Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Apple & Eve Water Fruit Juice *Printable Coupon*


SmartSource has a new hidden coupon available for you to print. This coupon is valid for $1 off the purchase of Apple & Eve Waterfruits Juice in the 8 pack juice box format.

Waterfruits juices are made with real fruit and coconut water, and contain no artifical sweeteners, flavours, or colours, making it a healthy alternative to some of the other juice boxes available for children. There are three flavours to choose from: Very Berry Blast, Tropical Fruit Twister, and Fruit Punch Frenzy. For more information about these products, and to find out where they are sold, you can click here to visit Apple & Eve online.

This is a SmartSource coupon so you will be capped at two prints of the coupon per computer.

Click here to print your coupon for $1 off Apple & Eve Waterfruits 6.75oz juice boxes.

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