Playtex tampons are available for an amazing deal on as an add-on item. They are two packs for only $1.88 a set. The available types are:
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Multi Pack Regular and Super Fresh Scent 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Regular Unscented 20-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Slender Multi-Pack Light and Regular Unscented 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Super Unscented 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
- Playtex Sport Super Fresh Scent 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
- Playtex Sport Super Unscented 18-Count Tampons (Pack of 2)
They also have Tampax and Always available
- Tampax Pearl Plastic Duo Pack Regular/Super Absorbency Unscented Tampons 18 Count (Pack of 2) $1.93
- Always Driliners Na Nonwing 34 Count (Pack of 2) $3.40
- Tampax Cardboard Applicator Multipax Tampons 40 Count (Pack of 3) $3.47
- Tampax Cardboard Applicator Super Absorbency Tampons 40 Count (Pack of 2) $3.47
- Always Infinity Regular With Flex-Wings 36 Count (Pack of 2) $3.59
- Tampax Pearl Active Plastic Duopack Unscented Tampons 36 Count (Pack of 2) $3.59
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Multi Pack Regular and Super Fresh Scent 36-Count Tampons (Pack of 2) $3.60
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Multi-Pack Regular and Super Unscented 36-Count Tampons (Pack of 2) $3.60
- Playtex Gentle Glide 360° Super Plus Unscented 36-Count Tampons (Pack of 2) $3.60