Hate iTunes? Want an iPod Anyways? Try Dopisp!

I don’t know about you, but I hate iTunes. And I mean HATE. I find it so unfriendly, so slow – in my books, it’s an absolute nightmare. But that hasn’t stopped me from wanting an iPod. As much as I hate to admit it there’s still nothing better out there than Apple’s little white pocket pal. Thanks to MGTEK there’s finally some hope for folks like me. So if you’re putting an iPod in someones stocking this year, why not tell them about Dopsip? It’s a Windows Media Player plug-in that will allow WMP11 to recognize the iPod just like it would any other portable music playing device.

Dopisp does have one limitation though, and depending on how you acquire your music it might be a real stick in the mud. Dopsip can’t sync any music with DRM protection, which means that if you’ve purchased music from the iTunes Store you won’t be able to sync it through Dopisp.

If you’re interested in Dopsip, I’d suggest getting it right away. It’s not available for purchase yet, but it is available for free as a two month evaluation copy. Give it a shot and let us know what you think!

Click here to visit the Dopisp site and download the free evaluation copy.

45 responses to “Hate iTunes? Want an iPod Anyways? Try Dopisp!”

  1. anson says:

    thank you so much!! i hate iTunes too!!!! now that i can have an alternative, thank you!

  2. mayotruk says:

    First of all, saying iTunes is an “absolute nightmare” shows absolute ignorance. If you are seriously saying that Windows Media player is the great alternative, then there may be no point in even trying to convince you otherwise-you could already been brainwashed. iTunes is no slower than anything else out there, has a VERY easy to use interface and it handles all popular music formats aside from Windows Media (which is a crap alternative anyway). As for DRM, while iTunes is resricted to its own protected AAC, at least Apple supports its own standards on the iPod-music purchased at Microsoft’s music store with “plays for sure” DRM is not even supported on its own Zune! Using the M$ player and supporting their DRM is basically feeding into the already too powerful monopoly. Boooooo Microsoft.

  3. dysonlu says:

    @mayotruk: I usually try to avoid calling people “fanboy” because it’s an over-used word and often mis-used but you my friend is a poor Apple fanboy (and surprise surprise, MS hater). Who the f*** are you to question someone else’s opinion and call him/her ignorant just because that opinion didn’t align with your own??? Did it occur to you that they might have had experiences on the subject that differ from yours? Oh and guess what, if everyone had to share your opinion, then Apple would have had a “too power monopoly” too! Boooooo fanboyism.

  4. ceci says:

    I agree that iTunes is not very user-friendly. The way that they sort out the playlist is hard to understand. If you sort by artist, the ones with multiple artists will be screwed. If you sort by album, it is so difficult to find the artist you want.

    Everyone has their own opinion, I don’t think you can call others ignorant. I mean, if everyone likes the same product, then there will be only ONE monopoly and no other alternatives. The reason for all these company to survive is because they all have their own supporters.

  5. […] Sources: DOPISP Website | Smart Cannucks | lifehacker | Uneasy Silence […]

  6. amanda says:

    is this still available?

  7. jimmycanuck says:

    Absolutely – just follow the link and you should see where you need to click to download the evaluation copy. 🙂

  8. Leo says:

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  9. Greg says:

    I’m not a big iTunes fan, altough I have used it. While trying different media players, I have finally settled on wmp11. I find it the easest to use and visually apealling. Up until a month or so ago I was using xPlay to sync my iPod’s with wmp, but this program is no available in Vista (yet). Desperate to find something to sync wmp11 with I stumbled upon dopisp. I must say, that I will not be buying the new version of xPlay. I love this program very easy with very little overhead. Thanks MGTEK

  10. Charles A says:

    I couldn’t agree more that i tunes is a pain in the ass. I have installed the dopisp plug in but still cant sync my i pod. The error message says that I need to use the MP3 format or enable on the fly encoding to MP3 in MGTEK dopisp. Please Help.

  11. Canek says:

    I hate itunes!!! I have two different ipods, I’ve been using itunes because it was the only option for the ipod. I upgrade my Dell Computer with RAID0 with Windows Vista and that is when all the problems began. itunes destroyed all my library and created the file itunes Library (Damaged) I can’t access my videos or sync my ipods, I lost all my playslits that I spent hours and days orginizing and sometimes I got the blue screen of horror. I was reading some reviews and itunes is not compatible 100% with Vista and is causing lots of problems. I HATE ITUNES. Thanks MGTEK you save my live and time.

