Gillette Canada is currently giving away free samples of GilletteLabs razors with exfoliating bar. To access the free sample form you can click the link below and begin by entering your province.
Not everyone will qualify for this sample as these as meant for a very specific age group. If you are not part of this group please refrain from claiming a sample, unless of course you are claiming one for someone who is. To qualify for this free sample you must either be 18 or 19 years of age, and you will have to verify this by entering your year of birth. Those who live in Quebec unfortunately will not qualify for this one. If you reside in AB, MB, ON, PE, or SK, you must be either 18 or 19 years of age. If you reside in BC, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, or YT you must be 19 years of age to qualify.
Click here to get your free Gillette razor sample.
Sorry to read you’re out of samples.Since I started shaving at 16 (Now 72) I have always used your products and have used most of your models.It would have been nice to replace my ProgGlide power.I will check the marketplace.Thank you.