Tag: Ontario Flyer Sneak Peeks

Canadian Tire Black Friday Deal: Save 20% on Old Navy & Gap Gift Cards

Planning to shop for some clothes at Banana Republic, Gap or Old Navy for Black Friday?  Stop by a Canadian Tire store first and pick up a gift card for 20% less and make your Black Friday clothes sales even hotter. Old Navy usually offers 50% off almost everything in the store for Black Friday, …Read More

RONA Canada Deals: LED Bulbs Only $2.25 After Coupon + Save 15% When You Spend $100 This Weekend

Miss out on the recent SaveONEnergy promotion on light bulbs?  Shop this weekend and RONA will have 50% off select two packs of light bulbs. GU10 double pack $9.99 (reg $19.98) PAR20 double pack $10.99 (reg $21.98) A19 double pack $4.49 (reg $8.98) Even better, since these are 50% off sales rather than the coupons …Read More

Toys R Us Canada Half Price Madness Sale November 18-20 Sneak Peek

It is half price madness at Toys R Us this weekend and we have a sneak peek of the sales for you. Trolls or Turtles bean bag chairs $19.97 (reg $39.99) Ride On Jeep or CAT with Excavator $27.47 (reg $54.99) Save 50% on all TSUM TSUM figures regularly priced at $19.99 or less Disney …Read More

Canadian Tire: Get a $10 Gift Card When You Buy $50 Roots or Boston Pizza Gift Cards or $60 Netflix Gift Card

The upcoming Canadian Tire flyer shows a new gift card deal.  Get a $10 Canadian Tire Bonus Card when you buy a $60 Netflix, $50 Roots or $50 Boston Pizza gift card. Roots is sure to have a decent Black Friday sale, so a bonus on a gift card to use on your purchase is …Read More

Shoppers Drug Mart Flyer Sneak Peek November 12-18

Good news for those who were not happy with the cosmetics offer this week.  Shop on Saturday 12th November and get 20x Optimum points when you spend $50 or more on almost anything in the store. We have a full flyer sneak peek from cyn88canada here showing you the deals in Ontario stores.  Expect flyers …Read More

Ontario Flyer Sneak Peeks November 10-17: Freshco, No Frills & RCSS

We have your early sneak peeks for some of the upcoming grocery flyers for Ontario stores.  Use these previews to make your shopping lists early and decide what items to buy before the new flyer week to get better prices – and which ones can wait until later in the week for a great sale. …Read More

Shoppers Drug Mart Flyer Sneak Peek October 1-6

Your exclusive early look at the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer is here compliments of cyn88canada. Shop this weekend and get 18,500 Optimum points (worth $38 at bonus redemption or $25 if redeemed at lower values) when you spend $75 or more on almost anything in the store on Saturday or Sunday. While gift cards do …Read More

Ontario Flyer Sneak Peeks September 29th – October 6

We have some early flyer sneak peeks for Ontario grocery stores from cyn88canada for you.  Use these to start your shopping lists now and pick up sale items tomorrow before any price increases, or hold off buying if you see a great sale starting later this week. FreshCo Ontario Flyer Sneak Peek Eye of round …Read More

Shoppers Drug Mart Ontario Flyer Sneak Peek September 3-9

Another week without redemption but at least we have a regular 20x Optimum event to look forward to on Saturday 3rd September.  You can earn 20x Optimum points when you spend $50 or more on almost anything in the store.  One day sale items are valid for the Optimum event and include Royale 8 triple …Read More

Metro Ontario Flyer Sneak Peek & Hot Deals August 25-31

Metro will be worth a visit for many shoppers in Ontario this week with some surprisingly good deals. Lean ground beef $2.99/lb Kraft peanut butter 1kg $2.99 Classico pasta sauces $1.99 Iogo Nomad 3 for $2 50 Air Miles when you buy $50 Gap/Old Navy or Sears gift cards Royale Tiger Towels are on sale …Read More

Shoppers Drug Mart Flyer Sneak Peek + 20x Optimum Points When You Spend $75 on Beauty August 27-28

While there are some great new fall and back to school beauty products available now, most people will be using personalized offers this weekend.  The flyer offer for both Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix is 20x Optimum points when you spend $75 or more on cosmetics and fragrances on Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th August. …Read More

Ontario Grocery Store Flyer Sneak Peeks August 25-September 1

We have some early sneak peeks of the upcoming grocery store flyers for Ontario stores from cyn88canada to help you plan your shopping and save even more. No Frills Ontario flyer sneak peek No Frills is celebrating their franchisees with an Owner’s Sale this week with some great prices. Lavazza coffee 250g $1.97 Green peppers …Read More

Shoppers Drug Mart: Get 20x on Cosmetics & Fragrances This Weekend, Beauty Gala + Flyer Sneak Peek

With the Shoppers Drug Mart Beauty Gala this weekend, it will come as no shock that the Optimum promotion is 20x Optimum points when you spend $75 or more on cosmetics, fragrance, select skin care, nail care, bath foam and gel, hair colour, jewellery and hosiery. For many of us, that means relying on decent …Read More

Ontario Grocery Store Flyer Sneak Peeks August 11-18

We have your early flyer sneak peeks for Ontario grocery stores from cyn88canada.  Use these to start planning your shopping lists for next week so you can wait to buy items that will be cheaper or stock up on items that will increase in price next week. Food Basics Ontario flyer sneak peek Xtra laundry …Read More

Walmart Flyer Sneak Peek & Deals August 4-10

We have an early look at the Walmart flyer starting tomorrow.  Here are some of the deals from the Ontario flyer to help you plan your shopping. Smithfield bacon 375g $2.67 Red/green grapes $0.97/lb Kraft singles $2.47 Cucumbers $0.88ea Glade solids $1 With back to school coming up, they have a number of deals on …Read More

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