Empire Theatrers and Cinplex are showing Ghostbusters for only $5 on Halloween only. Click here to see which Cineplex theatres near you are showing Ghostbusters for only $5! Visit Empires Page here to view a list of theaters showing Ghostbusters. There is a long list of them. If you had no other plans for …Read More
McDoalds and Wendys have their Halloween coupons available for sometime now. I thought I would mention them for any one who may not be aware and give you the break down down of what you get for your purchase at both restaurants. At McDonalds in your coupon booklet for trick or treaters you will receive …Read More
This is the weekend we, like many Canadians, are going to carve our pumpkin. It’s always a fun adventure with the kids as they really enjoy scooping out the insides and picking out the seeds. We do roast some seeds every year but I’m the only who usually eats them. The last couple years we …Read More
Have your plans for Halloween night yet? Maybe your neighbourhood has the spirit for All- Hallows-Even and you can enjoy a swift trip around the block with some excited children gathering a pillowcase of sweets. My neighbourhood? Uh, no. Most people close the doors, turn out the lights or leave town. It’s not that I …Read More
Heres a neat freebie for those of you who live close enough to take advantage (sadly we don`t as its a 2 hr drive for us). Minute maid is presenting Boo at the Zoo at the Toronto Zoo from October 29th to October 30th 2011. Up to 2 kids in costume aged 12 and under get free …Read More
Mars is offering some cute and free pumpkin stencils! I love using stencils sometimes to make our little works of art. I’m not sure what designs we’ll use this year. Click here for the free stencils. If you have any links for free stencils feel free to share. Happy Pumpkin Carving!
Pet Smart is offering Howl-o-ween pics for only $4.95 get a 4×6 photo and frame. Also: Free goodie bags to the first 100 customers brought to you by Mars Petcare and Greenies Pet Parade and Costume Contest @ 3:30pm All this takes place one day only, this Saturday October 22nd 2011.
Do you still need to buy Halloween costumes? Check out Zellers’ selection and print this coupon for $10 off when you spend $30 or more on Halloween costumes. Offer is valid from Oct. 14-16, 2011 and limit one coupon per household. What are you and your kids dressing up as this Halloween? Click here to …Read More
Like most kids ours are super excited about Halloween the moment the candy and decorations hit the store shelves. With their excitement of dressing up comes the begging for the store-bought costume. My wife and I remember being children so we remember the lure of the fancy brand new store-bought costumes. Most kids want one …Read More
Bath and Body works is having a fall sale on their Slatkin and co candles. Their 14.5 oz candels are 2 for $30 and their mini candles are 3 for $5. We really enjoy these candles at our house. They smell so nice whether we have them lit or not. Their Spook-tacular Boo-tique is now open. At …Read More
On behalf of all of Smart Canucks bloggers I’d like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween! I was wondering if many people out there get strange things from houses still such as apples, grapes, cereal in bags etc? I wonder if people will ever realize that that is thrown out the second it …Read More