I don’t mind sharing…
– more time studying the bible!
– quick stretching in the am and pm
– more patience/understanding for my 3 year old creature 😉 HEHE! 🙂
– make my house… more into a home… decorate, de clutter, etc!
– take a water bottle out with me when I leave the house!
I have a green resolution – never to buy Christmas wrapping/ribbon/bows again. I recycled everything this year and am going to collect things throughout the year for wrapping gifts. Saving the planet and money at the same time.
In general terms I would like to lose a few pounds (10-15), become healthier by exercising and eating better, treating my husband better (he is a good husband after all) and paying down our mortgage.
Not so much resolutions as goals.
Mine are:
– Watch my spending more carefully – and only buy things I truly NEED!
– Start exercising more – not to lose weight, but to tone myself and be more fit overall
I am a workaholic since I started my new job and I have a wonderful 2- year old and husband at home. I decided that I need to start taking some time for me at work whether it be making sure to take my lunch break, coffee breaks (I rarely take them) or taking time for a doctor’s appointment.
So that’s my resolution, to stop stressing and take breaks for me because my health depends on it!
Not to sweat the small stuff and remember what is truly important – my family and close friends.
I have to do yoga or some sort of exercise.
These are my New Years Goals
Make every meal I eat (Homemade REAL food only)
Keep track of ALL money going out and coming in (been pretty good about this the last year and I want to keep at it) ~ use a note book and it’s been working great to never go over budget
Stick to my healthy eating plan and continue to lose weight (already lost 30lbs)
De-clutter and De-Clutter!!!
Maximize my Swagbucks and online paid surveys to make the most I can from home.
I made one resolution per month, while trying to maintain the ones from the previous months. Everything take 4-6 weeks to become routine, which makes it more likely you will be successful.
I don’t usually do resolutions because more often than not, they’ve been broken. However I did keep one resolution and that was to quit smoking 10yrs ago.
in the past my resolutions have included not to eat meat(you have no idea how good steak the next year on The first tasted!) Do something nice for someone else every day (this one wasn’t as easy as it sounds but I did it and feel it has made me a much more patient person still try to do it is as often as possible)And last year was to lose weight and live healthier (110 lbs later I am happy to say for the first time in my life wanting to lose weight or feeling fat are not daily issues plus I have so much more energy for my kids!
This year I have 2 resolutions
1.Sundays will be for family no matter what is going on in the world
2. I am going to keep track of all coupon savings this year(kinda think the losing 110 pounds was easier)
I want to kick my caffeine addiction. I drink 3 -4 cups of coffee a day.
I don’t want to end up having osteoporosis like my mother.
Drink more water, spend less money on unnecessary items (eg. makeup).
Our main resolution this year is to not buy anything made in China. We believe that we are too dependant on it. When you start checking labels we were surprised how much is made there. It will be hard but we will try.Happy New Year everyone.
I want to lose 10 – 15 pounds and actually follow through with it! so many times my drive only lasts a few days and I fall back to the same routine of eating junky food but this year is a clean slate and I really want to succeed!