  12. sandra says:

    hi, I tried dopisp and it seems to work real fine, I only have one question to decide me to buy the registered version, is it possible to sync also videos and pictures to a video ipod? I did well with music files but I can’t sync videos/pictures
    Thanks for any help

  13. Katie says:

    I also HATE itunes. It’s like a virus. I long for the days when I could just drag and drop files directly onto my mp3 player. I only have an ipod because it was a gift. Itunes causes me so much grief, I hardle ever use my ipod. The program starts up quickly enough, but then it tells me my ipod isn’t in sync, so I ultimately have to agree for it to erase everything on my ipod so that the two libraries can be in sync. Awesome. Then it has to update something for whatever reason. Great. Then that’s not all. New songs don’t appear in the library automatically, even though the program is supposedly monitoring certain folders. So once I’ve drawn it’s attention to the new files, it doesn’t just add them to the list, it imports them. FANTASTIC. Oh wait, and what is it doing now? Oh yes, lets download cover art, because I really need that. And don’t try uninstalling itunes, because a month or even a week later you’ll find it back again, having piggy backed unnoticed on some other program you installed. An hour after the ordeal began, I can put music on my little white box of insanity and enjoy.

    I feel a lot better now, and so glad I’ve come across dopisp. Now I just have to get hypnotised so I won’t remember having ever had to use itunes.

  14. Unk says:

    Just got an 80gb classic…I hate itunes.
    Can I move mp3’s in & out of the pod with this software.
    Tried Anapod but it crashed the ipod & they refuse email support.
    Just want it to work like my old zen player.


  15. Katrina says:

    Has anyone had trouble getting the dopsit plug in to work? I tried it on my 5.5 generation ipod, and everything loaded perfectly… I just can’t get the music to actually play. It just scrolls through my entire inventory of music, then defaults back to a prior menu.

    I’ve written the company, but no word yet. Anyone able to help? Anyone? anyone…

  16. Peter says:

    @ Unk

    I almost cried when I read your post.

    I have/had a Zen Vision:M but lost it to a gym accident (I dropped it on a treadmill). It worked a dream with WMP 11, but the new Zens don’t have hard-drive versions. So I bought an iPod Classic 80 gig to replace it, seeing that it would work with WMP using dopsip.

    But nothing will ever replace the ‘drag and drop’ freedom of the good ol’ days.

    R.I.P. little bud, I’ll never forget ya.


  17. tattoodprincess says:

    I had a MAJOR problem with iTunes at first, but I got used to it. I had another MP3 player, which worked the opposite way of the iPod when it came to synching files. I dont find it too bad now. You just have to figure out how to manipulate it the right way. I’m now trying to figure out how to convert video files into a format for my iPod, so if anyone knows a good program, I would DEFINETLY appreciate it.
    I tell you what though, I was SO happy when I found out that I dont have to buy music through iTunes to put on it lolz You can download through a P2P program like Limewire, put it in your documents, drag to a folder then move it onto iTunes. I know its a little more work, but I am most definetly a label snob and HAD to have an iPod. I’m lucky and work at Wal Mart so I saved 10% with my employee card, so I pretty much saved the tax.

  18. DrGonzo says:

    A million times thank you! iTunes was really begining to take the shine of my lovely new iPod, they may be the best looking peice of kit out there but apple really has its customers in a choke hold. I wanted the freedom to transfere music in both directions and to view the contents of my iPod from my computer, imagine my shock that you cannot do these simple things i took for granted with my old MP3 player. I shall be downloading dopisp and removing all trace of itunes from my machine, the nightmare is over!

  19. Rodriguez says:

    Totally agreed, I bought Ipod cause of the stupid frenzy over it. Yea, I suck now. I didn’t know about Itunes and when I found out about it, I also found out I SPENT 200 dollars on an effin machine that comes with a program that shuts down Vista whenever it uploads. Yea, also bought a vista. DAMN THESE UPDATES! they’re slower than AOL! Acutally I don’t have aol anymore, so I don’t know about that just yet.

  20. Dave says:

    Thank you so much!! Have always hated updating my ipod because of Itunes and its complete inability to just do what you have asked it to do. Spent about 2 hours last night trying to add a few new albums and it brings the whole PC to a stand still (and this is not a crappy old PC!) while it adds it to its library. Have always hated the way despite telling it where my music is kept (on a NAS drive) it always reverting back to the C drive every time I load it and not seeing new music on the network.

