Drum Roll please…. Enter here to win an Autographed copy of Michael Bublé’s latest Cd “Crazy Love” and a collection of his 4 previous Cd’s! Enter Daily


Woot woot! As promised this week I have the opportunity to offer Smart Canucks readers a chance to win one of three Michael Bublé Cd prizes!

First place – An autographed copy of Michael Bublés latest cd “Crazy Love” and a copy of each of his previously released Cd’s (4)!

Second and Third place will receive the “Crazy Love” Cd!

Before I get into the rules heres some information on Mr Bublé:

Crazy love, Michael Bublé’s first studio recording in two and a half years, features two original songs along with his always unique take on 11 standards from various eras. The multi Grammy and Juno Award winning artist hunkered down in recording studios in LA, Brooklyn, New York and his hometown of Vancouver for six months to make his “ultimate record about the inevitable roller coaster ride of relationships.” The album’s first single, “Haven’t Met You Yet,” was written by Bublé (with Alan Chang and Amy Foster). Additional tunes on the album include “Cry Me A River,” “You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You,” “Georgia On My Mind” and “Baby (You’ve Got What It Takes)” which was performed with Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings. Bublé also performs a duet with Canadian songwriter Ron Sexsmith on a version Sexsmith’s own Top 5 hit, “Whatever It Takes.”

Michael Bublé has sold over 22 million CDs worldwide. His previous album, the award winning Call Me Irresponsible (2007) was a number one album in over 15 countries. His 2005 CD It’s Time holds the record as the longest running title to remain on the Billboard Traditional Jazz charts – a full two years. It sat in the Number One position for over 80 weeks.

1. The contest will be open from Today until Thursday February 25th 2010 at 11am, and is open to all Canadians over the age of 18

2. Enter simply by posting a comment about Mr Buble

3. You can enter once a day, but only once a day ( We will disqualify if yo do not follow rules.)

4. Winners will be drawn randomly and posted on the blog on February 25 2010 at 12pm

5. Winners will be given my email address to provide home addresses so prizes can be sent out. You will have one week to get this information to me, failure to do so may result in a new winner drawn.

Good luck everyone, and oh ya… Save the last dance for me 😉

1,018 responses to “Drum Roll please…. Enter here to win an Autographed copy of Michael Bublé’s latest Cd “Crazy Love” and a collection of his 4 previous Cd’s! Enter Daily”

  1. marlyss says:

    First comment here at SC!!!
    My daughters BOTH LOVE Michale Buble!!!
    We would love to win these CD’s!!!

  2. mommaC says:

    loved him on SNL

  3. ratatouille says:

    He was really good on SNL! Dead on!!!

  4. Kari says:

    Love his music, would love to win his cd’s!

  5. Angi says:

    Love his sound, and that he is Canadian

  6. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    He is very talented. I would love to win!

  7. CL100 says:

    He’s a lovely crooner…Canadian crooner. yummy!

  8. Dave says:

    My wife and I are seeing him in August!

  9. cjmommy says:

    I love Michael Buble! Such a great talent (and pretty darn cute too!).

  10. brittney says:

    I wish Michael would save his last dance for me. His music always puts me in a good mood, such a delight to listen to. Hes worked so hard to get to where he is, he really deserves his success.

  11. SKD says:

    He was great on David Letterman!

  12. miniv says:

    He’s so talented! He’s awesome!!!

  13. AprilD says:

    He is so good looking..oh and he can sing pretty well too!

  14. cjworld says:

    My wife and I had in past months a couple of nice dinners out and we noticed and made comment that the background music was Frank Sinatra style music and how much we were surprised we enjoyed it. Have picked up a few cd’s of this style and enjoyed seeing Michael Buble on “The Hour” so this would be a great addition to our small collection.

  15. kduever says:

    Love his music – hope I win.

  16. tofuu says:

    WOW I LOVE THIS MAN! going to see him in august!! 😀

  17. Noshie says:

    I’m looking for an opportunity to see him live. But for now I would certainly LOVE to own his CD collection!

  18. cw says:

    He’s my sister’s favorite artist.

  19. Ian says:

    he is the man!

  20. bargainlover84 says:

    He’s dreamy!

  21. Natalka says:

    I just think it’s wonderful that he has done SO well, to help rekindle that ‘magical’ type of crooner music, and make it hip, man!
    Frankie and Sammy would be proud!

  22. 7mountains says:

    My 2 young daughters really enjoy music….they are keen to know that their Dad really enjoys his music. The girls can tell right away when they hear his voice on the radio that it is Michael Buble. They always shout out “that’s Daddy’s favourite song!!” Love to win the CD!!

  23. BRENDA says:

    woot! woot! Michael BUBLE. I love you. What an outstanding preformer & singer you are.

  24. albertamommie says:

    Awesome on SNL!

  25. Kelly says:

    love HIM and his MUSIC….go buble!!Make us canucks proud!

  26. evil.kitten says:

    Oh my god Bublé has such an amazing voice.

    Is it too cocky to compare him to Frank Sinatra?

    He’s such an old soul singer like him… And very easy on the eyes 😉

  27. Jennifer says:

    Great giveaway! Love Michael Buble – hope I win 🙂

  28. Owdatoon says:

    The entire family quite enjoy listening to Michael. My twin daughters were the ones that introduced the rest of the family to this crooner..

  29. Jackie says:

    Buble is hot.

  30. Patricia says:

    Wow…what a great contest. I love Michael Buble. Tried to get tickets to see him in Toronto last week but all that remained after the fanclub presale were nosebleeds. I love him but not enough to spend $100 a ticket and not even get close enough to see his face without binoculars 🙂

  31. Katy says:

    Love, Love, love Michael Buble – his song “Everything” is the song I have sang to my son every single time he has ever gone to sleep. Such a special one for us.
    His music just makes me feel happy!

  32. Alexa19jm says:

    Michael Buble was a torchbearer for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics! Way to go Michael!!!

  33. sdab says:

    Michael Buble singing 50 cent’s 99 Problems, jazz-style on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos was the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in ages.

  34. so proud of micheal buble first of all being a canadian .he has come a long
    way these past few years. he has fans young and old that soft voice we all love and his boyish looks.wishing him all the best in his new endeavours
    we love you micheal

  35. Maria says:

    Smooooth – like melting butta.

  36. Redundant says:

    I adore Micheals singing..yay to Canada for having such an accomplished singer among us

  37. jeannie says:

    I saw him run the torch relay the day before the start of the Olympics!! Love him!

  38. Argo53 says:

    You won’t find many artists that appeal to a wider audience. My daughter, my mother and I all enjoy his artistry.

  39. AmberLab says:

    Alright Sally, you say I don’t listen to enough music so I’m entering to discover the world of Mr. B. 🙂

  40. Jessica says:

    Another great Canadian!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  41. Zook says:

    Love Michael Buble!

  42. phgirly says:

    Great talent. Love his crooner style.

  43. Greg says:

    my sister will blotz!!

  44. Naomi says:

    Great contest. I love him!

  45. gomo2010 says:

    Great local talent. My daughter in law thinks he’s the greatest.

  46. Farz says:

    Everyone in my family and circle of friends love his songs and style! Michael all the way!

  47. abfab says:

    Michael Buble gets better and better with each album. I really hope I win!

  48. Shah says:

    Yehey to this contest! Thanks for organizing it! Good luck to everyone! 🙂

  49. dealsniffer says:

    He loves the Vancouver Canucks. lol that is the tidbit I know about him. oh and he has the most amazing voice EVER!! He is also sooo funny!

  50. Edward says:

    He is awesome! I love his songs.

  51. midnight_drfiter says:

    Love his music and his way of performing it live!

  52. seapotato says:

    he filmed one of his videos near where i live!

  53. lola says:

    I LOVE HIM!!!!!!

  54. srishayini says:

    Love his songs. My hubby and daughter adore him.

  55. sunshine88 says:

    love him!!! can’t wait for his concert in august!

  56. mummyto2 says:

    He is super HOT!! lol
    and is an amazing singer!!!!

  57. misterpete says:

    Michael rocks!
    Another great example of excellent Canadian music!

  58. Hotdot says:

    my boyfriend wishes he was Michael Buble because he is engaged to a 22 year old!

  59. MissSpell says:

    Michael Buble rocks, can’t wait to see his show!

  60. Catherine L says:

    Love, love, love Michael Buble. Excited to see him do some of the Olympic commentary!

  61. Mel says:

    I saw his show last time he was in Ottawa. He’s amazing! I’m so happy he’s coming back in August. I got my tickets!

  62. Robyn H says:

    LOVE Michael Buble!

  63. Renata says:

    Michael is so great!

  64. Matty's Mom says:

    Is it wrong for a married woman to say that he is “yummy”??? 😉 SIGH!

  65. Momof2 says:

    He is a fantastic artist.. Love his music=)
    Good luck to the winner..

  66. Suzanne says:

    Would love Michaels CD, watch him on Ellen last week. Love him!

  67. Rice says:

    Would love to win!

  68. Zayxic says:

    Haha, just saw him on CTV… Love that he’s Canadian!

  69. simo_8 says:

    My sister would love this! I could give it to her as part of her birthday present!!!

  70. Pauline says:

    My daughter just loves Michael! Hope I can win the CD for her.

  71. peppers says:

    and… isn’t he part owner of the Vancouver Giants? Go Hockey!

  72. Kali says:

    My grandma and I used to always watch the Michael Buble concert on DVD and she always wanted me to marry him <3 She said he would adore me. I would absolutley love his CD’s though even though I dont plan to marry him!

  73. Laurie says:

    He make’s me love jazz music!

  74. Klovett says:

    Love his music. Not matter what music your into you can’t help but sing along to his. I love it.

  75. Jennie says:

    I love Michael 😀

  76. starrynight8765 says:

    I saw his concert in Moncton in 2008… amazing!

  77. Frugal.Tea says:

    This is an awesome contest. His voice is amazing & his personality rocks. He always has me cracking up during his interviews.

  78. arlene says:

    Love his music, but I really want to win for my Mom – she’s a real jazz lover!!!

  79. snow_yong says:

    Pick me please!

  80. billydolly says:

    I never liked this genre of music until Michael Buble came along. He is fabulous!

  81. macica says:

    I’m a big Michael Buble fan and would love to win this contest. I love singing along to his music.

  82. klio says:

    Saw his show in Calgary couple years ago, it was amazing!

  83. MEGHAN says:

    he’s definately made his mark. His songs have been in movies, everyone uses his music for weddings, dates, get togethers etc…
    his music is a good staple in any music collection.

  84. Radio says:


  85. ThatguyRob says:

    Always wanted to see his performaces

  86. agads says:

    I love him!

  87. katjwt says:

    He is absolutely fabulous in concert

  88. sooboy says:

    wonderful singer

  89. Mike says:

    What a great prize. It would make for a few romantic nights!

  90. Nydia says:

    What a great contest! I am a huge fan of Michael Buble’s and am going to see him in concert this August in Toronto!!

  91. Angela says:

    Love him!!

  92. couponcrazy32 says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, did I say that I LOVE his music?

  93. jonjon says:

    Gotta love a Canadian who is full of himself! Love his music.

  94. Josie says:

    He is an amazing singer with a great attitude.

  95. Shop Girl says:

    I love Michael Bublé, I especially love his song, “Home”!!

