Tim Hortons Canada Introduces the “Smootim” Today


Today Tim Hortons is introducing their version of a cold fruit smoothie.  A  10-ounce smoothie will cost $1.99 and contain 130 calories, zero grams of fat and a full serving of fruit. You can add yogurt for 70 cents, adding another 30 calories. Flavours are mixed berry or strawberry banana.  From what I can tell it’s made from a mix, not fresh fruit.  I’m assuming it will basically be the same as what Coffee Culture offers currently.  If in fact my assumptions are right I will not be rushing to Tim Hortons to get one. 

Are you interested in trying the Tim Hortons Smootim?

Thanks Anniep for posting this on our forum.

39 responses to “Tim Hortons Canada Introduces the “Smootim” Today”

  1. macfsh says:

    Didn’t see any signs this morning on my daily run. I will try one. I like the idea that they contain a full serving of fruit and are low in calories and fat.

  2. csr says:

    I think its a great idea. Now there is something fun and healthy for my kids (who always ask for ice capps)!

  3. smartypants_007 says:

    I dont think it’s healthy at all – it is made from a mix rather than actual fruit.

  4. Liz says:

    Good idea but its too bad its not *actually* healthy! If you want to bill something as good for you… then don’t load it with sugar and fruit ‘like’ substances!!!

  5. Shannon says:

    mmmm…sounds like a virgin daiquiri to me!

  6. kris says:

    oh good. Itleast it contains a serving of fruit ! My parents introduced my dd to ice caps, i agree. She is only 3 !! Now if i go there to get a coffee, it is always ” i want a ice capp”. Sorry,don’t think that is healthy @ all for 3 year old. Usually she gets a chocolate milk or donut.

  7. carrie says:

    I will try something once!!!

  8. couponnoob says:

    Impressively unappealing name – Smootim…

  9. dandelion says:

    I will try it for sure! Sounds good to me!

  10. sarah says:

    Smootim? Seriously….that’s the only name they could think of?

    “I’d like one Smootim please”


  11. Scarecrow says:

    What a terrible name. 1 svg of fruit for 10oz is not very much, and who knows how much sugar is in it. I prefer to make my own of or go to Booster Juice where I know no sugar is added. But, like said before I would try it at least once.

  12. Laura says:

    If there’s only one serving of fruit I’d be worried about what else is in it. When I make smoothies at home, there’s usually three or more servings.
    Why does it sound like one serving is something to be proud one. That’s like, a small apple or something. Doesn’t really provide enough to fill a cup that large.

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Does anyone know how they compare to the Mcdonald’s Smoothies? I can’t seem to find the nutritional info on the McD’s website.

  14. 2jk19 says:

    if it is a “mix” vs. real fruit which I imagine is the case then I would like to know exactly goes in there before ordering! If there is any added sugar – I will not be ordering because that’s not what I consider a smoothie! Maybe that’s why they have to call it a SmooTim?!

  15. Ann V says:

    Yeah, when I make smoothies at home, mostly fruit, maybe a little yogurt too. Very yummy, but generally not what’s available commercially.

    I’m guessing the bulk of this will be crushed ice. Basically a bit of their mix (incl. the serving of fruit) then filled with the same slushy ice stuff they use for the ice caps. So I wouldn’t be too worried that the rest of the cup is just filled with completely unhealthy stuff. It’s probably mostly water/ice + some mix (Think of Dairy Queen slushies, but at least with SOME fruity stuff and not just dyed sugar).
    While ideally, the mix would be pure fruit, nobody has every accused me of going to Timmy’s because it’s HEALTHY, so at least this is a healthi-ER summer option than an ice-cap.

  16. Kiri says:

    Smootim, Lol.
    Sounds like “Snootin” and “Smoot” mixted together 😛

  17. screamy says:

    Their marketing folks should be fired for allowing that name to get attached to their brand. *shakes head*

  18. Shan says:

    I wouldn’t mind trying one, I like having a new alternative to the ice capp, but I think I would be too embarrassed to say the name of it out loud in public!