    Was a bit of a bugger setting this up at first but now it working like a dream!

    Plus I no longer have to keep two media libraries going (one for tunes and one for the Box)

  21. dave says:

    I love ipod …I hate i tunes and all about it…Going to buy samsung yp-p2 .Nice and GREAT support…I will never ever buy Apple product ever!!!Remember AOL….they do business same way as Apple…

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  24. Ingrid says:

    I have an ipod nano, it was working fine with itunes, But i bought another ipod nano, but the square one cause i wanted a different color, when i plugged it in, it said my new ipod isnt compatile with my current version of itunes which was the 7th version. so i upgraded to the 8th version.. and since then itunes doesnt fuhreakin work!!! im so annoyed!! i cant use my ipod.. :((

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  26. sabrina roberts says:

    I just got my first i pod. Its a second gen i pod touch and I just love its features. However it is my first and last i pod. I hate i tunes and since I never used it I was shocked to find that i couldnt automatically update my song list or everytime i put a new song into it that i would be erasing all the other song that i put in it. I tunes sucks but i pod touch is awsome!. I am going back to windows based mp3 players and if there is a touch mp3 player that windows is putting out i would be the first to buy it.

  27. BooRadley says:

    I just got a new Ipod Touch as well. It is an absolutely amazing little piece of technology. However, my music library is very large (Just under 1TB) and Itunes is absolutely worthless for managing it. It is slower than molasses and locks up constantly. I tried browsing the library with Windows Media Player, and it is much better. I can’t wait to try dopisp with Windows Media Player.

  28. fizz says:

    You people need help. There is nothing better than itunes out there for managing your music. Even if it crashes you can quit n open it again but you cant do that on windows media player..! You need to restart your pc but hey its ur time so if u wana waste it on wmp go do it!

  29. spevia says:

    I only have one word for all of you…… sharepod….

  30. theevilleprechaunman says:

    i hate ipods theyre so annoying and if u dont have an ipod u get treated like a reject, and if u speak out against them u instantly get bombarded with lots of hate. ipods are like every other MP£ player out there i see nothing special about them, in fact i reckon theyre to limted at least with zens u can drag and drop and also get a program thts user freindly oh well ipods suck. Macs are only good for making media not playing it

  31. JimmyJ says:

    I don’t understand why iTunes even exists except as a tether lock-in to Apple’s products. What could be simpler then the original MP3 players that just copied from your hard drive directly to an MP3 player? Why have some massive piece of bloatware step into the process, slow down your computer, make it crash, duplicate all of your music and all to complicate a simple task.

    The only reason to replace it is because you have to have some software to work with iPods and iPhones and iTunes is pretty bad. Ideally it would be a simple disk to disk transfer and ytou could use WinAmp to play and for playlists on the PC.

  32. Spevia says:

    I too use SHAREPOD….so much better than itunes and can be accessed via your ipod on any computer u plug it in to

  33. James Black says:

    I cannot begin to describe what debilitating rubbish iTunes is. I purchased an iPod Classic, and was railroaded through the iTunes website to giving my credit card details even BEFORE i had made a purchase. Excuse me, but that is just unethical. Suffice to say i didn’t hand any details through, but attempted to use iTunes nonetheless – and what a wake-up call that was. I have never experienced more headaches and heartaches from this extremely unfriendly and unscrupulous website and software. I have used many software applications in my time and thought i would give iTunes a fair go. What a waste of time, money and patience. Comparing iTunes to Vista Windows Media player is like comparing a maggot riddled dog turd to a solid gold ingot. Thank god for DOPISP!!

  34. qwe says:

    I HATE this CRAP! I got a 80gb ipod classic and this is a WORST mp3 player in the world! I wish hackers can hack this fecking ipod OS.

  35. Mister Pigg says:

    @mayotruk iTunes is pretty much a nightmare for me too, it screws up my tagging and makes my entire computer freeze after 10 minutes of use. Windows media player is barely better, but still better.

    I vastly prefer foobar 2000.

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  39. Nettie says:

    I hate Itunes too! So much so that I only force myself to update my music on my ipod once every 6 months or so. It’s so horrible! I’ll have to check out this. Thanks a bunch! 🙂

  40. Dorsey says:

    cool picsxx

  41. Bucky-Star says:

    I use floola. Open-source.

  42. Rydman says:

    I couldn’t agree more, myself, but not everyone is as clever as you seem to be. Or as I seem to be! HA! :-p

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