SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 31


Some days it seems like everyone has a cool uncle who invents crazy dangerous stuff in his garage but me. Despite my sadness, ROCKET CHAIRS RULE. Balancing might be a little difficult though. And what is she using for propulsion?

My guess? Baked beans.

Strap in, hold on tight, and commence caption lift off!

51 responses to “SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 31”

  1. Zay says:

    I know there are cut backs at Air Canada, but this is ridiculous!

  2. maddie2008 says:

    There is a reason they call Taco Bell… Toxic Hell.

  3. Brooke says:

    “I immediately regret this decision!”

  4. Avery says:

    “I Shoulda Used Preparation H”

  5. Lori says:

    Gas prices going up !

  6. Nancy says:

    LOL @ Zay’s comment.

  7. koala says:

    This reminds me of a totally useless fact I discovered the other day.

    If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.


    An atomic bomb in the making. 🙂

  8. Scott says:

    CSA astronaut evaluation program

  9. Scott says:

    A cheap alternative to senior housing?

  10. Scott says:

    Look out! Here comes the SOLID rocket fuel.

  11. Scott says:

    Texas brings capital punishment into the space age.

  12. Ryan says:

    To the moon, Alice!

  13. monkeymommy says:

    I should have never eaten those fried farts and onions

  14. Scott says:

    You’ve heard of the rockING chair…

  15. HEINZ says:

    maybe i should of stood and farted…

  16. Laura says:

    Aunt Penny instantly regretted eating that big bowl of five alarm chili she had at the annual church potluck lunch. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

  17. Alex says:

    Too many beans in the chili!!!

  18. Scott says:

    Houston, this is tranquility base. The eagle has farted.

  19. Scott says:

    Here we see what happens when an inflatable person sits on a tack.

  20. Scott says:

    This reminds me of the Bruce Cockburn song Rocket Lawn Chair

  21. Dean says:

    Overweight and unemployed Elton John is headed to area farms to spray his own special pesticide over their fields.

  22. baggypants says:

    For here
    Am I sitting in a dining chair
    Far above the world
    Planet earth is blue
    And there’s nothing I can do

  23. z3r0c00l12 says:


  24. giggles says:

    Now that’s one “Gassy Assy!!!!” ” Up up and Awaaaaaaaay”

  25. Glen says:

    z3r0c00l12…you’re funny…

    “Even this can’t make me smile.”

  26. Lindsay says:


  27. jenny says:

    Kungfu Panda II in progress

  28. gwennyk says:

    Oh, my, I knew I shouldn’t have had that suicide chilli!

  29. Wayne says:

    I know when I get back I will be “exhausted”.

  30. baggypants says:

    NASA concluded the news conference saying they believed that by releasing this archival copy of an earlier mission it would dispel the notion that the Moon landing photos where photoshopped and the whole thing was a hoax and put the mistaken theory to rest.

  31. baggypants says:

    A spokesperson for IKEA confirmed they were recalling the Rocketsa dining chairs.

    The spokesperson said that their customers should not be worried they will be launched into space while eating dessert.

    IKEA apologized for any inconvience and said returns could be made at your local store or the International Space Station.

    He also added there were no plans to recall the Plutoniumsetta loveseat yet.

  32. baggypants says:

    Mr. Potter the Ministry of Magic will hear about this, you mark my words.

  33. Leanne says:

    Now I know why you’re supposed to lean to one side…

  34. Leanne says:

    Don’t try this at home, kids!

  35. Leanne says:

    Certain she would beat the Guinness Book of World Records for pyrotechnic-driven space travel, Betty failed to take into account the extra five pounds she had gained over the weekend…

  36. Leanne says:

    Given the revised budget for new product testing, GM has resorted to cost-saving measures for testing their newest hybrid vehicle to be released in September 2009 – the IKEA-BRID. Profits are expected to soar.

    (sorry, couldn’t resist that one – somebody stop me!)

  37. billydolly says:


  38. Jay says:

    LOL @Laura’s!

  39. Tara says:

    Oopsie I had a Poopsie!!

  40. lyssa says:

    Grandma’s had enough she’s going hom early

  41. susie says:

    I SWEAR , it wasn’t me.

  42. susie says:

    What do you mean, you forgot the seatbelt

  43. susie says:

    Put nana on the “naughty” chair. She needs time out to think about what she’s done

  44. susie says:

    let “HURTS” put you in the drivers seat.

  45. susie says:


  46. susie says:

    Gives OUT-HOUSE a whole new meaning

  47. susie says:

    and the ever favourite from school days many years ago

    Here I sit
    Broken hearted
    Payed a dime
    And only farted
    I took a chance
    Saved my dime
    And pooped my pants

  48. Leanne says:

    Mrs. Doubtfire – the sequel…

  49. Lynn says:

    There once was a woman from Rangoon
    Whose farts could be heard on the moon;
    When you’d least expect ’em
    They’d burst from her rectum
    With the force of a raging typhoon!!

  50. Cinderella says:

    LOVE Scotts comment on July 22 at 3:12pm!

    I would say: Who made Grandma sit on the Whoope cusion?

  51. Insightful article, thanks for spending the time to put it together. I like the direction you are taking your blog. Ill be subscribing to your site in order to keep up down the road. Hope to see more posts soon.


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