  96. Puddin57 says:

    His voice is like aged whisky….smmmmooooottthhhhhhh

  97. Denise D says:

    I would like to win a cd of Michael Bublé

    He’s so cute and sexy !

    Furthermore, I love his songs.

  98. Agata says:

    Quite simply: YUM!

  99. JA says:

    really love his music!

  100. Ladydi says:

    To have such a Canadian crooner like Michael Buble with so much talent and so nice, makes you proud to be a Canadian. Who would not love to have his CD’s

  101. Nora says:

    Great music – Love it!!

    Thanks for the contest

  102. ukonjacki says:

    Michael Buble ROCKS MY WORLD!!!!

  103. Carla says:

    He can sing to me any time!

  104. jennajul2001 says:

    He’s great. I love him!

  105. JenP says:

    I wish I wasn’t married 🙂

  106. boyzmom33 says:

    I’d love to win this…………his voice is amazing!

  107. CarlyinCanada says:

    Oh wonderful contest! I love Michael Buble! We play his CD’s when we go sailing! oh so romantic! LOL Have him on my Ipod too!
    I just watched a concert on TV with him lately (small audience & very personal) forget what channel tho…

    Good luck to all! 🙂

  108. sandray says:

    I love Michael Buble. He not only sings but he is a great entertainer.
    He was so funny on SNL.

  109. nanna says:

    He has a great voice and personality.

  110. aussie says:

    I love Micheal Buble!!! we ate at his aunt’s restaurant in Chilliwack, BC in 2007!!
    Good luck everyone!!!

  111. Andie says:

    Love his music – but i still think he was mad to let Emily Blunt get away!

  112. meguwo says:

    I LOVE BUBLE!!!! Thanks Sally!

  113. Didier says:

    buble is amazing!!! cant wait to see him when he comes to toronto:P

  114. chronosfire says:

    Would love these!!!!

  115. Cecilia says:

    Ahhhh, I loved him ever since I was 14.
    And I was so disappointed when his concert sold out in the Toronto area!!

  116. missbobloblaw says:

    This would be an awesome gift for my sister- we are going to the Winnipeg show- which is on her Birthday! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!!

  117. bonita! says:

    His voice is perfection!

  118. Smartnewbie says:

    All I can say is “LOVE HIM”!

  119. Mokka says:

    My best friend loves him so much. He is so amazing!

  120. I am glad he is Canadian

  121. Christa says:

    He seems like sucha great person and has an awesome voice

  122. Jessica says:

    Got tickets for August!!

  123. Belly says:

    Saw him on the Today show this morning. His granny and sisters baked treats for Matt Lauer. How cute is that?

  124. S.J. Yew says:

    I saw him in the TV Show “Las Vegas” where he did Buble in a Bubble mime… hahaha

  125. Toni Whitnell says:

    Michael Bublé has sold over 22 million CDs worldwide, great for a Canadian singer!

  126. Love Michael Buble! I would love to win this. 🙂

  127. Alison Ralph says:

    Too bad he’s engaged! I love him so much.

  128. ErinP says:

    Love his music!

  129. momofkali says:

    He is very easy on the eyes and the ears!

  130. Pamela M says:

    I love his music so much. I would love to win this.

  131. dot says:

    I love his voice 🙂

  132. Dimi says:

    He’s such a cutie !!! Love him !

  133. Supafly says:

    Missed him the last time he was in my city but next time I won’t … I hear he gives a great show!

  134. 2jk19 says:

    I love all his songs! I would love to win the cds!!

  135. Celine says:

    Looooooooove him!!!!!! Love his music!

  136. Michelle says:

    I would love to have all his cds! When I do my housecleaning, I listen to him 🙂

  137. Antennae says:

    Can you choo-choo-choose me please?

  138. lisa says:

    Love his old school style…watched him on the hour’s xmas special…another great contest!!

  139. carol says:

    Already got my ticket for his Canadian tour stop in Winnipeg! Can’t wait!

  140. Cocoabean17 says:

    Saw him in concert, he was great!!

  141. Nujhat says:

    Love this guy’s voice!!!

  142. Fleetingleaf says:

    ohhh I want to win 🙂

  143. marc-andre taillefer says:

    Love his music, would love to win his cd’s!

  144. Sylvia says:

    He has a wonderful voice, very talented.

  145. Maggie says:

    Love his music so much!

  146. Val says:

    He’s the best, love his music 🙂

  147. suzifevens says:

    i love michael buble – he’s canadian, he’s quirky, he’s an awesome singer – what’s not to love??

  148. Agnes says:

    I love his songs !
    Thanks for this contest 🙂

  149. FDF says:

    save the last dace for me is my fav michael buble song !!!

  150. mtlyorel says:

    Michael Bublé is one of the best jazz coroners…

  151. mtlyorel says:

    Ooops…sorry typo…CROONERS.

    Hope I win!

  152. Chi of Steel says:

    The girlfriend is a big fan!

  153. Bianca says:

    He is funny and adorably cute!!

  154. karen says:

    He is sooooooo cute! I love his voice

  155. Stephanie says:

    Michael Buble is adorable!!

  156. austinel says:

    Buble is amazing!

  157. Tammy Hynes says:

    What’s not to like about Buble!

  158. freestuffforme says:

    He deserves those Grammy and Juno awards!

  159. Dark_Angel says:

    Michael Bublé is one of Canada’s best!!!

  160. carolp8 says:

    I love his music!

  161. I have three sisters and we all love Buble even his name is sexy but his voice is addicting I absolutely love his music, especially Crazy Love!!!!!!!!

  162. nekonc says:

    This is fantastic! I saw Micheal at the Rexall when he stopped by for a concert. Fantastic performer!

  163. Sacha Rowe says:

    He is coming to Calgary and I really wish I could go!

  164. Suzanne says:

    I just love his music!

  165. Evelyn Beatson says:

    I think he is a great performer and very carismatic!

  166. Lori says:

    My husband and I love to put on candles, have a glass of wine, listen to Michael. Its always Valentine’s Day. THANK YOU MICHAEL

  167. Leanne Tucker says:

    Proud to be Canadian! Love Michael Bublé!!!

  168. Kim says:

    Love that voice! He’s redone some great classics, and it’s a good alternative to a lot of the mainstream hip/hop rap songs out there right now.

  169. Mel says:

    Mr. Buble did a great rendition of O Canada with Steven Colbert today outside of Science World…to the melody of the Star-Spangled Banner.

  170. cdnchk says:

    I quite enjoy his music and take on some old standards. I can’t help but think this is how many felt about Frank Sinatra back then.

  171. Steve D says:

    My gf likes him, and she would love this!

  172. CandyP says:

    Michael is such a sweetie.

  173. Dianne says:

    Such a heavenly voice!!!

  174. Jen L. says:

    I love his new song. I’d love to win this!

  175. stellar says:

    Mr Buble can serenade me anyday 🙂

  176. Jan says:

    Buble is a great singer

  177. Annie says:

    This is a great contest! I love Michael Buble and his beautiful voice! My husband and I danced to him for our first dance at our wedding!

  178. Weeeooojr says:

    I wanna win! I think we own all of his CD’s except for this one. Gotta love his songs!

  179. Mirian says:

    I would love to have his latest CD!

  180. KB says:

    Bublé has a great voice! And great hair 🙂

  181. ownedbytoby says:

    I just saw an interview this morning with him talking about the Olympics, he’s such a hottie! 🙂

  182. Christina says:

    Got my tickets for August in Toronto…can’t wait!

  183. rob says:

    Bubble, bubble, Buble’s double!

  184. Pam says:

    love his music! would be great to win!

  185. Kathy says:

    What can I say…the man’s got talent. Can listen to him anytime….

  186. itsjustmebub says:

    my comment of the day is that Michael Buble looks like a little boy with his huge grin all the time and it makes me smile 😛

  187. bigred says:

    His music fills my heart….

  188. Tammy C. says:

    Absolutely love Michael Buble! So talented, cute and he’s Canadian. By far one of my favourite artists, and I can’t wait to see him in concert this summer.

  189. heididesiree says:

    Love his music

  190. poohbear2973 says:

    He’s great. A friend of mine is taking care of her 4 year old niece who got to go on stage with him. How awesome is that?
    If I win I’d send the CDs to her.

  191. thekaraokechick says:

    he is one of my favourites artists-love the sound of his music
    and would love to win the cd!!!

  192. karen maxwell says:

    he’s AWE…sooommmme!!!

  193. TT says:

    I heart MB! Love his voice and music!

  194. hustonville says:

    he can croon to me any time!!!!

  195. ghemotoc says:

    Young, sexy and a golden voice!:)

  196. kato says:

    Awesome artist! Great Contest!

  197. Ping R says:

    my daughter loooooooooves him! she really wants to go to his concert this august.

  198. Lighting Gal says:

    Fantastic Artist, Got to see him perform when he did the Juno’s in Calgary he was great, and I am going to see him again when he come to Calgary in August!! I am so excited.

    Thanks Boo for this contest!

  199. vancouverchick says:

    I would never have to buy my friend another gift if I won this!

  200. Kat says:

    I love Michael Buble. Been a huge fan for eons…

  201. Jane says:

    Buble is awesome and I love his voice

  202. Rachaelv says:

    Great music! Would love to win. Loved him on Oprah and love how he talks about being broken hearted when Emily Blunt left him! So sad.

  203. starri.kari says:

    Haha, I remember him from SNL – Hamm & Buble! He’s great!

  204. Veronica says:

    Buble’s music makes me wanna dance

  205. t says:

    mmmm Buble!

  206. Melanie says:

    I tried to get tickets for his show in London in August, but they are sold out!! 🙁

  207. Patty says:

    Love all his songs. + him. =D

  208. Carol says:

    He’s from my hometown! and he has an amazing voice!

  209. Erica says:

    My mom loves Michael Buble! I would love to win his collection for her!

  210. irene says:


  211. MarisasMom says:


  212. nuwala says:

    From my hometown…

  213. MovieMinx says:

    Michael Buble is dreamy! He has such a connection to his audience, I wish I could see him live again. His music is timeless.
    (fingers crossed to win the Crazy Love CD!)

  214. Talia says:

    I love Michael Buble!

  215. Jen says:

    My sister is in love with him!

  216. Lillian says:

    love his music!

  217. Norbolio says:

    I saw Michael Buble live last year.

    He can serenade me anytime. He is the best!

  218. Melanie says:

    Love his music and smooth voice!
    Great contest!

  219. Kathryn says:

    My grandmother LOVE Michael Buble, she watches him on every tv special he is on!! I would love to win this for her!!

  220. noah says:

    He was wonderful in his Madison Sq Gardens performance.

  221. FunShopper says:

    He’s got a great voice. Would love to win his cd!

  222. A says:

    Wonderful singer.

  223. crystal says:


  224. silver says:

    What a smooth voice. I could listen to him all day!

  225. infinity-ad says:

    Just discovered his songs. He’s amazing!

  226. chez123000 says:

    Love that he is being an ambassador for Vancouver with the foreign press that are in Vancouver for the Olympics. He is truly proud to be a Canadian. Good for him.

  227. Paula says:

    Hot, Sexy, and taken! Story of my life

  228. polacco65 says:

    Love the way he sings!

