Highlights from the Tech Blog: …but who’d want to tweet from a payphone?


If this article looks familiar, it’s because it was originally posted on the SmartCanucks Tech Deals blog. If it doesn’t, why aren’t you reading our geeky sister site? 😛

Not too sure of the last time you’ve looked at a payphone (if you’re like most of us, the year likely started with a “19”), but it looks as though they’ve undergone a bit of a strange transformation as of late to add in some features from their mobile competition. Now, from select Bell payphones, you can send text messages for 10 cents.

To make things easier these payphones come equipped with a full QWERTY keypad. It appears as though these started springing up shortly after Bell increased their payphone rates for local calls to 50 cents.

Have any of you tried this feature out yet? And just how useful is texting from a phone that can’t receive a reply?

5 responses to “Highlights from the Tech Blog: …but who’d want to tweet from a payphone?”

  1. ottawagurl20 says:

    we have these payphones at herongate mall here in ottawa.. been there for over 4 months now.. ive used them once or twice to txt hubbie to tell him im at the mall (hes a security guard there) but it takes awhile to received txt messages..

  2. Richie says:

    Sending a text message from a payphone would be like using a webproxy. It hides the number…

    Though who would want to set texts without having a return address.

    Is there any real upkeep costs for these phones?

  3. Ally says:

    I’ve never seen a payphone like this. I actually haven’t seen a payphone in a long time.

  4. Farhan says:

    The keyboard is for TTY. Accessed by special need

  5. Arjit Bajwa says:

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