Anne Dougherty
Thank you very kindly to forum member Mrs_Dean_Winchester for letting us know about this offer to try Playtex Sport products for free! In order to claim your free product coupon, you will have to visit, and look for a banner ad, like the one you see in the picture above. It was on the …Read More
Here is a brand new mail in rebate offer, which I am happy about because like many of you, I did not get the recent newspaper insert full of fantastic mail in rebate offers. The offer to try Resolve Gold Oxi-Action that was inside that insert, is now available for everyone to try for free! …Read More
Here is a brand new hidden SmartSource coupon for $1 off the purchase of Pepperidge Farm Cracker Chips. These typically go on sale for $1.99 or even less so you could get these for under $1 by printing this coupon. You will be able to print two copies of the coupon per computer. The Cracker …Read More
It may not look too much like Spring this morning seeing as how it is snowing in certain parts of the country. However, Gay Lea Canada is sending out their Spring enewsletter, and as always, it contains a link to a fabulous coupon for one of their products. Check your emails for the latest edition …Read More
In celebration of Earth Day, Pampers Canada has released a free Gifts To Grow rewards code through their Facebook page worth 10 free points. Enter the code FB7893219187815 before April the 25th and the 10 points will be added to your account. If you do not have a baby there is no reason why you …Read More
Giant Tiger Canada is celebrating Earth Day with a freebie for you with this printable coupon. Today only, April the 22nd, 2015, get a free Giant Value five pack of lawn bags when you present this coupon. Taxes are included when you pick up your yard waste bags, so you won’t have to pay anything …Read More
You may have seen new specially marked boxes of Quaker products in recent shopping trips, featuring this new offer! Select products have PINS on them, and when you collect two PINS you will qualify for a FREE product from Quaker. Here is a list of the products containing PINS: Quaker Instant Oatmeal [Maple & Brown …Read More
Folgers coffee lovers rejoice! There are two new hidden SmartSource printable coupons for Folgers coffee products available. You can click the links below to print the following coupons: Save $1.50 off any 12 or 18 count carton of Folgers Gourmet Selections K-Cup Packs Save $2.50 off any Folgers 750g Ground Coffee These are fairly high …Read More
The Walmart Canada coupon portal has been recently updated, and two brand new coupons are available for you to order. The two new coupons are as follows: Save $4 on the purchase of Milk-Bone Brushing Chews Save $1.50 when you buy two Dove skin or hair care products Both coupons are mail to home coupons, …Read More
There is a new printable webSaver coupon available through the Kraft What’s Cooking coupon portal today, and it is a great one that you don’t see very often! Save $1 on the purchase of any Kraft Salad Dressing with this new coupon, in either the 475ml, or the new 710ml format. So this coupon will …Read More
Here is a great offer from Canadian Tire, especially if you are looking to buy a bigger ticket summer item like patio furniture or a new barbeque. This Thursday, April the 23rd only, get a $50 promo card when you spend $2oo or more before taxes in store. The promo card itself will be valid …Read More
Again this week, we have an early look at many of the Quebec flyers compliments of forum member Tioma. Click the links below to view the flyers in their entirety on our forum. Some of the highlights of each flyer for the week beginning April the 23rd are listed below: Maxi Breyers Ice Cream $2.44 …Read More
We now have confirmation of the bonus redemption at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada next weekend, thanks to an early look at the Quebec version of the flyer that forum member Tioma has uploaded. This Saturday, April the 25th, and Sunday, April the 26th, if you redeem some of those Optimum points you have been accumulating, …Read More
Here is a great offer from Shopper’s Drug Mart Canada, particularly if you were headed there anyways to participate ion today’s 20x the points event. From April the 11th to the 24th, purchase any three Royale bathroom tissue products, and receive a free package of Royale Tiger Towels! The bathroom tissue may be the 9 …Read More
Some of you may prefer to purchase organic products whenever possible, and coupons for these products are often hard to find. Crofter’s currently has a coupon available through their Facebook page for 50 cents off the purchase of any of their products, which are all organic. The printable coupon is valid until December the 31st, …Read More
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