As silly as this picture is, I actually remember when this event took place. It’s just the kind of geek I am, I suppose.
What you’re seeing here is the world’s biggest Nintendo controller. This giant NES pad was making the rounds a few years back during the PR season out in LA. Somewhere between E3 and the i am 8-bit display, everyone in the industry tried to get their hands on it.
But that’s just silly reality getting in the way. What does your brilliant caption say is really going on?
“For the last time, guys, bigger is NOT always better – it’s what you do with what you’ve got!”
i told you to make the screen as big as you can, NOT the controller
I can’t wait till they come out with a handheld version.
Pictured above is the Soviet-Era Russian game console controller.
I know. I know. In Soviet Russia game console controls you.
This controller was manufactured specially for Shaquille O’Neal.
Brad enjoys a game of Super Mario on the island of Dr Shrinker.
Just a little stretched to the limit.
When asked why she broke up with Dan, Rachel responded “All he does is play video games, plus he’s a really big control freak”.
Now where is that stupid mushroom? It’s impossible to control this thing if I don’t get big!
” Mine is bigger than yours is!!!” na na na na na na!!!
Well, at least it’s still smaller then the original xbox controller…
Honey, I blew up the NES…
Even after the shrinkray malfunctioned, Al could still do his normal activities quite well.