SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 17

Community Features


Do you even bother trying to get out of the car at this point? This is why you also keep a book in the car. This could take awhile.

So are you ready to start captioning, or are you feeling “sheepish”? 😛

45 responses to “SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 17”

  1. Nadine says:

    “Okay, okay..geez- I know I should NEVER have ordered the lamb stew off the menu! Forgiiiive meeee, you guys”


  2. Cristina says:

    Outta the way lady! We’re on our way to fashion week on Milan!

  3. Cristina says:

    Outta the way lady! We’re on our way to fashion week in Milan!

  4. Renee Juneau says:

    When did they stop using dogs for this sort of thing??

  5. gooniesguy says:

    HOLY SHEEP! There’s a car on the road. Those things always get in our way.

  6. mapsgirl says:

    What happens when you take more than 3 bags full.

  7. lynn clayton says:

    oh no that dream I had about mad sheep disease is comming true nooo save me

  8. Zay says:

    ONSTAR: Mam, this is ONSTAR. We have detected a problem, are you okay?
    Lady: Ah no, I am being attacked by a herd of sheep! Please help me!
    ONSTAR: Did you say sheep? Mam?
    Lady: Yes for goodness sake SHEEP, you know wool, sheep, the animal. Help me!!
    ONSTAR: Have you been drinking mam?
    Lady: Oh for pete sake, No I have not. Will you please send me help! They are everywhere, OMG!!
    ONSTAR: Okay Mam, just calm down we are sending the police and ambulance out, and maybe a shepard too.
    Lady: Oh thank you, thank you! I do hope it doesn’t rain I hate the smell of wet wool

  9. Deanna says:

    I refuse to be one of the herd, momma always said you need to stand out … but this rediculous!

  10. Scott says:

    What the flock?

  11. Scott says:

    Well, the car wash did promise a unique drying method, but the roof is still wet.

  12. Scott says:

    This is bad. Real baaaad.

  13. Scott says:

    How do I get myself into these woolly situations?

  14. Scott says:

    This woman is on the lamb.

  15. George says:

    “Yeah yeah, I get it. You all LOVE Obama.”

  16. Scott says:

    I thought I could take this short cut to bleat traffic.

  17. Scott says:

    How many more are there? 1,2,3, Zzzzz….

  18. Scott says:

    Great! A traffic lamb.

  19. Scott says:

    Hey! That’s an illegal ewe turn!

  20. mickey53 says:

    Can any of you help me with directions to SheepsHead Road?

  21. Chantal says:

    How about lamb for supper?

  22. harbie says:

    *Shrugs shoulders* SHEEP HAPPENS!

  23. Erica says:

    nap time!

  24. Susan Mann says:

    Where am I?

  25. Simone says:

    Can ANYONE tell me which way to go?????

  26. Leanne says:

    take us to your leader

  27. Leanne says:

    sheep crossing

  28. mr.corpse says:

    Scotland ! The promised land.

  29. mhk says:

    Mr. Bean meets the sheep! Meh!!!!

  30. Momo says:

    I still love you Scott!

  31. Momo says:

    “O-H, I herd it through the state line….”

  32. Bev says:

    Having quickly removed her new sweater, Mary raised her hands to protest her innocence.

  33. eriluo says:

    Ewe know it’s pointless!

  34. mac121wx says:

    Where were you bastards last night when I was trying to go sleep.

  35. Eric C says:

    Lifetime supply of Lamb Chops. I just have to figure how I am going to fit them in my car.

  36. Ashli P says:

    Oh dear me, I should have made a ‘ewe’ turn!

  37. nadine says:

    in deep sheep.

  38. Momo says:

    Good one Ashili!

  39. Trevor Gilbert says:

    I hope I don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Counting sheep while driving is very dangerous!!

  40. Scott says:

    This will make quite a yarn.

  41. Scott says:

    Toronto Traffic Cameras show a traffic jam near shepherd.

  42. Scott says:

    Ewesed Car

  43. Krobax says:

    Bo Peep’s Revenge!

  44. shopperchick says:

    Wholly wool Batman !!!!!, let’s try baaaaaaaacking up


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