  19. Stephanie says:

    We have had them here on the East Coast for months. Perhaps we were a trial market??? I tried the berry smoothie and it was mediocre at best. I am not a smoothie fan though so I am a poor judge…. I do like their coffee though and had MANY over the past week 🙂

  20. stuey87 says:

    the wife tried one yesterday (March 6) in Edmonton, she liked it

  21. AmberLab says:

    The name itself is enough to turn me off. Nope, won’t be trying it.

  22. Tara says:

    I would like to try one.

  23. melis84 says:

    Hm… does not sound appealing.

    I’d like to say I’ll try it once, but I don’t think I’ll bother. Never mind the fact that it’s a mix; it probably just doesn’t taste very good.

  24. Lauren P. says:

    it’s cheap, what do you guys expect?? i’d rather get one of these in the summer than a syrupee slurpee from 7/11!

  25. Corbinx says:

    I’ll definitely try one. For those who are saying it isn’t healthy, you are probably right. But, who goes to fast food places expecting healthy food?! If that’s the concern, a homemade fruit smoothie is the best option…

  26. Pam says:

    Didn’t know McDonald’s had smoothies. Are they in Canada now?

  27. trombonebabe says:

    We have had them in Eastern Ontario for at least a year. They sounded yummy but are overpriced for what you get which is basically a fruit-flavoured slushie. If you want something healthy, don’t choose this beverage!

  28. EdLeafs says:

    Gotta try it after the roll up the rim contest is over.

  29. bruno mars fan says:

    hey! i tried this OVER 1 YEAR AGO in Regina, SK. why is it coming so late to ontario? interesting! it’s OKAY, but doesnt taste great, and def doesnt taste healthy, better to just stick with ‘arthur’s’ smoothies that u can even pick up at no frills! 🙂

  30. glowworm2k says:

    The name alone is a turn-off! It sounds like something smutty or dirty, not something I’d like to order. Frankly, I’m not impressed with most of Tim’s fare (I’m not a coffee drinker, and their tea is sub-par to say the least). If I want a snack from there, the yogurt’s about the only option I’ll pick – although that’s also overloaded with sugar 🙁

  31. jenny says:

    it’s been in Kingston(ON) since last summer… it’s pretty good… but don’t get it if you think it’s healthy… cause you are just fooling yourself.

  32. Lily says:

    I’ll try it, but i don’t have any delusions about it being healthy. Nothing from Tim Hortons is. But it is delicious so we buy it XD

  33. Jeni says:

    what a terrible name 🙁

  34. Sally#2 says:

    well i can tell you old folks.. i work at tims (bloor) and this is mainly comprised of some sort of powder mix (80% artifical sweetner) and the rest is equal parts water to another substance we were told is ‘top secret’ :s Can’t be healthy..i couldnt even read those names in the label. anyway we’ve been selling 100s since yesterday morning! people are just suckers i guess

  35. Michelle says:

    I have tried this before. They had them in Moose Jaw, SK about a year ago. They were one of the locations to get to try them out first to see how they go. The berry one is awesome and so is the strawberry, however the bananna strawberry one is gross!

  36. Meg says:

    They do use real fruit…its pre blended so its quicker in the drive thru. Its just crushed fruit with fruit juices. Oh and Smootim is a French name they’re using for it in QC…not rest of Canada.

  37. randomrambler says:

    uh, these aren’t new. at least, not in saskatchewan they’re not. we’ve had them for over a year – under a different name. and they are NOT healthy in the least.

  38. willowsprite says:

    “I’ll take one brain siezure, please, with a side of cancer topped with obesity. Thanks.”

    Ick. Artificial sweeteners and flavours?! Gross. And the name sucks. Why not make one at home with real fruit for a few cents? I never go to Tim Hortons anyway, I make my coffee at home and put it in my reusable mug. Saves money and environment. And tastes a whole lot better!

  39. Smarty says:

    I thought it was a good idea and made the mistake of trying it,,, my idea of a smoothie is more real fruit and less article crud and sugar… They also had seemed really pricey. I cant see myself having one of these again.


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