Tag: caption challenge
We’ve talked about the inevitability of snow before in our Caption Challenge, but with how many cold days we’ve had this month it’s something that’s on my mind even more. But these kids here? They look like they’re more than prepared for the coming storm. …at least two of them do. Get on your parkas, …Read More
I’m all for the idea of cash’n’carry, but seriously dude — take a couple of trips if you need to. Something tells me this car may have required a trip to the mechanic after this. Something else tells me that you can come up with an outstanding caption to post in the comments. I’m hoping …Read More
I don’t know about you, but now that the leaves are falling from the trees and the nuts are tumbling down alongside them, my neighbourhood has been completely overrun by squirrels. No word of a lie, when I opened my front door this morning I was able to count 8 of them as I looked …Read More
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I couldn’t help but post up this picture of a Disney fan devouring a Frontierland turkey leg — and between the look on his face and the presence of Chef Goofy, this one seems rife for the captioning! As popular as they are amongst park aficionados, I just can’t imagine …Read More
This week’s caption challenge comes to us courtesy of the wild world of mutton busting. What’s mutton busting, you might ask? It’s kind of like bull-riding, but for kids …and on a sheep. Don’t be baa-shful. Give us your best caption!
I don’t know about where you live, but in my part of Canada things just got real cold real quick. Two weeks ago I was still in shorts. Last week it was jeans and a fall coat. This morning I had to add a sweater into the mix. It’s not snow weather yet, but it’s …Read More
I know kids are doing dangerous sports younger and younger nowadays, but this is ridiculous! 😛 This week’s caption contest comes to us courtesy of an ad for little itty bitty skate shoes aimed at the “not quite ready to walk” crowd. So what are you waiting for? Make with the captions already!
It’s been a little over a year since our last caption challenge, so we’ll forgive some of our newer readers if they make puzzles faces when we say the word “return.” The challenge (as well as it’s author, humble ol’ Jim Squires) has returned from a lengthy hiatus, eager to see what silly captions the …Read More
“Hello, and welcome to the moon!” Ok, the backdrop suggests it’s probably Mars, but still. I’d love it if we start offworld colonization at the same time we’re experiencing an all-encompassing 60’s cultural resurgence. Wouldn’t it be great if everything in space looked just like Epcot? [PLEASE INSERT CAPTIONS TO CONTINUE]
Some days it seems like everyone has a cool uncle who invents crazy dangerous stuff in his garage but me. Despite my sadness, ROCKET CHAIRS RULE. Balancing might be a little difficult though. And what is she using for propulsion? My guess? Baked beans. Strap in, hold on tight, and commence caption lift off!
Good ol’ Pinky here is just one of the hundreds of cultural oddities dotting the American landscape. Set up next to a Citgo station in DeForest, Wisconsin, this big pink elephant has long been the subject of photographs and delighted travelers. But taking all of that out of the equation — what are we left …Read More
As silly as this picture is, I actually remember when this event took place. It’s just the kind of geek I am, I suppose. What you’re seeing here is the world’s biggest Nintendo controller. This giant NES pad was making the rounds a few years back during the PR season out in LA. Somewhere between …Read More
Happy Canada Day, everyone! The patriotic posts continue on this fine day of national celebration as this weeks caption challenge has us taking a look a man with the jaw of our Queen! Optical illusions courtesy of digital cameras always rock (I’ve been enjoying the ones with album art for years now), and this one …Read More
We’ve had some delightful weather over the past few weeks in my neck of the woods. Really fun weather. Get out and play in the park weather. Turns out our love of outdoor play in the summertime is universal — galactic even. And while it may not be the Emperor’s will, even Vader earns a …Read More
It’s hard to imagine many jobs in life where height really matters. Truck washers. Light bulb changers. Some other imaginary job for the purposes height-related of comedy. But in the real world there’s only one career I can think of where height makes all the difference: basketball. And never in my life have I seen …Read More