SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 10

Community Features


This week I thought it might be fun to go with a real stumper, and by “real stumper” I really mean “something I couldn’t come up with a caption for, but would LOVE to see somebody else tackle.” Just remember kids — keep it PG. This is a family site.

What are you waiting for? Make with the captioning already! 😛

69 responses to “SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 10”

  1. Ann Hindley says:

    Ok Missy you have lead me to the water, but you can’t make me drink

  2. matrix says:

    Hi, My name is Ariel

  3. Zay says:

    Listen up George, I told you already I will not go out with you. Now get that silly costume off.

  4. Mrs P says:

    Did you just Pee

  5. Mrs P says:

    This is a nudist beach

  6. Patrice says:

    Hey Norm, I heard that!

  7. Scott says:

    Thank goodness. I thought you were a shark.

    See horse. Sea horse.

  8. Scott says:

    On the next episode of LOST, Jack turns into a horse.

  9. wolfpack says:

    “I’m sorry, I was in such a hurry, I lost my white knight….”

  10. Scott says:

    Lifeguard: “HEY! No horseplay in the water!”

  11. Brandy says:

    (horse to girl) Oh thank goodness.. i almost wore the same outfit.. boy would my face have been red!

  12. Melody113 says:

    Whatcha laughing at you think I’m less dangerous than a SHARK?

  13. Brandy says:

    Do i have spinach in my teeth?

  14. nsangel says:

    Boy am I ever glad I ditched walter back at the hotel. You are oh soooo much…


    dammit jim you said to keep it pg

  15. Sherry Storey says:

    The perfect combination of tall, dark, handsome and reliable!

  16. Scott says:

    Woman: Do you like the beach here, Mr Horse?
    Mr Horse: *long pause* No, sir. I don’t like it.

    (That was for all the Ren & Stimpy fans out there)

  17. Scott says:

    Horse: This water is sooooo cold.
    Woman: How cold is it?
    Horse: I wasn’t a gelding before I jumped in.

  18. dj6sav says:

    can you point out what doesn’t fit in this picture?

  19. (Girl to horse) We gotta stop meeting like this! My boy friend is starting to suspect something. He keeps telling me I got traces of straw in my teeth!

  20. chrissie worden says:

    This wasnt exactly what I meant when i wished to be on a beach with a tall dark and handsome stallion….

  21. Lucky-13 says:

    (Girl to self) must…not..look him in the mouth.

  22. Sally says:

    Girl: wow this water feels warm
    Horse: I just pi$$*d in it like a race horse


  23. Scott says:

    @Lucky-13 – How do you know that horse was a gift?

  24. Mrs P says:

    How are you doooing

  25. vibrantflame says:

    Horse to Girl – “Hey Good Looking, Whatcha Got Cookin’, How’s About Cooking Something Up With Me?”

  26. vibrantflame says:

    Oh my, I just realized how bad that sounds….considering some cultures eat horse….:P

  27. moonglow says:

    (Horse to girl)

    I WARNED you not to ride me along the beach —

    Maybe next time you’ll LISTEN!!

  28. YesI'mCheap says:

    Girl: Honey, just cause this was not you dream vacation, it doesn’t mean you have to act like a horse’s A$$. Please try to enjoy this for me.

  29. Tasamy says:

    Horse : You left me alone on the beach but I came to you!

  30. Lyn says:

    Mermaid and Seahorse

  31. Lindsay says:

    Ohhhh Ed, I knew a honeymoon with you would be a dream come true. I wish Babe could have been here too.

  32. willowsprite says:

    At last, on this desert island, we can be together, like we’ve always dreamed!

  33. willowsprite says:


  34. Pennywise says:

    There must be some mistake. I signed up to swim with the dolphins!

  35. DeltaT says:

    Girl: “We’re in paradise. Why the long face?”

  36. Jason says:

    Horse, “First one to the the island wins”

    Little did he know he was still tied to the shore

  37. Jack says:

    Horse: I’ll bet you didn’t think I could stop that fast. =)

  38. Swede says:

    Girl; Ohhh look at the pretty pretty sea horse
    Horse; Humans are soooo stupid

  39. peena says:

    “Pardon me….do you have any ‘hay’ poupon?’

  40. Tasamy says:

    Horse : Do you have busy bone coupon?

  41. Tasamy says:

    Horse : I came here to marry a seahorse … Did you see one?

  42. nsangel says:

    horse: hay pretty lady..wanna ride me?

    (that was being PG!)

  43. Cat says:

    Girl: Gee, I thought seahorses were a lot smaller!

  44. Syd says:

    Once again, Mary misunderstood when here friends asked if she was up for a game of water polo.

  45. steve says:

    “Me and you, staring contest. Go. I win” – horse

    “You always do” – chick

  46. Stimpson says:

    Now I see what they mean by ‘hung like a horse.”

  47. Torontogooner says:

    After running out of sugar cubes, Catherine tries using her smile to calm the angry wet horse.

  48. Lucky-13 says:

    Scott: he looks giftlike

  49. Donn says:

    Man there are no air jets.. in this tub…

  50. twinkle toes says:

    girl to horse – “why the long face? the water is great. “

  51. PaulHX1138 says:

    “No, the rope doesn’t make your nose look big!”

  52. Scott says:

    NOAH!!! COME BACK!!!!

  53. Scott says:

    Woman: I’m glad you decided to join me for a swim, Mr Horse. What happened to the Elephants?
    Mr Horse: They said can’t come in because they didn’t bring their trunks.

  54. Kristina says:

    I love your hoarsness…

  55. Jim Moore says:

    I didn’t believe in sea horses until now. Yeah and I’m having a tough time with this mermaid thing too!

  56. nsangel says:



  57. Scott says:

    Silly Horse. You’re legs look like that because the density of water is greater than air resulting in a different index of refraction between the two mediums.

  58. WackyMacD says:

    Girl thinking: If you kiss a frog, you’ll get a prince… I wonder what I’d get if I kiss a horse…hhmmmm

  59. Momo says:

    Scott – love the shrinkage one!!

  60. Susan Mann says:

    No you can’t go swimming with me

  61. Brad says:

    Woman: So are you going to drink or not?
    Horse: Nay.

  62. Brad says:

    BTW I love DeltaT’s caption.

  63. Nancy says:

    Ohhh so that’s what a sea horse looks like!

  64. Bobbi says:

    `Why such a long face, on such a beautiful vacation ? ..oh yah, I forgot about the horse thing..`

  65. Krobax says:

    Oh! Just quit horsing around!

  66. Marilyn Yourt says:

    Wow! I didn’t realize that a STUD would be part of my all-inclusive package!!

  67. Travis says:

    No one could understand how much of a charmer Mr.Ed truly was but Annabell surely thought she was in love.

  68. Travis says:

    I know girls are supposed to love ponies, but loving a horse in this manner is just criminal.

  69. Travis says:

    Mary-Beth, could never understand the song Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy, because no cowboy could ever offer her what this horse could!


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