  229. stephanie says:


  230. Mary L says:

    Love Michael Buble. Seen him on Ellen last week. He was so cute!

  231. TaraF says:

    Michael Buble rocks! He reminds me of a young Frank Sinatra.

  232. Linda Peters says:

    he makes me want to dance (with Him would be nice) thanks

  233. wimbly11 says:

    I love him so much and would love to see one of his concerts!

  234. Kim says:

    loved him on SNL and he is hot hot hot!

  235. oceanblue says:

    Cool contest!
    I LOVE Micheal Buble!!!
    When i was preggo and I would play Buble.. DS would calm right down. 🙂

  236. samantha says:

    I’m in 🙂

  237. Andree says:

    My mom LOOOOOVES Michael Buble. So do I, but she’s had such a hard time, getting this would be the perfect pick-me-up.

  238. melissa says:

    I love his music!!! My mom got me hooked

  239. Marnie says:

    I love his music. Would love to win.

  240. Marre says:

    Michael is hot!!

  241. grouchyeve says:

    I have such a crush on him! Saw him before he made it and loved him then.

  242. Maddie2008 says:

    Michael… I “Haven’t Met You Yet”, but I sure hope to someday. “Guess I’m Falling For You”. You’re my “Everything”. “You Belong To Me”. Will you “Save The Last Dance for Me”?


  243. hannah says:

    saw him in concert…he was fantastic

  244. kiwis-mom says:

    He has such a wonderful voice and I would love to see him live (but winning the cds would be the next best thing!) & best of all he’s CANADIAN!

  245. trucks says:

    wooo hooO!!! i adore him!

  246. dizzyb says:

    Hubby and I both love his stuff!

  247. Dave says:

    Very entertaining !!!

  248. Karen says:

    He has an awesome voice!

  249. Kim says:

    Love his “Home” song – makes me want to cry everytime I hear it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  250. firefly says:

    my mother in law loves him…i would love to give this prize to her 🙂

  251. Dave says:

    My dad loves his music.

  252. Sunraven says:

    Oh wow! What a great giveaway, this would make my mom pretty happy! 🙂

    G’luck everyone! 🙂

  253. md99an says:

    is this how to enter?….this guy is awesome!…good luck all..

  254. Sallycat says:

    The whole family loves Michael Buble and his music. We’re so proud that he is Canadian too. We don’t own any of his CDs so this would be perfect. My husband’s B-day is coming up and these would make a great gift! Keepin’ my fingers crossed. 🙂

  255. gooniesguy says:

    Here’s hoping we will get to see Mr. Buble preform at the JUNO’s this year in NL!!

  256. DMaria says:

    What a voice!!!

  257. youye says:

    awesome guy….

    good luck all…

  258. cdnvballbelle says:

    Such a treasure of Canada.
    Can not wait to see him in concert in London.
    Hope that I win this draw!!!!

  259. stik59 says:

    watching the opening cerimonies…when they first showed the wideshot of KD lang I turned to my wife and said, i hope its Michale Buble…maybe for teh closing!! 🙂

  260. Cheripou says:

    Michael Buble in concert – the best!

  261. Maggie says:

    Ohh yay! His music is great 🙂

  262. bluejellybean says:

    mmm, bubbly, bubbly buble, what more to say!!

  263. MomofJs says:

    I LOVE Micheal Buble and oh my gosh, was I so upset when I found out he got engaged!!! Would love to win this prize!

  264. Judy says:

    Saw his showing around his hometown of Vancouver on the Today show .
    Love his voice

  265. Chemie says:

    Michael has an amazing voice.

  266. Ema says:

    I can’t wait to see him live!

  267. Julie says:

    Mr Buble makes me all bubbly! I wanna win this sooo bad!

  268. Nicola says:

    Converted my mom from a country fan to a Buble fan in one outing..maybe I could convert my hubbie next with a collection of cds by Michael Buble 🙂

  269. dgefrerer says:

    I adore Michael Buble! Winning this prize would be the greatest!

  270. Cindy says:

    Wonderful, sexy voice – love his music!

  271. Brittany Van Doren says:


  272. Cinder says:

    He was awesome on SNL!

  273. Jay says:

    Love this guy’s music. Would love to get an autographed copy!

  274. CarolD says:


  275. smartmama says:

    Lovely voice.

  276. Bex says:

    Michael Buble is an amazing Canadian singer!! I love his voice 🙂

  277. canucknewbie says:

    Love Micheal Buble! Would love to win the autographed CD to add to my collection.

  278. denise says:

    Michael Buble is #1!!!


  279. webomen says:

    he knows how to boogie!

  280. Suz says:

    yeee-ikes! great to look at, an incredible voice and charm that reminds you of George Clooney. Michael is a triple threat

  281. Abby says:

    My mom LOVES Michael Buble. She’d be very happy if I won!

  282. Mary Pong says:

    He sings the nicest songs and my favourite is I Haven’t Met You Yet!

  283. Winnie says:

    omg. i love michael buble. i just watch the video of him playing/learning curling. he’s extremely cute.

  284. KatieGirl says:

    awesome! love his music

  285. KC says:

    I love Michael Buble! This would be an awesome gift!

  286. caryn says:

    i love michael buble he is an amazingly talented canadian artist!!

  287. San says:

    Michael Buble is amazing. =)

  288. Karen says:

    My daughter Stephi is Michael Buble’s biggest fan!

  289. Ilene says:

    I love Michael Buble, and can’t wait to go see him in concert!

  290. anna warren says:

    Buble is as smooth as silk!

  291. Julie says:

    Talented singer, and all-around good guy, too.

  292. Karen says:

    I Heart MB. I hope to see him in concert soon!!

  293. Ladena says:

    I saw Micheal at SOFA in Victoria a few years back. He was awesome!

  294. Colsgirl says:

    Michael is to the ear what chocolate is to the mouth!!!

  295. Maria says:

    Fantastic artist

  296. Chris Hill says:

    Ahhh Micheal… so classic sooo good!

  297. Katie says:

    I loved seeing Michael Buble live at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto – he is a fantastic performer!

  298. George says:

    I have seen this guy two times…going to see him again in Aug…one of the best live acts, I have seen…Worth the money to see him!!!

  299. Diane456 says:

    Michael Buble has introduced a new audiance to his unique timeless sound unlike anyone else. Can’t get enough of him! Good luck every everyone!

  300. Stephanie Poole says:

    He is so dreamy!

  301. Shoo says:

    “A comment about Michael Buble”

  302. Mir says:

    Buble is “crazy” good!

  303. Fanny says:

    I love the fact that he is so down to earth…

  304. Mr Willabie says:

    MMMmmmm not too salty! 🙂

  305. SmurfySmurfette says:

    Love that man’s voice!

  306. LittleMinx says:

    Michael Buble is a total dream boat! I love his voice 🙂

  307. annie says:

    Really enjoyed watching him today on ctv’s olympic morning show!

  308. Adeola says:

    wow!!! Micheal Buble’s CD.
    I wish i get selected 🙂

  309. SusanC says:

    I listen to him all the time at work! He’s so sexy!

  310. Sharilyn says:

    ok, seriously??? This guy is totally great!! Love his style!

  311. Lucy says:

    I love his music!

  312. cpnclpprSK says:

    Oh, my sister and I just love that smooth voice. Would love to win us his cd’s.

  313. susan corkery says:

    Micheal is such a hockey fan he is doing comentary for CTV at the winter Olympics !!! hes such a cutie!!

  314. Darci says:

    Buble is a role model for Canadians & his music is fantastic!

  315. Sandra says:

    My husband really enjoys his music. Would love to win!!!

  316. Nethura says:

    I would absolutely LOVE to win this! I was there when he had come to my city to sign the first few hundred and I missed it by a hair! Was so sad! Love this songs…one in a million voice!

  317. Janette Elliott says:

    I love Michael. I’m hoping he’ll be singing at the closing ceremonies of the olympics

  318. Rebecca says:

    Great artist! I hope he’ll be in the closing ceremonies as well.

  319. Nana says:

    A fellow BCer making it right!

  320. CLIO says:

    Crazy Love Him!!!
    Our best Canadian Ambassador to the music world!

    : ))

  321. Tara says:

    I have always liked the music but I didn’t realize I was a fan until I saw him at the Juno’s in Calgary and he seemed like a really nice guy.

  322. thor says:

    Love this crooner with his funny sense of humour – a.k.a Mr. Bubbles.

  323. brandonac says:

    Buble sang the anthem with Stephen Colbert. It was so funny.

  324. Litesandsirens911 says:

    Michael Buble is such a sexy man…I wanna win!

  325. natasha says:

    Michael Buble is a dream machine!!!!! Excuse me, please, I have to close my eyes now 😉


  326. Latte says:

    Loved his performance at the opening ceremony =)

  327. Nancy says:

    I would be over-the-moon to win the CD. Simply love his voice and his effortless way of singing. He definitely owns the stage!

  328. AJ says:

    My brother and I are planning to surprise my parents Michael Buble’s tickets for his show in Toronto this August but we lucked out of tickets..

    This would be a great option to have in case we cannot find any..

  329. SandraD says:

    I missed out on buying tikets to his sold out show, and I am too broke to head to other alternative ticket selling sources (because of their expensive mark ups!) so THIS would be a fantastic second best!

  330. eloquences says:

    Love Michael Buble <3 He’s got a heart-melting voice and makes amazing music.

  331. BookMom says:

    What a great contest!!! I would love to win and listen to his remarkable voice!!!! 🙂

  332. julesn2boys says:

    love him…. had mostly his music playing at our wedding 🙂

  333. Happy Munchkin says:

    Love his music.

  334. Buffywannabe says:

    The first CD I bought of his was the christmas one and I gave it to my mother. She loved it. I would love to win the CD’s to surprise her with even more of his music. Thanks a bunch.

  335. worldgirl says:

    Saw him for my birthday several years ago at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel which is a very small intimate venue. It was awesome!

  336. Jilly Bean says:

    His voice is so sexy. It’s refreshing to hear the big band/jazz sounds. Such a crooner!

  337. Susan says:

    It was neat having his music video filmed at Killarney Market which is near my place.

  338. J says:

    Awesome guy!

  339. Cheryl says:

    I’m loving his latest single. Would like to have to have his discography in my collection to learn to like him more.

  340. Karen says:

    Always catch glimpses of him around town…I’m happy he’s a hardcore hockey fan.

  341. Suzie_Kamloops says:

    I love Buble’s crooning…

  342. Carlyfalls says:

    I love his music, and he’s from beautiful BC! He should have sung in the opening ceremonies.

  343. trucks says:

    day 2 : i am listening to his music right now hehehhe

  344. Nancy says:

    Yay! I love me some Buble! 😉

  345. Elaine says:

    his voice is captivating

  346. Christina C says:

    He is such a cutie!

  347. Andrea says:

    I love, love, love Michael Buble!

  348. Vivienne says:

    How funny was Michael Buble on SNL a few weeks ago?! Hamm and Buble – a restaurant where they only offer pork and champagne! Haha

  349. Annette McKinnon says:

    Michael Buble has hidden depths

  350. Lori says:

    We just haven’t met yet! See you soon 🙂

  351. Jessica says:

    He is dreamy, the voice, the eyes, mmmm…

  352. Suzanne LeBlanc says:

    I love Michael Buble!

