WOOHOO, P&G flyer insert in this weekends papers. So excited. All coupons expire on July 31, 2011. Huge thanks to little_orch for posting all the coupons for us. And without further ado, here is the list of coupons awaiting your scissors!
Save 50 Cents WUB any 1 Bounty towel product
Save 50 Cents WUB any 1 Puffs Product
Save $1.25 WUB 2 Bounty Charmin or Puffs Products
Save $5 WUB any 1 Pampers wipes and 1 Pampers Diapers
Save $3 WUB any 1 Pampers Easy Ups Underjams or Splashers
Save $2 WUB any 1 Pampers Baby-dry, Swaddlers or Cruisers
Buy any 3 Febreeze, Mr Clean or Dawn products and get a Febreeze NOTICables single warmer Free
Save $1 WUB any 2 Mr Clean products (excluding 1ct erasers)
Save $3 WUB any 2 febreeze products
Save $1 WUB any 2 Dawn products
Save $1.50 WUB any Cascade ActionPacs
Save $2 WUB any size Iams dry dog or cat food
Save 50 Cents WUB any Iams wet dog or cat food
Save $5 WUB any Swiffer Sweepervac starter kit
Save $1.50 WUB any Swiffer Sweeper or Duster starter kit
Save $1.50 WUB any Swiffer refills
Save $1.50 WUB any Swiffer Dust and Shine
Save $1 WUB any Duracell Coppertop or Ultra Advanced batteries
Save $2 WUB any Duracell NiMH Rechargeable Batteries
Save $5 WUB any Duracell NiMH Charger
Save $2 WUB any Covergirl product
Save $1 WUB andy 1 Box of Nice’n Easy hair colour product
Save $3 WUB any 2 boxes of Nice’n easy hair colour products
Save $1 WUB any 1 Natural Instincts hair colour product
Save $3 WUB any 2 Natural instincts hair colour products
Save $2 WUB any 1 Venus Bikini Kit, Venus Embrace razor or Venus Spa Breeze razor
Save $2 WUB any Venus disposables razor
Save $1 WUB any 1 Satin Care shave gel
Save 75 Cents WUB any Crest paste
Save 50 Cents WUB any Glide Floss
Save $5 WUB any Crest 3D White Whitestrips product (except vivid)
Save $1 WUB and Crest pro health for me paste
Save $1 WUB any Crest Pro-Health For Me rinse
Save $1 WUB any Crest Pro-Health For Me manual brush
Save$10 WUB and Braun Shaver
Save $20 WUB any Clean & Renew shaver (Models 370cc,390cc,570cc,590cc,760cc,790cc)
Save $1 WUB any Old Spice product
Save $3 WUB any 2 Old Spice Products
Save $2 WUB any Gillette Fusion Proglide razor
Save $2 WUB any Gillette 3 bladed Disposable razor
Save $5 WUB any 3 Gillette products or a Gillette gift set over $10
Save $3 WUB any 2 Tide (26 use or higher) Downy (52 use or Higher) Bounce Sheets (80ct or higher) or Bounce Bar
Does anyone have any idea what paper this will be in/what day in Calgary?
What toronto paper?
FYI . . the website is now back up and running, you can order P&G coupons again. New coupons for June.
No Olay! Boo! 🙁
Awesome!!! But one the sad side,…it’s 3wub tide or downy and not 5$ off and no olay ……….
Which paper in BC should I be looking for this insert?????
All the Diaper Coupons have been removed?!?!?
Hmmmmmm….. They are okay but I’ll miss my $5 Tide/Downy one.
Darn no diapers ones on website!
following links are still active, but i can’t guarantee you’ll receive these coupons:
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/brandvoice/
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/duracell/
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/gain/
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/iams/
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/pampers/
* brandsaver.ca/en_ca/portal/pampers_sensitive/
Only July 31st? That’s not even 8 full weeks! save.ca is better than that. :/
I sure hope that Canada Post isn’t on strike too long! Otherwise the coupons could be expired before we even get them 🙁
iloveluca wasn’t even thinking about that. that if they strike is not for too long.
I wish they’d come out with some different product coupons….seems to be the same products over & over that we can get coupons for….
hey does anyone know which Toronto/Mississauga newspapers will have this P&G insert?! 🙂
I’m unsure regarding the Toronto papers, still trying to find that one out. Saw someone post that they got the insert in the Mississauga Post today. I’m hoping someone will help us out. I’ve been having some trouble tracking down the inserts lately.
Hubby laughed at me for stock piling tide. Now seeing these new coupons, I’m really glad I did!
I too wish to know what paper has these inserts in the York area (Toronto/ Newmarket)Thanks!
Does anyone know what Oshawa-Whitby Ontario paper these come in.
Does anyone know what paper in Ottawa the insert is in?
I’m from Victoria, does anyone know in which newspaper the insert is in?
-Many thanks.
Ordered mine from the site and cannpt wait to get and picking inserts this week end,,,last time I went to the site too late so no good coupons:(
Kingston on paper? I don’t get any, so id have to pick one up! 🙂 thanks !
for the list of paper for p&g,smartsource and redplum go to http://www.mrsjanuary.com and on the right side of the screen you will see the link for every provence and papers they are in, happy buying
I had the free Warmer coupon in my purse and couldn’t find the matching product in the store. They were all the double type. And then I noticed you have to mail in the coupon for a rebate.
Not good.
Got mine with my flyers yesterday & the Redplum too!! Will be clipping coupons asap!! haha 🙂
redplum coupon inserts come in the Edmonton Journal on June 4th and in the edmonton sun on June 5th
smartsource come out next weekend
Here is a helpfull link:
Does anyone have a link that gives out the exact dates??
Thats a great link, but I still don’t know what day to get the paper, I see it comes in the Toronto Sun/Star, but when, Saturday, Sunday? I often get my inserts in the Whitby local paer on Fridays, but not the last few weeks…so I’d like to purchase the paper to make sure I get my coupons.
I am drooling! So many of them! Does anyone know what paper this is in in the Ottawa area?? Redplum?? I dont recieve either in my local paper and I am dying for more coupons!
dont have the link but here are the dates ssdates are june11, july 9, aug6, aug27, sept 24, oct15, nov 5, dec 3 and rp dates are june4, july2, aug 13, sept10, oct1, oct29, nove 26 opps for got dec sorry hope this helps…ss=smartsource and rp=red plum
Good news!!! They are 4 babys coupons back on the site currently!!!
-Save 3$ PAMPERS underjams easyup, or splashers
-Save 2$ PAMPERS baby dry,swaddlers or Cruisers
-Save 1$ any PAMPERS Wipes
-Save 4$ any PAMPERS Wipes and PAMPERS Diapers
@ Jessica thanks ! Ill be getting the journal tomrw!!!
I am new to this couponing thing and I welcome your help. Can anyone tell me how to get coupons. Also will this be in the Nova Scotia paper particullary the Cape Breton Post.
I am new to this couponing thing and I welcome your help. Can anyone tell me how to get coupons. Also will this be in the Nova Scotia paper particulary the Cape Breton Post.
Where are the inserts in the Guelph papers???? There were none and I am soooo sad!!!