It is definately that time of the year. Stores are trying to clear out their summer stock to make way for their fall and winter apparel. Time to stock up!! Head into your local JACOB, JACOB Connexion, and JACOB Lingerie stores in Canada to take advantage of their Final Markdown Sale. You could save up …Read More
Last night I got thinking (something I do on occasion.) Giant Tiger and Bargain Shop are quite similar but which one is better? I have found over the past few years Giant Tiger has become a lot larger and doesn’t get in as many name brand clothing anymore. I remember 3 years ago seeing a full “Rocawear” …Read More
It looks like the Walmart Anniversary flyer is online under Quebec so far and it will be available regionally soon, if not already available in your province. You can click here to go to the Walmart site to see the flyer (search under Quebec) OR Here are some highlights that I’ve picked out and posted on the …Read More
August 22- 29 save 20% on all womens, mens, childrens apparel, footwear,  bed, bath fashions, and window coverings from the Sears Home & Apparel fall catalogue. See link below for details. At checkout promotional coupon code 941 642 113. Click here to check it out!
 I’m sure im not the only one who has noticed the pricing at the grocery store has been taking an upwards hike for the past while. I’m a pop drinker, Diet Pepsi to be exact. Its getting pricier and pricier by the week. Standard prices for Diet Pepsi at Zehrs now are 4.99 for …Read More