    Nice contest!

  353. Cheripou says:

    Great voice and personnality 🙂

  354. Sasha says:

    I’ll be seeing Michael in Ottawa in August! I was online as soon as the tickets went on sale!! Can’t wait! What an amazing voice, and soooo down to earth! I watched him on The Hour – great interview!!!!

  355. Nicole says:

    My sister is in love with Michael! What a great birthday gift this would be for her!!

  356. Cassia says:

    I love MB! I saw him in concert and he was amazing!

  357. carrie brewer says:

    M Buble is the best! I love Michael Buble! He chooses the best songs, has an awesome voice, and he is down to earth. I have seen him on many different morning news shows, and other events on television where he has been singing. I have not been able to see him in concert yet, but hope to one day.
    I listen to his music when I am happy, sad, anytime, and it always makes my day!
    Thanks MB!

  358. Loren says:

    He is absolutely the best entertainer out there!

  359. Owdatoon says:

    Excellent crooner….even Matt Dusk (another Canadian crooner) attends Michael’s concert..

  360. twinmommy says:

    Crazy fact about Michael Buble? He’s never met Harry Connick Jr!
    Now that is pretty incredible!

  361. Supafly says:

    Has anyone seem the SNL skit with Buble and Jon Hamm … funny stuff!
    I hope I win!

  362. Yolande Dabby says:

    Love Micael Michael Bublé. Hope I win

  363. Kathryn says:

    I love his music, this would be a super prize to win!

  364. Celine says:

    I love all of him…his music, his voice, his look…I just love him!

  365. clvrcanuck says:

    He is so freakin dreamy a you frank sinatra, so jealous he is already spoken for LOL love his music love his look love it

  366. Steve says:

    Love his voice and music. To me he’s the the true singer out there.

  367. Alexa19jm says:

    I adore his music! So incredibly gifted, and his music can be appreciated by the young and old.

  368. Dianne says:

    He’s “GREA-A-AT”!!!!!

  369. wellcalm says:

    My whole family loves Michael Bublé and have a blast just saying his name! I’d love to have some great music in the house. Fingers crossed!

  370. Angela G. says:

    I love Michael Buble’s jazzy sound. I was really happy to hear that they were playing his music on the Cruise Ship we were on last week. It was great to hear his music while we were sitting down to a nice lunch. Keep it coming Michael!

  371. JA says:

    i love Michael Buble!

  372. Dave says:

    Michael Bublé as much fun to watch as he is to say!

  373. Hotdot says:

    This is gonna be a big contest! Totally worth it! I love Michael Buble.

  374. Anita says:

    Love his music – would love to win his cd’s!

  375. iloveluca says:

    Michael Buble IS dreamy! I agree with everyone above! So talented!

  376. BRENDA says:

    Would love to see BUBLE live.

  377. evil.kitten says:

    Man I wish he could lull me to sleep in person oh well 😉

  378. Wefo says:

    He has such a wonderful sense of humor!!!

  379. Mokka says:

    Love his voice~

  380. Rimma says:

    I love him! This would be a great gift for my husband as he is a big fan also! 🙂

  381. SKD says:

    He’s great!!!

  382. Sweet_414 says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!!! His voice always calms me down during rush hour traffic – would love to win this!

  383. Patricia says:

    Day 2….I hope I win 🙂

  384. Kerri says:

    I love his music!

  385. Diesel69 says:

    The dude is a rarity, one for his crooners melodies that have the taste of old but the spice of today..
    And second is one of the very few superstars that is so grounded with his Canadian roots and attitude..No bull or fake in this guy…
    One Damn awesome Canuck…

  386. sandray says:

    Michael Buble has a great sense of humour. He was so funny when he co-hosted Regis and Kelly.
    He is so multi-talented.

  387. Jennie says:

    I Michael is Sexy 🙂

  388. TsGirl says:

    Love Michael Buble! My mom especially loves him so this would go to her! Two months before my father unexpectedly died we got my parents tickets to see Michael Buble and they loved it. My mom still cherishes that they got to see him together.

  389. SnowWhiteFanatic says:

    Can’t wait to see him in August – an autograph would be AWESOME! Thanks for the contest : )

  390. SpeedyTrini says:

    Charming individual 🙂

  391. tracy says:

    Love the fact that the voice is

  392. Pam says:

    would love to wine his cds!

  393. carol says:

    he’s classic! sooo funny and did great on oprah!

  394. Debbie says:

    I love Michael Buble and hope to see him perform one day.

  395. Linda Keating says:

    Michael is great in every respect! He is charisma personified! I enjoy watching and hearing him dance and sing. He usually adds a bit of humour to his videos and interviews. I would LOVE to win these CDs so that I can listen to him more often than I already do!!!

  396. Chi of Steel says:

    I like his song “Everything”.

  397. Maddie2008 says:

    Is it getting hot in here or is it just Michael Buble?

  398. Justin says:

    What a great gift for the mother-in-law! (I’ll be sure to give it a listen before passing it on)

  399. KatieGirl says:

    love him

  400. Evelyn Beatson says:

    Michael is a great entertainer, he sure has a lot of fans!
    Thanks for the chance!

  401. jeannie says:

    Love his songs! So happy to see a vancouverite make it big!

  402. Fe says:

    I love you, Michael… 🙂

  403. Burcu says:

    I love his music

  404. Becky says:

    Would love to win this almost as much as I love this site….THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE HARD WORK PUT INTO IT ALL……ive saved so much since ive signed up…….THIS SITE ROCKS…. 🙂

  405. Darlene Gould says:

    I would love this prize! Michael is a favorite of mine

  406. gail says:

    he’s yummy!

  407. brilliantblond says:

    What talent and a pleasure to listen to.

  408. kduever says:

    Would love to win this so hubby and I can sit outside this summer with his music and a glass of wine!

  409. sena says:

    This is one amaazingly talented singer. I love to listen to him sing and talk he is very down to earth, funny and of course pleasing to the eye. I’d really love to win his signed CD.

  410. Carol says:

    Great musician. What a great prize.

  411. A says:

    Great performer.

  412. Cathy Culp says:

    Buble is a great singer….music is the best form of expression….fantastic prize!!!!

  413. Ema says:

    I love Michael Buble songs. They always have me “feelin’ good”.

  414. Jolene says:

    He is the Frank Sinatra of our generation. A true classic act.

  415. starrynight8765 says:

    He’s got a great sense of humor too.. very funny

  416. Kimberley says:

    A positive roloemaodel for Canada-Keep up the great music for all ages!

  417. SueB says:

    One of the best Canada has to offer!!

  418. Adele says:

    A true Canadian inspiration! Go Canada Go!

  419. couponcrazy32 says:

    This has nothing to do with Buble’s singing talents, but I have to say he is quite handsome!

  420. Louise says:

    Seems like a nice guy.

  421. Pauline says:

    My daughter and I saw him years ago and he was fantastic!

  422. jojos_n_kelowna says:

    I saw a segment from the taping of Stephen Colbert’s show yesterday with Michael Buble as his guest. Michael had a quick comeback when asked by Colbert, why does the world need Canada….Michael replied ‘Well for one thing, Americans need our flag to slap onto their suitcases when travelling abroad!” Very funny…and a quick wit!

  423. Wilson says:

    Good music!

  424. Chrissie says:

    I LOVE michael buble! He’s definitely one of my favourite artists along with Josh Groban!

  425. Carolyn says:

    He’s funny, clever, and has a great voice.

  426. michelle says:

    I’m a HUGE Buble fan… I met him at the Eaton’s center, and he’s SUCH a sweetheart! Fingers crossed!!! 😀

  427. dot says:

    Great music and an awesome sense of humor!

  428. Lindy says:

    We really enjoy Michael Bublé’s music and voice. He really is such a wonderful, talented and unique singer.

  429. Mischa says:

    In the mid-90’s he had a good local following in Vancouver. And he hit on my sister at Fred’s Uptown Tavern, sadly it was a bit over the top and she declined. I’m sure he’s much better now!

  430. Dee says:

    Mmmmmm…is for Michael. 🙂

  431. Jane says:

    I love his music and his voice, and I was so excited when seeing him on the 2010 Olympic torch relay.

  432. amy says:

    Thanks 🙂

  433. SarahLilly says:

    Michael Buble is a very good singer and he’s canadian so that just adds to his appeal! 🙂

  434. Debi Dubé says:

    You’ve got to love a Canadian crooner who surpasses the talent of Frank Sinatra with the charisma and seductivity of any rock star in history. If I wasn’t married maybe I could have been Debi Dubé-Bublé!!!!!!

  435. Jorge says:

    MB is the bomb. Would be cool to win the CD.

  436. stik59 says:

    if only i had one once of the cool that MB does….

  437. Naomi says:

    Save the last dance for me!!!!

  438. Nick ! says:

    Thank You ! It will be mine !

  439. Sarah says:

    I love Michael Buble and his music. My fiance played his album during our vday dinner.. It was so appropriate.

  440. Redundant says:

    I adore MB…he is a definate assest to Canadian music!

  441. Talinaa says:

    I heart Michael Buble!!!

    Great music…Great person…Great giveaway!!

  442. Cottagegirl says:

    Talk about opening up a whole new genre of music up for my girls!? They love him and are constantly singing his songs. My oldest daughter calls his latest song her song!!!!!!! She’s nuts about him.

  443. Mark says:

    I sooper luv this cd.

  444. Lina says:

    michael buble is an amazing singer…hope i can win!

  445. Maria says:

    He writes beautiful music & lyrics.

  446. midnight_drfiter says:

    Hw has an awesome voice that I listen to when I’m down.

  447. Nydia says:

    I am happy to enter this contest…Michael Buble is my favourite artist of the moment!!!

  448. ISEY says:

    I love Michael Buble. My kids are really into him too right now. Thanks

  449. Suzanne says:

    Oh, I would so love to have all his CDs. Michael rocks!

  450. Gottaluvthedeals says:

    My husband and I love Michael Buble’s music! We’d love to win this cd for our collection! He was fantastic on SNL- his skit with Jon Hamm was hilarious!!!

  451. melissa says:

    great artist! SNL was great!

  452. freestuffforme says:

    The video for “Haven’t Met You Yet” is very cute.

  453. Pauline says:

    Crazy for Crazy Love! Hope I win!

  454. Margaret says:

    Love him!!!!!

  455. Marketing_Guy says:

    Definitely a great Canadian; glad he got to carry the torch!

  456. Litesandsirens911 says:

    I think Michael Buble should autograph my winning cd : To Lites, from your dream guy…haha!

  457. nanna says:

    Love that voice!!!

  458. Roxanne says:

    I love his music. Thanks for the contest!

  459. Lisa says:

    It’s all about the Love…

  460. Here’s my second entry … I so want to win this!


  461. Mary says:

    I love MB he’s awesome!! Cute, smart and funny!! PLUS YUMMY!!!! I would LOVE to win this!!! ****** <3 ******* I <3 Michael Bublé!!!

  462. M says:

    He’s so hot!

  463. Carrie says:

    awsome Canadian talent !!!

  464. carrie says:


  465. Great voice and such a great humanitarian!

  466. missbobloblaw says:

    He is soooooooo DREAMY!

  467. Jessica says:

    Gotta win…. gotta win…. 🙂

  468. Kari says:

    Love his voice and would love to win this prize!

