Only 6 Months Until Christmas


Well, now that summer is underway the countdown to Christmas can start.  Only 6 months ’til Christmas.  I know at least half of you have already started shopping!

Have a great weekend everyone.

19 responses to “Only 6 Months Until Christmas”

  1. Linda says:

    We are still waiting for spring in the west….

  2. Andrea says:

    lol – definately waiting for spring. And geez, I hope half of us are really not that proactive. It really makes me feel more like a procrastinator LOL

  3. Dotty dot dot says:

    meep. i started shopping on Boxing Day!

  4. Abby1 says:

    @ Dotty: me too!

  5. sweetiedeals says:

    This cracked me up! Thanks for posting…because only a SC’er would have their Christmas shopping started/finished for the year. LOL

  6. kelly25 says:

    I start in june too!! I <3 christmas..

  7. eh trac says:

    I picked up stocking stuffers a few weeks ago. You can never start too early!

  8. carlyincanada says:

    LOL, I just thought of this when I realized its June 25!!! haha 🙂 I pick up a few things thru out the year & on SDM bonus redemption days!! Makes it much easier than doing it at the last minute & fighting the crowds!!

  9. erin says:

    OMG, this post made me smile. 1. I can’t wait for Christmas (thnx for the reminder) 2. Who starts their Christmas shopping this early?? Lol I never shopped for presents this early but ever since I’ve become addicted to this site this year and always see good deals, it’s actually not a bad idea to start! I’m going to join the bandwagon. Lol yay shopping!

  10. Laura Williams says:

    The hilarious this is that we are celebrating half christmas tonight… celebrating festive style. 😉

  11. shennig says:

    Too funny… I’ve never started this early before, but since joining this site, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for ideas and good deals. I probably won’t actually start buying anything until October though.

  12. Michelle I. says:

    Thanks to the freebie deals & coupons, P&G goodies, etc. I have already a nice stash of stocking stuffers. Start early & avoid the rush! ha ha 🙂

  13. Nayya says:

    I always try to shop early and avoid the last minute crowd.. but June! lol.. I kinda agree tho.. there are great deals for seasonal stuff throughout the year.. I guess it all depends on what your peeps need/want for Christmas! I should start asking now already :p

  14. annie says:

    if you want summer toys for the kids, it’s a good time… hard to find in winter!!

  15. kittyboots says:

    I do have a few things stashed away already. It’s never too early to start planning/shopping!

  16. Juniperjune says:

    Gosh, I have not paid my property taxes yet… We just had our 1st day of summer. LOL.

  17. Wilson says:

    I’ve already started shopping, although I am further behind schedule than last year.

  18. Kimmer says:

    I start shopping in January. Almost finished other then the stocking stuffers. Shopping early for everyone else on my list allows more time to shop for ME!lol

  19. Cheapishcanuck says:

    if you shop this early, no one can get a gift receipt or have any opportunity to return or exchange. How do you handle that aspect?


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