Tag: walmart.ca
Walmart Canada is one of my favourite places to shop around for awesome deals on popular toy brands, as it seems they are constantly adding new toys to their clearance sale. For instance, in today’s deals I was able to find three different toy sets on sale for up to 45% off the original price. …Read More
Walmart Canada is having a massive clearance sale on their MobiGo Learning System Software Cartridges, which are designed to be played on your child’s VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System. These games are meant for your children to play on a system that mocks parents’ own pieces of technology, but instead the games that your child …Read More
Walmart Canada has added some new items to their clearance sale that I believe would be of interest to certain people out there, depending on your shopping needs, as these items are not only on sale for a great price but also come from Walmart’s top-rated section. To receive a top-rated distinction from other products, …Read More
As you’ll remember from our post this morning about Walmart Canada’s change to their home shipping charges, they will no longer be offering free-shipping on all orders with no minimum purchase required. This change will come into effect on April 2nd, so if you are shopping online at Walmart before then I’d suggest taking advantage …Read More
It was bound to happen sooner or later, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. I had just hoped that Walmart Canada’s free-shipping on all orders offer would stick around for a while longer, as they are one of the few e-retailers who still offered this service. Not only is …Read More
This is a super hot deal that Walmart Canada is offering, with limited stock being available as of the time of this posting, so if you’re at all interested in either the Hugo Folding Walker or the Hugo TranSport Chair then I suggest you move quickly as stock is selling out fast on these two …Read More
For those of you who have been holding out on buying the new PlayStation 4, due to waiting for a decent price drop, you can now gather your funds to jump on this most recent offer from Walmart Canada where they are selling the PS4 The Last of Us Remastered Bundle for just $399. This …Read More
Walmart Canada is cooking up some good deals today in their clearance and rollback section, as I was able to find two sets that will, more or less, complete your entire kitchen cookware necessities for under $150. The first deal is on a 10-pc. KitchenAid Stainless Steel Cookware set, which is currently on sale for …Read More
Walmart Canada’s clearance section is one of my favourite places to go searching for deals, specifically on toys as they are constantly reducing the prices on popular brand names to make them more affordable for all families. There’s nothing more heart warming then seeing the joy spread across a child’s face as they open the …Read More
Walmart Canada’s coupon portal has been updated once again, and if you’ll perhaps remember from our previous post about the Walmart coupon portal, this portal, though run through Save.ca, must have your own separate Walmart account to access the coupons. Once you sign-up, you will be able to access a number of hidden coupons for …Read More
As much as we humans enjoy a little treat every now and then, I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that your little canine companion would also enjoy the occasional indulgence in something divine. And what could be more divine, in a dog’s eyes that is, than a bag full of treats from Beggin’ Strips …Read More
Walmart Canada’s toys clearance section is filled with a bunch of hot deals on a number of your kids favourite toy brands, but the products in this sale are going fast with a lot of the more popular toys brands (namely the LEGO collections) selling out online and in-store already. That being said, if you’re …Read More
No matter the season, Barbie dolls will always be a classic that will cease to go out of style, so long as there are children who appreciate dressing their dolls up in delicate outfits. Walmart Canada has recently added two new Barbie dolls to their clearance selection, the 2014 Holiday Barbie Doll and the Barbie …Read More
Walmart Canada’s clearance section seems to be producing a theme within its deals, and if that theme had a name it would be bbq cookout as they are featuring everything you need from the first step of cooking your meals, all the way to finding the appropriate storage for your leftovers after the meal. The first …Read More
Walmart Canada has a great offer on the Wii U Super Mario 3D World Deluxe Set, that could probably be considered one of the better deals going on around the web right now – depending of course upon which games you are looking for. Right now Walmart is selling the Wii U bundle for just $299.99, but …Read More
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