  469. Dimi says:

    Love Him … would love his new CD (or all his CDs !)

  470. Lillian says:

    Love his songs!

  471. Edward says:

    I love his songs.

  472. MovieMinx says:

    Michael Bulbe rules! His Moondance makes my day.

  473. gomo2010 says:

    A great talent from the west coast

  474. Cheryl says:

    I’m surprising my Mom with tickets to his Toronto show in August 🙂

  475. Berg says:

    Love Michael – I hope he’s half of what he appears to be.

  476. fleetingleaf says:

    my entry for the day!!!

  477. Catherine L says:

    Day 2 entry! Loved Michael on Ellen last week. He was so great with the audience, and gave lots of hugs raise money for Haiti:)

  478. Frugal.Tea says:

    Love his cover of “A Song for You” 🙂

  479. FunShopper says:

    Love his songs! Hope to win!

  480. klio says:

    He’s such a combination of a charmful man and a talented singer!

  481. Wispy says:

    I’d love to see him live! He’s so talented!!

  482. Heather says:

    He’s sooo good and wonderful that he is Canadian! I love his music.

  483. heididesiree says:

    Micheal’s music and voice are awesome.

  484. Kathy says:

    A very charming man with a talent for entertaining people with his wonderful voice.

  485. ratatouille says:

    And he is fairly cute…;-)

  486. Meeko says:

    love love love him, and his music

  487. miranda says:

    fell in love with him the minute i heard him. hes got such an amazing voice makes me want cry almost. ive got tons of cds and consider myself one of his biggewst fans ever. would be an absolute dream to see him live

  488. Christa says:

    2nd day entry –
    saw him on that late night Canadian show whose name I cant spell or pronounce but Mr. Buble is hilarious.

  489. Tilane says:

    Pick me!

  490. Jen says:

    Saw a picture of him helping Stephen Colbert sing the Canadian anthem in Vancouver. Can’t wait till it airs next week

  491. chantal says:

    Love him..so cute and cheeky..and his voice, sometimes when he sings he’s got this mischevious smile

  492. Bex says:

    Love his songs, Home is one of my favorites!

  493. Fiona says:

    He’s such a humble person and an awesome singer!! Wish I got a chance to see him when he was at the Toronto Eaton Centre.

  494. Erica says:

    Buble is an incredible singer & very easy on the eyes as well 🙂

  495. veranova says:

    Love his music, so classy!!!! Michael Buble is a Great Canadian!!!

  496. Angela says:

    Love his music and he is cute too.

  497. puddin57 says:

    He makes a great Canadian Ambassador

  498. Karen says:

    Michael is such a down to earth kind of guy.

  499. Didier says:

    pick m e please:P

  500. Weeeooojr says:

    omg…can someone please delete the last post? Don’t know what happened there. I guess delete this post too…

  501. AmberLab says:

    Can’t wait to win and check out his stuff. 😉

  502. cheapskate101 says:

    wow! i love micheal buble and would love to win!

  503. Adam says:

    Michael’s voice is a breath of fresh air!

  504. Amy says:

    Pick me, pick me. I would love a Michael Buble CD.

  505. brandonac says:

    He let his feelings out on The Hour.

  506. mom2boxers says:

    Love him!

  507. Bridges_48 says:

    Great Canadian

  508. Rachelia says:

    I watched him on The Hour one night. He had to sign random lines like “excuse me, but my hair is caught in your braces.” You know your a fine singer when you can make even THAT sound sexy!

  509. Cecilia says:

    Saw him in the Olympic morning yesterday. Just lovely!

  510. Danii says:

    i would definitely save the last dance for him! love love love his voice!

  511. polacco65 says:

    My birthday is coming up soon – the perfect gift to myself.

  512. denise says:

    Michael Buble & I are destined to be together–he just hasn’t met me yet!


  513. chemie says:

    Bublé is my favourite singer.

  514. Kat says:

    He is one hilarious Canadian!

  515. Marnie says:

    What talent, what music!

  516. Tamara says:

    Love his music. (And he’s nice to look at, too!)

  517. Dorothy says:

    Grandma Hughes loves Michael’s music,and I would love to give the CD’s to her for her 60th Wedding Anniversary party on May 15,2010. Then maybe she will use the cd player in her van. Keep up the good work Mike!!!

  518. J says:

    Love his music!

  519. sunshine88 says:

    i love michael buble!

  520. m says:

    Love his smooth voice

  521. Donna K. says:

    He’s really cool! I won a trip to the Juno Awards a couple of years ago and he was great.

  522. smanda says:


  523. Timbini says:

    LOve mr buble, and hes CANADIAN! 🙂

  524. Litesandsirens911 says:

    Good morning! It’s the 19th now…one more day closer to winning (hopefully) MR. DREAMY BUBLE’S cd..pick me, pick me!

  525. polacco65 says:

    Yes, he is the best! Sexy and hot!

  526. Suzie_Kamloops says:

    Michael Buble’s music appeals to so many different age groups (but mostly to mine!)

  527. Linda says:

    Charisma and sex appeal – along with the excellent singing talent, makes one great CD I’m sure!!!

  528. Cheripou says:

    Love him, love him, love him… Hummmm…

  529. Louise says:

    His “Haven’t Met You Yet” video was filmed a few blocks away from where I live but I didn’t know about it until afterwards. 🙁

  530. Sue says:

    can listen and listen and listen…sigh

  531. Dimi says:

    LOVE HIM !!! Would love his new CD.

  532. kduever says:

    Very Classy singer – hope I win.

  533. Kathryn says:

    Michael Buble is one of my favorite artists, I would love to win!

  534. Carol says:

    Would love to win this.

  535. couponcrazy32 says:

    Buble’s song is playing in the background…time to enter!

  536. nannyjudy says:

    Love save the last dance song….brings back many great memories.

  537. Pam says:

    I have loved his music for a long time

  538. Jessica says:

    Day 3…

  539. A says:

    Great, day 3!

  540. Jennie says:

    I love his music 🙂

  541. Steve says:

    Buble is the bomb. He rocks.

  542. Janet says:

    An amazing artist!!!

  543. Pauline says:

    Michael is a fantastic singer and entertainer.

  544. Ema says:

    michael is one of my favourite singers!

  545. BP says:

    He’s dreeeeeeeeamy!

  546. dot says:

    I wish he will have a concert in Calgary some day.

  547. Nydia says:

    What a wonderful artist and Canadian he is!!

  548. michelle says:

    Such a great Canadian! Fingers still crossed! 😀

  549. Patricia says:

    Day 3….still hoping 🙂

  550. Mary says:

    Incredible Canadian Talent!! I just LOVE him!!

  551. Puddin57 says:

    I really get a kick out of how much he seems to be enjoying himself

  552. San says:

    he’s cute =)

  553. brandonac says:

    He’s the best Canadian singer.

  554. mummyto2 says:

    I love his song “Everything”

  555. midnight_drfiter says:

    His song “At this Moment” is currently my favourite and has been on repeat for weeks now.

  556. Hotdot says:

    Hamm and Buble….HILARIOUS!!

  557. MacWilson says:

    Love him. Would love to win a CD.

  558. Neenerz says:

    Love his music and would love to win his CDs!

  559. Jen says:

    Amazing talent! One to be proud of!

  560. Kathy says:

    Beautiful voice

  561. heididesiree says:

    love his voice music and quirky little smile, such a cute look

  562. Mokka says:

    Love his voice so much~

  563. Edward says:

    A great guy.

  564. Irish_Girl says:

    I LOVE his music!! It doesn’t hurt that he is easy on the eyes as well 😉

  565. Hablo says:

    Reviving lost music

  566. FunShopper says:

    Amazing singer!

  567. MovieMinx says:

    Mr. Buble rocks my world every day!!

  568. Katie says:

    He is just lovely.

  569. Kylie says:

    He’s a pretty awesome guy, that Michael Buble.

  570. Liv says:

    I think his voice has the power to make woman pregnant everywhere.Sooooo Dreammmy.

  571. Frugal.Tea says:

    :)Favorite Michael Buble quote: “It’s sexy for me to be okay with being a nerd and maybe I don’t have Justin Timberlake’s body. I have more of a Ron Burgundy thing going on but I think that’s sexy and I think its coming back. I’m bringing chunky back and maybe when I get older I’ll be bringing hairy back too” – from his Sky News Showbiz interview with Georgia Hawkins

    I laughed til I cried when he ended his interview with a little song about bringing hairy back :lolsign:

  572. Michelle says:

    TADA. I love me some Michael.

  573. rob says:

    Buble! Buble! Buble!

  574. Bex says:

    Michael Buble is such a good singer 🙂

  575. Whit says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  576. Trey says:

    Sooo good on SNL!

  577. RobynCD says:

    Words cannot describe how excited I am for this contest 🙂 🙂

  578. Shawn de Jong says:

    Buble is a talented BC singer who is extremely gifted

  579. thatgengirl says:

    I wish he would write more original songs. While I enjoy his versions of classics, I find I like his original compositions better.

  580. Cecilia says:

    One thing I think I’m going to add to my Bucket List …
    see Michael Buble live.

  581. Wendy says:

    Love, love, love his music!

  582. karen says:

    Michael Buble’s voice is like a caramilk bar centre, creamy, smooth and very senuous.

  583. freestuffforme says:

    I love it that Buble sings covers of so many great songs.

  584. Carol says:

    favorite song: Lost!

  585. missbobloblaw says:


  586. Happy Munchkin says:

    He is great! Love all of his songs.

  587. NT says:

    I would love to win 1 or all his CDs! Thanx

  588. midnight_drfiter says:

    I love all of his music

  589. chemie says:

    Buble is very charismatic.

  590. Pam says:

    hope i win! love him!

  591. moemoe says:

    I think he is awesome!!!!

  592. Carol says:

    Would love to win this, huge fan!

  593. Dimi says:

    He’s so cute.. and what a great voice !

  594. nannyjudy says:

    He’s the best……looks, talent and Canadian.

  595. Shannon FinkHelfrick says:

    Awesome contest! Hope I win! Thanks ever so much!

  596. Maureen says:

    Beautiful voice and personality!

  597. Louise says:

    He likes having fun.

  598. Lillian says:

    Michael’s songs are really good!

  599. rob says:

    Love the classics!

  600. mokka says:

    I love his voice~

  601. CC says:

    My husband surprised me with tickets to see Michael Buble in concert. Yipee!

  602. puddin57 says:

    a tough romantic ar heart

  603. sharpie says:

    thanks for the contest! my first entry:)

  604. Edward says:

    He is very cool.

  605. Litesandsirens911 says:

    I love all his songs, but especially Save the Last Dance For Me…

  606. jeannie says:

    Love Michael Buble!!

  607. Shah says:

    Hello hello! Go Michael Buble!

  608. Shah says:

    This contest is great!

  609. Farz says:

    I hope I win! 🙂

  610. Chi of Steel says:

    He was funny on SNL with John Hamm.

  611. Maddie2008 says:

    He’s awesome.

  612. Jen says:

    I love his voice and that he is a fellow Canadian and from BC 🙂

  613. Evelyn Beatson says:

    I love Michael, going to see him in August !!!!

  614. Alexandra says:

    I love Michael Buble! The song Home reminds me of one of the most romantic nights of my life!

