The SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada printable coupon portal has been updated with a new great coupon including: Save $1.00 when you buy any one Always Infinity or Radiant product (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) As with all coupons available through coupon portal, you are limited to 2 prints of each coupon per computer. Click here to …Read More
We have wonderful news dear SmartCanuckers! Tons of new P&G Procter & Gamble printable coupons are now available on the SmartCanucks SmartSource portals. Click here to get your SmartSource P&G Procter & Gamble coupons now. Tide: Save $2.00 when you buy any ONE Tide PODS OR Gain flings Pampers: Save $1.00 when you buy any ONE …Read More
The SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupons portal has been updated with new coupons that include: Save $1.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet pads product (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) Save $1.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet liners product (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) As with all coupons available through SmartSource SmartCanucks portal, you are limited …Read More
P&G Everyday Canada is giving away a free sample online right now! Head online now and you could claim a free sample of Always Discreet products! There are a 2 sample packs you can choose from: Always Discreet Underwear samples 1 Small/Medium and 1 Large Maximum Absorbency Underwear OR 1 Large and 1 Extra Large …Read More
These Always Discreet sampler packs have been available a couple of times in the past, so if you missed out before, here is another opportunity to receive your sample. There are two sample packs that you can choose between, and if you have ordered a sample pack in the past, but it was 6 months …Read More
Always Discreet Canada is giving away a freebie right now on their Always Discreet Sensitive Bladder pads. All you have to do to qualify for this freebie is fill out this form, which will ask for your name, address, date of birth and e-mail, after which you will select which sample you want and your …Read More
There’s a new savings printable coupon available via our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal! Save $1.00 on any one Always Infinity, Always Radiant, Tampax Pearl, Tampax Compak Pearl OR Radiant tampons (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) There is a limit of two prints per computer. Also, the expiry date will be one month from the …Read More
Nobody likes to spend more than they should on home toiletries, but they seem to be the products that get used the most and gone through the fastest. That is why today’s offers from Walmart Canada’s clearance section are, in my opinion, very practical and relevant to almost all households as they have those pesky, …Read More
Always Canada is giving away FREE samples of their new Always Discreet products! This new Always Discreet Line is just for bladder leaks. The FREE Always discreet sample will be mailed to you in 4 to 6 weeks. Limit one sample per household for ages 18+. Fill in the form below to get your free Always sample. Click here to get your Always Canada freebie …Read More
Always Canada has a new FREEBIE available! Get FREE sample packs of their new Always Discreet line of products! This freebie is available while supplies last. Keep in mind that there is a limit one sample per household or address. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Click here to order your FREE Always Discreet …Read More
Always has a new line of products available and P&G is giving you the opportunity to try them for free. You can currently request a free sample of Always Discreet. Choose from: Liner Sampler Pack, Pad Sample Pack, Liner & Pad Multi-Sample Pack or Underwear Sample Pack. There is a limit of one sample per …Read More
Playtex tampons are available for an amazing deal on as an add-on item. They are two packs for only $1.88 a set. The available types are: Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Multi Pack Regular and Super Fresh Scent 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2) Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Regular Unscented 20-Count Tampons (Pack of 2) Playtex …Read More
The first week of each month, Always Canada offers “Girly Goodies” coupons through their Facebook page. The coupons for this month are now live and there are two coupons available: Save $3 on any 2 Always Pads Save $1.50 on Always Liners There are a limited number of coupons available so click here to get …Read More
Submit your mailing info through the Always Canada Facebook page to receive, by mail, a coupon for $2 off Always Infinity, and $1.50 off Always Liners. You will also receive a free 1 count sample of Always Infinity. This offer is available while supplies last so click here to get yours.
Like Always on facebook to receive two coupons, $2 off Infinity and $1.50 off liners as part of their Girly Goodies campaign. They will have this promo the first week of each month but quantities are limited. You need to put a space in your postal code for it to accept it. Click here to …Read More