Remembrance Day Canada November 11th 2010

Reviews / Canada



In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.

– John McCrae

 We will remember them.


23 responses to “Remembrance Day Canada November 11th 2010”

  1. crazycoupongirl says:

    I hope we all take time today to remember, I know I will, our tradition is to go shopping together as a family, and when we shop the mall we go to ALWAYS tells on the announcement at 11am that we stop for a moment of silence and many of the people do ! its great!

  2. Harvey Poch says:

    I am several time zones ahead of you and have already observed the two minutes’ silence tradition of the day. Bravo to you for taking the time (and the financial hit) to make your web site meaningful for the occasion.

  3. Natalka says:

    Sally, lovely that you put that here on the blog…

    I wish all stores were closed today, that it was a true statutory holiday federally.

  4. Mariaaz says:

    Thank you for posting this. The poem brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

    Lest we forget…

  5. Skippy says:

    I will remember for myself, my family and my country.

  6. Theresa says:

    I love that poem. Thankful to live in freedom and for the sacrifice of all those who served past and present in wartime and in peace. Lest We Forget.

  7. jonatan says:

    I wished they closed all the stores, movie theatres, restaurant, etc for the day. But all schools to remain open and having a special curriculum for the day.

    That way, all our children would learn what this day means and understand the hundreds and thousands of lives lost to give peace to many lands including ours.

    Because apparently most adults that aren’t working, either sleep in or take this day to go shopping and affording a mere two minutes of remembrance.

    They should participate in a gathering at their local cenotaph or war memorial thanking the veterans for what they’ve done or the soldiers of today that are still striving to keep the world at peace.

    I keep thinking of a child that lied about his age so that he can join the military to end up dying on a cold damp piece of foreign land. And you people going about their lives doing menial tasks like shopping which can be done any other day instead of really paying respect to the many men and women that gave us our freedom from some evil dictatorship.

    I just hope our children learn what their parents didn’t.

    Happy Remembrance Day.

  8. Zay says:

    Thank you to all our veterans. You are the true heros.

  9. Frugal.Tea says:

    Thanks to all of the veterans and fallen soldiers for your sacrifice. Prayers to families and friends who have lost someone in the war.

  10. CarolD says:

    Thank you . . .

  11. Litesandsirens911 says:

    JONATAN: I couldn’t have said it better myself….Thank you Veterans and present troops.

  12. Deb says:

    I couldn’t have said it better myself!

  13. CarlyinCanada says:

    I agree Jonatan! I will be taking our dogs for a walk down by the river to the Memorial Park where there all monuments from all the wars!!

    Thanks to all the soldiers past & present! Your always in our thoughts & prayers!

  14. tami says:

    OMG, the first time SC blog made my cry like a baby, thank you for the blog and for the nice words everyone, well said Jonatan!

  15. Andie says:

    Thank you.

  16. Sue says:

    In Flanders Fields.

  17. eriluo says:

    Lest we forget

  18. Anna says:

    Lest we forget …
    Happy Remembrance day to all.
    That is a touching poem, and it always brings tears to my eyes whenever I read it.
    Honor those who fought for their country and wear a poppy today please 🙂

  19. golfglove says:

    Please Remember Not just for one day For all days

  20. Sarah says:

    Thank you to all the soldiers who fought, and are fighting. Thanks to all those who aren’t here with us.

    Lest we forget

  21. jonatan says:

    I was so touched today. I was at our local cenotaph when I saw a girl about 4 years old point to a wreath with the words ‘Lest We Forget’. Her mother sat down with her and her sister on the steps in front of the wreath, and explained what it meant and how important that ‘we should always remember’.

    It was beautiful. To all you parents that have instilled in your child the importance of remembrance day, bless you.

    We don’t live in a perfect world but there are perfect moments in all our lives.

    Peace. Love. Happiness.

  22. Mist_ynight says:

    Everyone should watch this video and read the info about it. It’s a very touching video and makes me cry everytime I hear it.

  23. Corbinx says:

    Thank You to the solders who fought and
    thank you for the solders who are still fighting.



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