  615. A says:

    A great fellow Canadian!

  616. San says:

    Save the Last Dance for ME =)

  617. mickey53 says:

    This would be great to win. He is such a wonderful singer and person

  618. Liv says:

    Buble makes me swoon<3333333333333

  619. Great Contest !!! says:

    Last summer while at an outdoor movie in Market Square I correctly answered a trivia question from the Event. I won a CD and called my Step-daughter up to help pick it out. She chose Michael Buble and promptly took it home after the movie and gave it to her Mom. 😐

    He has a beautiful voice AND has a strong love for his family. I would love to win a MB CD 🙂

  620. Ema says:

    He has such an amazing voice!

  621. dizzyb says:

    I’m always up for a Buble 😉

  622. Frugal.Tea says:

    How Sweet It Is, the smooth voice of Michael Buble. 🙂

  623. Whit says:

    Liv makes me swoon. 😉

  624. suzifevens says:

    I still love Michael and still wanna win! 🙂

  625. ratatouille says:

    My sister would love these CDs… I’m not sure her boyfriend would though 🙂

  626. Such a voice that Michael Buble has…yummmmm

  627. evil.kitten says:

    I still want him to sing me to sleep at night =)

  628. Michelle says:

    I love his music. Mmmhmm.

  629. Miss Spell says:

    I can’t wait for his show to hit Winnipeg, soooo excited!

  630. Carol says:

    I’ve seen interviews of him on T.V. He’s really down to earth!

  631. polacco65 says:

    I am going to be one of the winners! Love his music.

  632. dot says:

    Love his style!

  633. Shop Girl says:

    Wow 632 posts already!!

    I love Michael Bublé. “Just haven’t met you yet” is so cute!

  634. rld0724 says:

    Great musician, would love to add more of his cd’s to my collection

  635. FunShopper says:

    Would love to own one of his cd’s!

  636. mummyto2 says:

    He has a sexy voice 🙂

  637. melissa says:

    Love to support Canadian musicians!

  638. over4omommy says:

    He gives me goosebumps lol!!!!!

  639. RobynCD says:

    Just one more reason why I’m proud to be Canadian 🙂

  640. Happy Munchkin says:

    He is so talented.

  641. Cecilia says:

    Oh Mr. Bublé <3

  642. Suzie_Kamloops says:

    “Call Me Irresponsible” but I want to win this giveaway – his voice is so dreamy.

  643. freestuffforme says:

    Save the last dance for me!

  644. klio says:

    I just love this guy!

  645. Fanny says:

    Love him!!!

  646. chatterbox says:

    Loved Buble’s duet with Stephen Colbert!

  647. Divine~Miss~M says:

    Gotta love Hamm & Buble!

  648. puddin57 says:

    Do you think we could create an Olympic voice event and give him the gold medal?

  649. Cheripou says:

    I adore him, I adore him… SIGH!

  650. nannyjudy says:


  651. Cecilia says:

    Ahahaha, I’ve been coming on here religiously since this contest started.
    Michael Bublé is the man. Just can’t get enough of him.

  652. FunShopper says:

    Great singer!

  653. RobynCD says:

    Another day, another entry 🙂 One more great chance to win!

  654. mokka says:

    Love his voice!!

  655. Jenn says:

    Such a crooner, his voice makes me swoon!

  656. rob says:

    Great on SNL!

  657. starrynight8765 says:

    Favorite, I’ve got the world on a string!

  658. Liv says:

    He continues to amaze me!!

  659. Katie says:

    I thinks he be good.

  660. Litesandsirens911 says:

    Good morning, I am listening to Michael Buble on the radio, hoping I win his cd’s…dreamy

  661. Mary L says:

    I would love to add this to my collection. Love Michaels music.

  662. Ema says:

    His voice is so incredible….I can listen to him all day!

  663. Catherine L says:

    Just watched the Wedding Date on TV. I had forgotten that Michael’s music was featured so strongly in it. Would watch it just to hear him!

  664. CC says:

    His smooth voice is so easy to listen to.

  665. Frugal.Tea says:

    love, love, love Michael Buble 🙂

  666. Dimi says:

    Yup… Love him.. would love his CD(s)

  667. Suzie_Kamloops says:

    I would really like to win this giveaway, otherwise I’ll only be playing “How can you mend this broken heart” over and over and over and over….lol

  668. brandonac says:

    He has a great voice.

  669. midnight_drfiter says:

    Love him as a singer and a person

  670. San says:

    Haven’t met you yet! =)

  671. jeannie says:

    Finally had a chance to see him on the Colbert Report! FUnny! Love michael buble!

  672. sandray says:

    I wish I was at the Olympics so that I might run into him. He is a great good will ambassador for Canada. I wish I saw the Colbert report. I heard he was really good.

  673. mickey53 says:

    Michael Buble is the greatest. would love to win Thanks for contest.

  674. Edward says:

    Mr. Buble is has inspired me to work hard.

  675. Evelyn Beatson says:

    Even my 14-year-old daughter loves Michael Buble. We are going to see him this summer. Should be neat although a little expensive!

  676. kduever says:

    Love his music!!!

  677. Carol says:

    Go Michael!

  678. couponcrazy32 says:

    Just remembered to enter…placing a sticky note on my computer screen to enter again! What a great singer!

  679. heididesiree says:

    I love his music, he is my favorite to listen to right now.

  680. Kathy says:

    His telent impresses me, his music and voice I never tire of.

  681. smartmama says:

    He always sounds so personable in interviews.

  682. Stacey L says:

    Michael Buble’s music is great. I can never get enough of it.

  683. Shop Girl says:

    I’d love to hear Michael Bublé’s new cd!

  684. freestuffforme says:

    I would love to see Buble in concert.

  685. TaraF says:

    Todays comment about Michael Buble….he’s freaking adorable. lol really he is. Yummy:)

  686. karen says:

    Michael Buble is awesome!!

  687. Chemie says:

    Love his music and would be very grateful if I win.

  688. dot says:

    Awesome contest! Michael is sooo dreamy.

  689. polacco65 says:

    Michael is a fantastic singer

  690. trucks says:

    LOVE HIM!!! and wow so many enteries

  691. midnight_drfiter says:

    I just love him to death

  692. polacco65 says:

    Love his music and his talent – hope I win.

  693. Puddin57 says:

    I really enjoyed Michael Bubles rendition of The Eagles song “Heartache Tonight”

  694. Ema says:

    I’m such a huge fan of his! He’s so musically gifted and he has such a great personality…really funny too!

  695. Suzie_Kamloops says:

    Michael’s website is simply: http://www.michaelbuble.com/

  696. Louise says:

    He will be a success for a long while.

  697. Linda says:

    I love his music and the fact that he is a Canadian, makes me proud that he is famous throughout the world. Go Canada Go!!!

  698. Litesandsirens911 says:

    I LOVE Michael Buble…would love to win his new CD

  699. Jennie says:

    One of a kind 🙂

  700. AmberLab says:

    Dance with a Canadian eh? 🙂

  701. Evelyn Beatson says:

    He is a very good entertainer and singer.

  702. Mary L says:

    Sure hope to win this. I love Michaels music. Thanks

  703. sandray says:

    I love Michael Buble. He is so funny and talented and he seems like the nicest celebrity

  704. Abby says:

    I think my mom has almost worn out her copy of one of Michael Buble’s CDs. This would be a cool contest to win!

  705. Nydia says:

    I love him! He is charming and talented!

  706. Dee says:

    Going to see him in August!!

  707. Dark_Angel says:

    I love his song “Home”. Great lyrics.

  708. turtle-doves says:

    Fingers crossed 3 days left.

  709. kduever says:

    I would love to win this. Pick me! Pick me! 😛

  710. RobynCD says:

    I am aching to win this contest!!! Please pick me 🙂

  711. jeannie says:

    “everything” was our wedding song. Everytime I hear it, it brings me back to that day! 🙂

  712. Frugal.Tea says:

    I love his duet with Laura Pausini

  713. Mary says:

    Simply Amazing.. LOVE MB!!!

  714. mummyto2 says:

    He is sooo talented

  715. Chi of Steel says:

    My gf saw him in concert in Australia a few years ago!

  716. Liv says:

    He’s the full package and his music is like heaven on my ears!

  717. Whit says:

    Liv has a full package. 😉

  718. dot says:

    I will absolutely love to see him in concert someday!

  719. nannyjudy says:

    Would realy like to win…..BUT don’t we all.

  720. couponcrazy32 says:

    My entry for today…good luck everyone!

  721. Bex says:

    Michael Buble is amazing, would love to win this!!

  722. mokka says:

    Love Him~

  723. dizzyb says:

    Was never a fan of Jazz until he came along!

  724. Adam Lasek says:

    I really enjoy Michael Bublé. He is an older generation type singer with a new age twist. And he is Canadian which is great.

  725. Hotdot says:

    Definitely would love to listen to Michael Buble in my car. I sing along to his music ALL THE TIME!! 🙂

  726. Edward says:

    His music rocks

  727. occahcop says:

    Love his music!

  728. Cecilia says:

    I just haven’t met YOU (Michael Buble) yet <3

  729. Michelle says:

    So awesome.

  730. Dimi says:

    LOVE HIM ! Would love his CDs !

  731. klio says:

    I’m proud he is Canadian!

  732. Kathy says:

    Such talent, beautiful voice

  733. heididesiree says:

    Super wonderful songs, love him

  734. carrie says:

    hope you pick me… love him!

  735. Jen says:

    Amazing singer 🙂

  736. Lindy says:

    I really enjoy listening to Michael Buble. His music is just divine as is his voice.

  737. Alexa19jm says:

    He’s wonderful to listen to for the whole family! and it’s great that he is Canadian!

  738. kathryn moeller says:

    I love his music, I really hoep I win!!

  739. MovieMinx says:

    Michael Bublé rules!!

  740. FunShopper says:

    I’d love to win. He’s great.

  741. poohbear2973 says:

    pick me!

  742. brandonac says:

    He’s on The Colbert Report tonight.

  743. Chemie says:

    I would love to meet Mr. Buble.

  744. Arch says:

    My wife loves Mr. Buble.

  745. Shop Girl says:

    I would love to win! Michael Bublé has a great voice.

  746. Pam says:


  747. CC says:

    His voice is as smooth as cream.

  748. freestuffforme says:

    Buble has a great voice.

  749. Karen says:

    My daughter Steph loves Michael Buble!

  750. sandi says:

    Recently discovered Michael’s music – I especially love ‘ Haven’t Met You Yet’ …. would love to win a CD, don’t have any yet!

  751. rob says:

    Buble is on Colbert? That’s a must-see!

  752. Becky says:

    pick me pick me…:P

  753. suniti says:

    Love your music….. Micheal

  754. suniti says:

    Micheal is so cute, adorable and has a beautiful voice

  755. midnight_drfiter says:

    Awesome person and singer he is

  756. puddin57 says:

    Micheal Buble is my very own “chicken soup for the soul”…ahhhhhhh

  757. Kathryn says:

    He has such a great voice, I enjoy all of his music.

  758. Ema says:

    Michael’s jazzy tunes always make me want to get up and dance! Love him!

  759. Cheripou says:

    He’s the best 🙂

  760. Judy says:

    I just love his music!!!!!

