Seeing this old McDonald’s bag really brings back memories. Back when I was a kid in the early 80’s, this was their branding scheme. It’s amazing how something like old packaging can really bring you back. Maybe that’s why so many of us are fascinated with youtubing old commercials from our childhood, or grabbing great relics of nostalgia off eBay.
If old merchandise packaging brings back pleasant memories for you too, check out Waffle Whiffer’s flickr collection. They have hundreds of scans of old packaging, just like the bag above. What a great way to preserve advertising of old. Great thinking, Waffle Whiffer!
My Great Grandmother passed away recently and I asked for some Tom and Jerry puzzles that I loved as a child. My mother found them in my Great Grandmother’s house, stowed away in one of those bags – I don’t know which was more nostalgic, the puzzles, or the bag!
That is so cool, L. Wilson!
Thanks for the link to the pics. Just went through a few pages – and wow, the Freshen-up gum – that was SUCH a huge deal to have something so different!
Cool I am 14 so I’ve like never seen this mcd packaging b4 its kinda cool & wierd!!! I wonder if when I’m old if I’ll get nastolgic bout goofy things 2!!! The packaging I don’t like is the new DQ rappers,signs n stuff it looks bad!!!
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yum yum! *-). Thanks for the share
Remember the loony tunes Bugs Bunny toys from 1991 or 92 or 93? The bugs bunny was called Superbugs, and had a cape like superman that came off.
I have been looking for that toy for ages! A (nasty) teacher took it away from my then little son, and when we tried to reclaim it at the end of the day, he said he had thrown it away! I am looking for it so that I surprise my son with it – he has NEVER forgotten it – even though he is an adult now….
If anyone has it, or knows anyone that has it, I will be willing to buy it. pm me if you can help!
Ahh – McD! Always comfort food – in any country – you can count on McDonalds!