Tioma is currently uploading some of the Quebec flyers for us, and here is your early look at the grocery flyers for the week of June the 10th to the 16th. You may click the links below to view the complete flyers on our forum, and below are some of the highlights of this week’s sales.
- Maxwell House Coffee $5.99
- Dove Body Wash $2.99
- Axe Body Wash $2.99
- Cavendish Fries 2/$4
- Free Eggo Waffles When You Purchase Breyers Ice Cream
- Kraft Dinner 3/$5
- 2L Pop .99
- Old El Paso Taco Shells $2.49
- Astro Original Tubs $1.99
- Source Yogurt Tubs $1.99
- Asparagus $1.99/lb
- Kashi Bars $2.99
- Goldfish Crackers $1.99
- Pringles $1.66
- International Delight 946ml $3.99
- Cucumbers .77
- Berries 2/$4
- Redpath Sugar $1.44
- Kraft Dressing $1.99
- Iogo Nomad 6/$5
- Selection Waffles .99
- Astro Original 12pk $2.99
- Cheez Wiz $3
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese Large Tub $3
- Kraft Singles 2/$5
- Klondike 2/$5
- No Name Miniature Marshmallows $1.88
- Iogo Nomad 3/$2
- Goldfish Crackers $2