  761. Misty says:

    Just so you know, i ALWAYS here MICHAEL BUBLE saying HE HASN’T MET ME YET. Well it’s time for him to meet ME :~}

  762. Louise says:

    He’s the man.

  763. nannyjudy says:

    love his music…..pick me please

  764. couponcrazy32 says:

    Another day….another entry.

  765. Jennie says:

    I adore his music 🙂

  766. sandray says:

    I love Michael Buble’s music. He is so talented and funny. He is so gracious with his fans.

  767. mokka says:

    my best friend loves him so much!

  768. kduever says:

    He is an amazing artist – I could listen to him all day.

  769. Mary L says:

    I love his new song, I just haven’t met you yet.

  770. Karen says:

    My 4.5 year old likes his songs!

  771. Dimi says:

    LOVE HIM ! Would love his CDs

  772. Dimi says:

    He is awesome !

  773. jeannie says:

    Would love to see him in concert one of these days!

  774. dot says:

    Oh so very dreamy!

  775. Mary says:

    Is it legal to be THAT sexy???!!! HOT HOT HOT!!! Would love to win this package!! What an AMAZING Prize!!!

  776. Evelyn Beatson says:

    I’d love to win the package also, I guess we all would. Michael Buble is great!

  777. sherola says:

    Love him…he is awesome!

  778. Edward says:

    Woot! Keep up the amazing work Mike!

  779. dizzyb says:

    Heard him on Jian Gomeshi’s Q on CBC a while back–LOVE his voice

  780. Abby says:

    Just saw one of Michael Buble’s videos on TV! Hope I win!

  781. FunShopper says:

    A talented singer! 🙂

  782. RobynCD says:

    *Sigh* 2 days to go! Can’t wait to see who wins 🙂 Hope its ME!!!!

  783. Catherine L says:

    Still waiting for him to do a concert here. Hope it happens soon!

  784. brandonac says:

    He is awesome!!

  785. He is REALLY easy on the eyes, plus he sounds great!
    I wasn’t a big fan of the crooner kind of music until
    I heard Michael! 🙂

  786. itsjustmebub says:

    wow i forgot about this contest whoopsies
    today i heard his new song on my way to work and i like it
    very catchy 🙂

  787. Cecilia says:

    Hehe, I’m still hanging on here 🙂
    To get a hold of a CD that Michael Buble touched! Now that would be wonderful 🙂

  788. Bex says:

    He’s a very talented singer 🙂

  789. Pam says:

    Would love his cds! Hes wonderful!

  790. Jessica says:


  791. Connie says:

    Love to listen and dance to Michael’s music. I enjoy watching his DVD often. He’s a great talent and entertaining to watch.

  792. A says:


  793. turtle-doves says:

    2 days away can’t wait.

  794. Chi of Steel says:

    My gf would “Crazy Love” to win his new CD!

  795. Liv says:

    Buble sounds like boobs. Which I have.

  796. missbobloblaw says:

    I keep forgetting to enter! 🙂

  797. polacco65 says:

    I am running out of things to say!

  798. Andie says:

    still have my fingers crossed!

  799. CC says:

    He sings songs to dream by.

  800. freestuffforme says:

    Michael Buble is pretty good-looking, too. 😉

  801. kathryn says:

    he is such a good singer, I love all his songs. I would really love to win this.

  802. nannyjudy says:

    His music is so easy to listen to… love it.

  803. Louise says:

    Seem to like having fun and enjoying the moment.

  804. Litesandsirens911 says:

    Most incredible voice since Frank Sinatra! I love Michael Buble!

  805. cjworld says:

    I would score big brownie points with my wife if I was able to give her some Michael Buble music ! Great contest !

  806. dicee says:

    Really, really enjoy Michael’s music!

  807. dizzyb says:

    I could use some good ol’ Canadian Buble to chase off the winter blues!

  808. Ema says:

    What a talented, good-looking Canadian. He’s such a great guy!

  809. Dimi says:

    I just haven’t met him yet… but I’d love to. I’ll settle for his CDs too 🙂

  810. Jennie says:

    Bublé you sexy thing!!

  811. Mary says:

    Pick ME pick MEE!! Loovee MB!!!! <3

  812. Karen says:

    My 4.5 year old likes his songs very much.

  813. mokka says:

    Amazing singer!

  814. Evelyn says:

    Michael Buble is a great crooner. He has gone very far in his career, everyone seems to love him!

  815. Jen L. says:

    Would LOVE to have this!

  816. Cecilia says:

    He makes me giddy everytime I hear him on my iPod/the radio <3

  817. A says:

    Great music!

  818. carrie says:

    Good Canadian boy!

  819. mummyto2 says:

    smartcanucks Rocks for doing this contest!! 🙂 – wish that I would have gotten tickets to his concert before it sold out 🙁

  820. freestuffforme says:

    One of the American Idol contestants sang a Michael Buble cover last night. Unfortunately, I think she was told that the song was, “too old” for her…

  821. klio says:

    He’s adorable!

  822. Puddin57 says:

    ya know, it doesn’t hurt that he’s cute too

  823. couponcrazy32 says:

    One more day to go…..

  824. Mary L says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway. Love Michaels music.

  825. kduever says:

    He’s a wonderful artist – really hope I win.

  826. Didier says:

    i hope i win!!:P

  827. Ann says:

    He is HOT!!! I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers!

  828. sunshine88 says:

    yay michael buble!

  829. Sallycat says:

    We all love Michael Buble but surprisingly don’t own any of his CD’s. This would be perfect for an upcoming family birthday gift! Or maybe I’ll just keep the CDs for myself if I win. 🙂

  830. jeannie says:

    Love all his songs! It’s great to see such a wonderful guy make it big.

  831. dot says:

    Horray for Canadian artists!

  832. midnight_drfiter says:

    he’s so handsome and he’s canadian too!

  833. RobynCD says:

    My boys just love dancing to the Crazy Love cd I got for Christmas 🙂 Just one more day!!

  834. ratatouille says:

    Forgot to enter the past few days…. Too much on my mind

  835. pat says:

    He is HOT

  836. iloveluca says:

    I liked the duet Michael Buble and Stephen Colbert did at the Olympics the other… hope Colbert sticks with his day job, though… lol

  837. maplegirl says:

    Beautifull voice….brings tears to my eyes 🙂

  838. MichelleMG says:

    Michael Buble has an awesome voice, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s super cute!

  839. stacy says:

    Oh my gosh! my roomate and I would both DIE to have this haha its the only cd we have in our player in the bathroom so we can sing along in the shower! haha

  840. Buble…Smooth as Silk.

  841. Robert says:

    i enjoy Mr. Buble’s music and so does my fiance, she wants his new single to be in our wedding slideshow.

  842. Edward says:

    Michael is the best!

  843. BookMom says:

    Love listening to him sing!!!

  844. djbout says:

    My hubby Loves Buble, ,woohoo

  845. AmberLab says:

    Mama need a new cd to listen to on vacation. LOL

  846. cdnchk says:

    Looked to see how much the tickets are here when Buble performs in August, and it looks like I’d better enter all the contests for tickets that I can…. 🙂

  847. ukonjacki says:

    I would REALLY love to win this!

  848. MrsShopper says:

    I love the video taken in the grocery store – but get a giggle every time when he doesn’t use coupons at checkout. 😀

  849. kato says:

    Love Michael Buble! Great Canadian Artist!

  850. helen says:

    I love his music!!

  851. Tiffany says:

    I love all his music!

  852. Kerri says:

    Michael Bublé’s music is great!

  853. DLM says:

    Another Canadian with a GREAT voice!! GO Canada!

  854. LKL says:

    Michael Buble is the first REAL singer my 3 year old will let me listen to in the car. It gives us a break from Raffi. Thank you Michael for such wonderful (and surprisingly kid friendly) music!

  855. tofuu says:

    trying again for the second time, HERE IS TO LUCK

  856. Andy says:

    michael buble is awesome, i wish i got a chance to see him in concert but it sold out in like 5 min ><

  857. tink42 says:

    Wow – great contest – thanks!

  858. Dominic says:

    Love him!! Got tickets to see him this summer in Ottawa! Would love to have an autographed CD!! 🙂

  859. NT says:

    Pick me! Pick me! Big fan here.

  860. ghemotoc says:

    he is my”Crazy love” with today’s music!:)

  861. Rebecca says:

    What a wonderful giveaway. My mom adores him ( as do I). She is recovering from Breast cancer, Id love to give her this as a get well soon gift.

    In fact….I may buy some CDs to brighten her day no matter if I win or not. her smile is worth a million bucks!

    Thanks for the awesome site and contest. Good luck to all.

  862. natasurf says:

    save this last chance for me

  863. Bex says:

    Would love to him in concert someday, such a great singer.

  864. Lisa says:

    I bought my eight year old daughter an ipod shuffle for Christmas, she asked if i would put Michael Buble (we have every cd) on it for her, which of course I did. We absolutely adore him & are very proud that he loves being Canadian!
    Happy Wednesday!!

  865. Ez says:

    Love his music and to top it off he is a funny guy!!
    Would love to win his CD.

  866. Waii says:

    I love Michael Buble. His voice is so amazing. I think it is great that he was a part of the Vancouver 2010 torch relay and the opening ceremony 😀

  867. kaimui22 says:

    love his songs! so glad he’s also from BC!

  868. Marion says:

    I LOVE Michael Buble. I hope sometime I have the chance of seeing him in person. In the meantime, winning the CD’s would certainly help

  869. Annie says:

    I hear wonderful things about seeing him live, but his CD’s would be the next best thing! 🙂

  870. m says:

    snazzy dresser

  871. frankiew says:

    Mr. Buble is Canadian. 🙂

  872. Calvin says:

    Mr.Buble would be my favourite Canadian singer, gotta love his musics! XD

  873. Catherine L says:

    Would love to win! Love him:) Can’t wait for the draw!

  874. Fleetingleaf says:

    oooo forgot about this…last entry 🙂

  875. Gottaluvthedeals says:

    We love Michael Buble!!! Fingers crossed!!

  876. smartbuyer says:

    I love him!!!

  877. Shop Girl says:

    Would love to win his new cd!

  878. Sunny says:

    Michael Buble’s music is awesome. My favourite. Hope to win some cds.

  879. canadian_girl says:

    His story is interesting…. he knew he was going to be famous when he was just a young boy!! I love stories like that. 🙂

  880. Johnny the Matt says:

    If singing old school was an olympic sport… Michael would get the Gold… Cheers.

  881. MommaLeanne says:

    I am truly happy to say that I went to school with Mike and am so proud of him for what he’s done and accomplished. He was fantastic on SNL (made the show worth it!) and I wish for a lifetime of success for him.

  882. Alexa19jm says:

    Just haven’t met you yet….. lol

  883. 2jk19 says:

    This is my second time entering the contest since it opened – I hope 2 entries is enough to win 🙂 here’s hoping!!

  884. Marilyn says:

    Love the music.

  885. Shari says:

    I have such a crush on Michael Buble! Yum!

  886. starrynight8765 says:

    He’s just charming

  887. Carol says:

    Michael Buble rocks!

  888. Mmmandie! says:

    I would love to win the cds!! I love him!!!!

  889. Alicia says:

    Hmn…gotta love a man who can sing and is a hockey fan!

