Tag: tax free

Sears Canada Coupon Code Offers: Save 15% Off During We Pay the Tax Event

This weekend at Sears Canada, they too will be hosting a special long weekend sale event, and in their offer you will be able to save 15% off on select sale products as they will be covering the tax. This event will be running until Monday, May 18th and you will need to enter the online …Read More

Lowe’s Canada Promo Code: 4 Days Only, Save the Tax on Major Appliances

For the next four days only, Lowe’s Canada will be hosting one of their Save the Tax events that will be offered exclusively on all major appliances. If you are shopping online you will have to use the promo code, SAVETHETAX, to receive the 11.5% off on your order total. Whereas if you’re shopping in-store, the tax deduction …Read More

Lowe’s Canada: Save The Tax This Weekend Only *In Store & Online*

This weekend only, save the tax at Lowe’s Canada on all your purchases both in store and online, during their Pre-Canada Day save the tax event. This event will run from today, June the 26th, until Sunday, June the 29th. If shopping in store, the discount in Alberta and Saskatchewan is 10%, and the discount …Read More

RCSS ON: Tax Free this Saturday at the Superstore!!!

Tomorrow, Saturday, July 7th, you can tell the government to kiss your cheeks during Superstore’s No Tax event. Promo applies to most items in-store. The flyer that I received stated that RCSS will pay the HST in Ontario, so I’m not sure if this event is nation-wide. Click here on their store locator to find …Read More

Beddington’s Canada: NO TAX today online only

TODAY ONLY shop online at Beddington’s and save the HST. Use coupon code: NOTAXTUES to receive your 13% discount at the checkout Click here to shop

Real Canadian Super Store Canada: No Tax Event Friday Saturday Sunday Only *Ontario*

This Friday to Sunday save the tax at your loal RCSS.  This is a great time to use your coupons, buy bigger ticket items. (Maybe that bbq you wanted?) The no tax event is valid on almost everything in the store. It excludes tobacco products, lotto tickets, stamps etc. Click here to view your local …Read More

Tax Free At Atlantic Superstore Saturday Dec.11

Atlantic Superstore is having a tax free sale on Sat. Dec.11. This is just in time to finish up the last of you Christmas shopping. I always find it a great time to use up my free product coupons and exchange my propane tank. Thanks to WandaM for posting.

Tax Free RCSS Saskatchewan Dec.3rd & 4th

On Dec.3rd and 4th RCSS in Saskatchewan is having a tax free sale. This is a great time to cash in all your taxable free product coupons or just to do some Christmas shopping. I sure how this sale will spread east so I can get in on the deals as well. Thanks to dphil …Read More

Real Canadian Superstore (ON) No Tax Weekend: Nov. 20 – 21, 2010

*Excludes alcohol, tobacco, prescriptions, dry cleaning, gas bar, lottery, postal services, and products from third party businesses within our stores. No returns or rainchecks. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. Cannot be combined with any other promotional offers. Does not apply to previous purchases. I always use my FPCs during …Read More

Atlantic Superstore Tax Free Event: Nov. 19 – 20, 2010

Planning on shopping at Atlantic Superstore? Why not wait til the Friday or Saturday, to save the taxes on your purchase? Great time to buy holiday decorations, gift wrap, and cards. Click here to view the discussion thread. Thanks to BOO111 for this hot tip!

Real Canadian Superstore (ON) Tax Free Weekend Oct. 23 – 24, 2010

Oh I’ve been waiting for this to come around again! With all the FPCs coming out lately, I’ve been saving them to use specifically for this event. Any non-food free product coupons you have, redeem them this weekend. Here is the fine print: *Excludes alcohol, tobacco, prescriptions, dry cleaning, gas bar, lottery, postal services, and …Read More

Canadian Deal: Tax Free At The Atlantic Superstore October 20th Open Till Close

Just in time for Halloween shopping The Atlantic Superstore is having another tax free day. This is on tomorrow only and is from open till close. This is a great time to cash in all the free product coupons that you might normally be charged tax on. Thanks to Boo111 for the heads up.

Canadian Deals: No Tax At The Real Canadian Superstore(West) Sept.4-5

For those of you who missed out on tax free shopping last weekend, this weekend it the one for you. The RCSS in the west is having a tax free sale this Saturday and Sunday, Sept.4-5 open to close. This is a great time to cash in any taxable free product coupons that you might …Read More

Tax Free At Atlantic Superstore Canada August 27 and 28th

A little birdie flew my way to tell me that next weekend is the weekend to shop tax free at the Atlantic Superstore. I am not sure just which days so keep your eyes peeled!! This sale would be a great time to grab some new threads for the kids as they head back to …Read More

Real Canadian SuperStore & Loblaws (ON/SK/Atlantic): TAX FREE EVENT

Attention Ontario & Atlantic shoppers: Real Canadian SuperStore and Loblaws are running TAX FREE EVENTS July 28th and 29th only. Saskatchewan shoppers your tax free days will be July 29 – 30! This is a great time to shop for all those non-food items that you’ve been thinking about buying… Exclusions: Tobacco, alcohol, prescriptions, dry …Read More

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