Stephen Harper Sings Beatles Song with Yo Yo Ma at the National Arts Centre

Stephen Harper sang the Beatles Song “With a Little Help from My Friends” with Yo Yo Ma at a surprise visit to the National Arts Centre and his performance was spectacular! Now we know Harper will have a thriving career even after he’s no longer a prime minister, but it’ll be as an artist 😛

I’m very proud of our Prime Minister! It’s good to see him take the time to do something fun and light hearted and show what a great nation we are.


Oh and did you notice how pale Harper looks compared to everyone else? Is he a vampire in disguise?

43 responses to “Stephen Harper Sings Beatles Song with Yo Yo Ma at the National Arts Centre”

  1. HEINZ says:

    haha just saw this on another site. its funny

  2. meisagirl says:

    i use to have a lot of respect for yo yo ma

  3. Cheap says:

    He does look pale. He may be wearing make-up.

  4. Robin says:

    That. Is. Awsome. !!

  5. Robin says:

    Can you imagine if this was in the states?? The flack he’d get for saying ‘I get high with a little help from my friends’ he’d have to be all like ‘I didn’t inhale’ :-p

  6. Betty Van Hoof says:

    I think that was just great. It is great to see that our Prime Minister has a sense of humour. Made by day!

  7. Faith says:

    I think someone has been playing Beatles Rock Band.

  8. Melody says:

    He needs bronzer!

  9. Vicky says:

    This is cool! Made my day

  10. Philip Chan says:

    I think he sings better than Beatle Ringo Starr!

  11. M@ says:

    I think when ordinary working people come home, turn on the TV and see a bunch of people at a rich gala all subsidized by taxpayers – I’m not sure that’s something that resonates with ordinary people.

    (See also:

  12. Ciel says:

    Gee, one year ago, his wife did not attend the NAC gala because of his party’s cuts to the arts. Now, he’s on the stage. PR, anyone?

  13. sniperc151 says:

    Awesome that our Prime Minister is taking some time to appear as normal and fun. Shame on those that manipulate this or make this into a “my Party is better than your party” We are not six year olds on the playground.

  14. La Lune says:

    Sooo cool 🙂
    Next he can do a duo with Bill Clinton on sax.

  15. fred says:

    Mr Harper was having fun at a fund raiser. He did a fantastic job. I wonder why the whole clip isn’t on Youtube. I just saw it somewhere else and it’s 3m37s This one is only 2m36s so the end of the song is cut off. It ends very well. The audience looked like they enjoyed it.

    Michael Ignatieff sure answered surly when they asked him about it. He could have been a good sport like the other Liberals who were asked. Ignatieff blew it as far as I’m concerned he came across as a sour puss instead of getting into the spirit of the event he started to campaign. Really bad attitude by the opposition leader.

    btw) Has anyone seen the clip of Jack Layton singing and playing the guitar. He’s quite good and comical. He pokes fun at himself and his party. That’s a side of Jack I’d never seen before. It’s on Youtube look it up it’s very entertaining and shows another side of Jack like you’ve probably never seen.

  16. couponmom says:

    Good to see our Prime Minister relate better to people as a guy having some fun! It takes alot of guts to do what he did so I have more respect for him.

  17. SSB says:

    What does this have to do with Saving Money! Harper has done little to help Canadians keep their jobs or help those that have lost their jobs!! Ugh!! NOT A FAN! He’s trying to be a “Clinton or Obama” and he will never be!

  18. Skippy says:

    I hope he never becomes a Clinton or Obama

  19. JSAM's Mom says:

    Vampire???? Well, he’s definitely sucking the lifeblood out of the country….

  20. benji says:

    I think it’s awesome!!

  21. Mikey says:

    I’m liking Stephen Harper more and more every day. Good job.

  22. kduever says:

    I think it’s great! The entire clip has now been uploaded to YouTube btw.

  23. abbasgirl says:

    I love this clip! I don’t think he’s being hypocritical by showing up at a gala and singing an “every man’s” song like he did. I think it’s brilliant! This isn’t the first time he’s hammed it up on camera either. Remember Rick Mercer’s sleepover with the prime minister:

  24. Patty says:

    At least he has something to fall back on after the next election.

  25. bcgirll says:

    Both parts of his performance are here:

    I think he was amazing……..and he got a standing ovation!

  26. Emily Wilkes says:

    This absolutely made my day! It was brilliant to see the Prime Minister and Yo Yo Ma together on this one. It did make me think of Beatles Rock Band though.

  27. Natalka says:

    I think it’s wonderful!
    As for him looking ‘pale’, it’s just very poor lighting. Yo Yo Ma looks similar, and he’s starting out darker-complected.

  28. Colin says:

    Although I don’t like his politcs, I think it’s cool that he did this.

    Respect for this performance.. but no respect on his leadership of Canada.

  29. Alicat says:

    I love it, what a great guy he is!

  30. tammysby says:

    Sooooo GREAT! I have such respect for him and the job he’s doing as prime minister, and it’s great to see him having some fun! I’d never have the nerve to sing in that place:’)

  31. Liz says:

    He’s an embrassement to Canada!

  32. chris says:

    Wow sounded just like Ringo Star

  33. dealsniffer says:

    it’s funny reading the comments-some are amused and some are almost disgusted. Me-I thought it was great! Who knew he could actually sort of sing? I had a smile the whole time! Iggy is just sour because he can’t play the piano or sing. LOL I think he has something to fall back on when he is done being Prime Minister! lol I wonder if Rick Mercer will have anything to say on this? It would be funny if he did! It is funny also because this clip is absolutely everywhere on everything-facebook, yahoo,smartcanucks, probably twitter. lol

  34. johnm says:

    Wonderful job, Beatles, YoYo Ma and Steve Harper are all my favorit.

  35. SSB says:

    When will this be off this page?

  36. Hdom says:

    It is sad that people are not seeing beyond politics. Just focus on how much courage and talent it took for him to do what he did.

  37. Justine says:

    courage and talent? I am sure they paid him to be there.
    this doesn’t interest me one bit.

  38. tk8achance says:

    How sad that some people are soooo small and can’t admit that this was absolutely delightful!!! He did a fantastic job and what is wrong with giving him that credit. Some ppl’s brains are soooo small.

  39. Artemus says:

    He is pale because there is a spotlighr on him.
    You can see passing bymusician becomes pale for a split second

  40. Ras Erasmus says:

    I really enjoyed this little gig by Harper. The PM is actually a pretty talented person. He has grade nine piano, he sings, he learned to speak French fluently, he’s currently learning Spanish, he has a graduate level degree in economics, he loves cats and he knows his hockey. I think some people hate him for the simple reason that he’s philosophically opposed to big government; he doesn’t believe in the nanny state and that makes all those who feel they need a nanny terribly insecure. My view: get government out of my face and out of my wallet, too. We need government but we need so much less of it than people imagine.

  41. GeM says:

    Maybe it’s the (white) SPOTLIGHT that’s making him look pale?

  42. Melvin says:

    The spotlights shining on his face make him look pale.

    Keyword: fundraiser. Untalented “artists” in Canada whine and moan if they don’t receive taxpayer money. Talented artists on the other hand, Like yoyoma, are capable of making a living from “art”. Harper performed to raise money for a just cause; guests paid to hear the other artists.

    I don’t like paying taxes in order to keep crybaby “artists” on artificial life support. I have a wife and kids to pay for. If you want to do your so-called “art”, you better be good at it, and find a private entity to pay you. I’ll keep MY money, thanks very much.

  43. Melody says:

    I think he looks pale because he’s a douchebag 😛


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