  890. Pearl says:

    Got to see him filming at Killarney Market!!!

  891. Pearl says:

    Got to see him filming at Killarney Market!!!

  892. mac121wx says:

    I just love his music. Wish we could see him here in Nova Scotia soon.

  893. Mary says:

    I love the songs he sings and he’s got the voice that does it so well!

  894. Lee says:

    Frank Sinatra had big shoes to fill but this Canadian crooner is doing one Helleva job! I just haven’t met him yet… that’s why I would love to win this CD! Keeping my fingers crossed…

  895. Aders says:

    OMG I heart Michael Buble!

  896. Patty Turnquist says:

    Love his music!

  897. Adam says:

    He’s an amazing crooner!

  898. hustonville says:

    this guy helps everyone forget the winter blahs.

  899. Longtimelurker says:

    Greatest smile I’ve seen in a long time. Yay Michael.

  900. Diana says:

    My husband loves his music and I easily became a fan too…what a wonderful voice and a great entertainer. 🙂

  901. Wilson says:


  902. Carla says:

    I love Michael Buble’s Music. I would love to win.

  903. carm says:

    love him, makes me a bit happier after a good listen

  904. Grace says:

    I’m a big fan!!

  905. chemie says:

    save the last dance for me!!

  906. Christina says:

    Pick Me! Pick Me! I still haven’t met him yet 😉

  907. brandonac says:

    Great artist!

  908. MovieMinx says:

    Michael Bublé is one of my all-time favorite musicians. He’s so dreamy! I hope I’m lucky enough to win.

  909. Patty says:

    Loves his music. Hope I win.

  910. rob says:

    A one in 914 chance! C’mon Buble!

  911. Mare says:

    I don’t mean to sound corny, but this crooner definitely makes me swoon. I love Michael Buble and his music.

  912. missbobloblaw says:

    Good Luck Everyone! Buble is great!

  913. CandyP says:


  914. Chi of Steel says:

    Do you think Buble’s watching the hockey game tonight?

  915. Cheri says:

    Michael Buble is music I can really get into.

  916. Janet says:

    I love Michael Buble! Good luck to everybody!

  917. Denny says:

    Love Michael! would love to win this cd!

  918. Andie says:

    *fingers crossed*

  919. youye says:

    love his music!

  920. hannah says:

    love his music and his performances! Going to see him in concert soon!

  921. snoozegirl says:

    Love that he is canadian!

  922. starri.kari says:

    I love his voice! He’s so cute =)

  923. Monica says:

    Excellent voice, great looks. Really enjoyed his “Let It Snow” album. Thank you for offering this great contest.

  924. Frugal.Tea says:

    Love the chilled smoothness of his voice.

  925. Deb says:

    Michael Buble is such a talented star! What an awesome prize. Thanks for the contest.

  926. SarahG says:

    I loved him on Saturday Night Live, especially the ‘Hamm and Bubles’ sketch! Classic!

  927. Suzanne says:

    I just love Michael Buble!

  928. Dave says:

    I’ll give this to my dad if I win

    :cross fingers:

  929. JANICE says:

    Go for the gold canada and I will go for Buble HE IS THE best !

  930. turtle-doves says:

    love his music.

  931. Diane456 says:

    A Birthday gift for my mom’s 82 birthday would be wonderful! Good luck everyone!

  932. CC says:

    A great fresh Canadian face.

  933. Suzanne says:

    Love Michaels music he has a beautiful voice and body to boot! LOL Good luck everyone.

  934. Pauline says:

    Just a note to say that to receive any variation of the potential prizes would be absolutely FABULOUS as his music in our home would be GREAT for everyone to listen too!!! Even for our guests too!!! So hats off to Michael Buble and the chance to WIN!! Best Wishes to all!!!!!!!!

  935. KatieGirl says:

    good luck everyone 🙂

  936. Maddie2008 says:

    I wonder if he is as sexy in person as he looks in pictures and video??

  937. BigMistake says:

    I was a fan of this music long before it was cool . . . thank you, Michael, for making it popular again!

  938. Abby says:

    Would be great to win! The prize would go to my mom. She enjoys Michael Buble.

    Good luck guys 🙂

  939. kathyo says:

    I like the way he channels the Rat Pack! He’s a great singer and quite the looker!

  940. Matthew Shon says:

    Good luck everyone

  941. Charles says:

    Yeah, Buble!

  942. Sheila says:

    He is absolutely another GREAT musical talent to come out of Canada! And…the fact that he is from MY province of BC is even better! And….his parents own a home in Lund, BC (near Powell River, on the coast).
    Love this man!

  943. sha says:

    boy, I would love to win this for my husband. A perfect gift just for him

  944. canucknewbie says:

    Would love to win to add to my CD collection.

  945. Maureen29 says:

    Michael has the most AMAZING voice!!! I just love listening to him!!!

  946. karen says:

    Michael Buble is the best!

  947. kathryn moeller says:

    I love his music!! This would be so wonderful to win

  948. Jessica says:

    Last Entry!!!

  949. Jen says:

    Michael Buble FTW

  950. Amelia Hara says:

    I love Michael Buble! Of course, who doesn’t! I love his smooth sounding voice and the fact that he is from Burnaby. I also love the fact that he made one of his video in my neighbourhood!

  951. chemie says:

    Good luck everyone!

  952. Shea says:

    I love you Michael 🙂
    I just haven’t met you yet!

  953. RLM says:

    Love, love, love Michael Buble. He makes my heart swoon!

  954. Brittany Van Doren says:

    oh please oh please oh please 🙂 i am reduced to beg LOL 😉

  955. Linda says:

    He’s a proud supporter of the Vancouver Children’s Hospital.

  956. trucks says:

    winwinwin! today is the last day!

  957. Big Bird says:

    Love Michael Buble! Hope to win!

  958. Cheripou says:

    Hummmm…Michael Bubble…

  959. mummyto2 says:

    Michael Buble is smoking hot and a smoking singer!!! LOL Good luck everyone!!!

  960. duranie says:

    Loved him on “The Hour” Christmas special in December.. I would love to win the CD’s! Thank you for the contest!

  961. Melanie says:

    He was great on SNL a few weeks ago! I would really like to see him in concert!!

  962. Elizabeth says:

    I think that Micheal is handsome and I love his singing.

  963. freestuffforme says:

    I love it when Canadian artists like Michael Buble make us proud.

  964. Natalie says:

    My nearly three year old son knows all of the words to his favourite song, ‘Haven’t me you yet’, courtesy of his Auntie. The two of them drive around with the song on repeat, its just priceless.

    I heart you Michael Buble!! lol

  965. Tina says:

    Love Micheal!

  966. Dimi says:

    He is just awesome!

  967. Jen L. says:

    I love his latest song…”I haven’t met you yet” (or something like that).

  968. dicee says:

    Hope Michael sings at the Olympic closing ceremony. Wouldn’t that be awesome!

  969. Sunshine says:

    I loveeeeeeeeee Michael Buble 🙂

  970. Louise says:

    Today is the day!

  971. Supafly says:

    Michael Buble, Michael Buble, Michael Buble!

  972. Juli says:

    Can’t wait to see him August in MTL!!

  973. I saw him in Ottawa and my girls love him!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

  974. Ema says:

    I just LOVE Michael Buble!

  975. Maddie2008 says:

    Is it time yet?? The waiting is the hardest part

  976. leftie says:

    He is an awesome singer

  977. eva says:

    I love his music! He’s an amazing entertainer!

  978. Jennie says:

    Pick me, I wanna win lol 🙂

  979. Olga says:

    Very nice voice!

  980. Diesel69 says:

    The dude is real,which is rare in the fake music world today..no need for sound machines his voice is real on tape or live…Real Canadian…

  981. Jennie says:

    I think he is amazing in what he does and does it right

    (why is it telling me your comment is awaiting moderation??, please help)

  982. Irene Power says:

    Great CANADIAN entertainer! One to be proud of!!!!!

  983. Ann says:

    Oh please pick my number! I LOVE him! He’s so hot!!!

  984. Cheryl says:

    My Mom’s birthday is next weekend and this would be a fantastic gift to go along with the tickets I’m giving her for his August show in Toronto. My fingers are crossed!

  985. Natalka says:

    Was just listening to him; he makes me swooooon…. lol!
    Thanks for the contest!

  986. Mary says:

    OOOOO today is the announcement we’ve all been waiting for!!! Who is the WINNER!!!??? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!! oooo I hope it’s meee! If not I envy the WINNER!!!

  987. Mary says:

    OOOOO today is the announcement we’ve all been waiting for!!! Who is the WINNER!!!??? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!! oooo I hope it’s meee! If not I envy the WINNER!!!

  988. karen says:

    Love the siky, smooth, all surrounding, goose-bump giving, joy of his voice and musical stylings.

  989. mokka says:


  990. A says:

    Great singer!

  991. Chi of Steel says:

    Wow, nearly 1,000 comments for this contest. Michael sure has a lot of fans!

  992. June Stevens says:

    What a wonderful singer – reminds me of Frank Sinatra – I just love his style!!

  993. RobynCD says:

    Pretty, pretty, please!!!! Pick me 🙂

  994. Cecilia says:

    Ahhhhh, last chance! My fingers are crossed. I hope luck is with me! 🙂

  995. Karen says:

    My 4.5 year old son likes to listen to his songs.

  996. couponcrazy32 says:

    This is a sign…his song is playing on the radio as I type! Love me some Buble!!!!!!!

  997. couponcrazy32 says:

    This is a sign…his song is playing on the radio as I type! Love me some Buble!!!!!!!

  998. shabba suraj says:

    Can you believe that voice? WOW.

  999. Nydia says:

    I love Michael Buble and his music!

  1000. puddin57 says:

    last chance to win!!….but every time I hear his voice, I feel lucky all over again….my perfect concert would be Michael Buble and the Canadian Tenors together

  1001. tammy vieira says:

    Wow I hope I am not to late my mother loves this guy. I just found out about it. That sucks.

  1002. Mary L says:

    Woo Hoo, todays the day! Love Michaels music.

  1003. Sally says:

    Contest is officially closed at 1005 entries.

    Winners have been randomized and will be posted at 12 noon!

  1004. midnight_drfiter says:

    Totally one of my favourite artist today

  1005. edi-l says:

    absolutely one of my favourites.. wish i saw him carrying the torch! he just hasn’t met me yett 🙂

  1006. sunshine88 says:

    last entry for michael buble!

  1007. DMaria says:

    did I make the deadline?????

  1008. Carly says:

    Michael Buble has the most amazing voice!

  1009. Becky says:

    keeping my fingers crossed for the big win…….third times a winner…:)

  1010. over4omommy says:

    I love Michael Buble’s music and I would love to win his latest cd!!!!!!!

  1011. Teresa says:

    My husband and I love Michael Buble!!! Everytime we have friends or family over to our house we put in a Michael Buble Cd on. Also, when I was pregnant with our son, i used to play his songs so many times and now my 17 months old son dances to the beat of Michael Buble’s Save the last dance for me. Please send us a copy so that I can play it in our house:)

  1012. Divine~Miss~M says:

    He is amazing!

  1013. tremmeer says:

    This man has remarkable talent, and YES HE IS CANADIAN.

  1014. Connie says:

    I think it’s too late but I’m going to try anyway!!!


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