Canadian Blogs: Glimpse

Canadian Blogs

Featured Blog: Glimpse

Run by two moms with a love for Canadian parenting products, Glimpse offers reviews and giveaways on Canadian-made products that will appeal to moms and kids alike.  Everything from cloth diapers to chemical-free soaps are reviewed.  It’s a great resource for those of you looking to shop Canadian, and it seems as though there’s almost always a giveaway going on!

A blog featuring Canadian products is a great idea and I’m glad to see that it’s turned out so well.  My only complaint is that all of the products featured relate to parents and parenting — I’d love to see a companion site that showcased a variety of products that are Canadian made!  After all – who doesn’t want an Ookpik review?

3 responses to “Canadian Blogs: Glimpse”

  1. tracyo says:

    Thanks for the great link. I always love the sites that I can relate to. I will checking this one out quite often. Thanks again :O)

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  3. Marlee says:

    Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me.


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