Use foursquare, save money

Between blogging, photo-sharing, and my constant obsession with Facebooking, I like to think of myself as a thoroughly engaged digital citizen. A hip young social warrior on the plugged-in frontier, so to speak. But every now and then some digital pioneer comes up with a service that makes me feel my age. foursquare is one of these services.

A location-based “check-in” service, foursquare is a great way for the younger and hipper amongst us to let their friends know where they are at any given time. While it’s no doubt cool to let your friends know you’re at a concert or a hot nightclub, I can’t imagine anyone caring that I’ve checked in at Loblaw’s.

As it turns out, Loblaw’s cares that I’ve checked in at Loblaw’s.

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Well, maybe not Loblaw’s specifically, but businesses care. They care so much that they’re now offering specials to shoppers who check into their stores with foursquare.

So how does it work? Once you’ve signed up for foursquare (it’s free) and downloaded a foursquare app on your mobile device (also free), just fire up the app next time you go shopping and see if any retailers around you are offering foursquare-exclusive sales.

Take a peek at the example above. I was at my local mall today and fired up foursquare. A little yellow tab popped up tp let me know there was a special nearby, and clicking on it let me know it was at American Eagle Outfitters. All I had to do was walk into the store, check in, and BAM! 15% off my next purchase. Simple, no?

If you end up using foursquare regularly you can become the “mayor” of certain locations, and some retailers and restaurants offer discounts to those that hold the title.

Savings may not be it’s primary function, but if you’re looking for that little extra discount to shrink down daily expenses foursquare provides an interesting alternative to coupon cutting.

To sign up (and find the right app for your mobile phone) check out

12 responses to “Use foursquare, save money”

  1. Sally says:

    You lost me at foursquare. lol.

  2. Lisa Glynn says:

    It’s also a great way to let people know that you are not home, and may be far from home at that. Be careful with these type of sites, and make sure you are informed about the decision you are making to post your whereabouts. There have been a lot of break-ins associated with posting your information online for all to see.

  3. AJ says:

    I Love Foursquare!

    I really hope staff at the stores are as lost any more. This spring in Old Montreal, there was a special at the Baskin Robbins upon checking in.

    I showed her my screen for the entitled deal, and it was the first the clerk has heard of this, and then started giving me limitations like after 4pm, and asking me to print it out. Rediculous. I walked out disappointed.

  4. AmberLab says:

    These kinds of sites are a little-too stalker-ish for me, saving money or no.

  5. savvy says:

    interesting, i heard about this yesterday on rachael ray…the guest was talking about privacy and various sites that are out there…foursquare was mentioned. it’s true, you can get good deals but in the end, it’s a big brother tool that can lead to good things as well as bad. as someone else said, approach all of these sites with caution and be well informed.

  6. Sally says:

    Yes AmberLab your right, you dont need another stalker anyways you’ve already got me 😛

    If “the man” or “big brother” needs to know where I am at all times I’d rather just be microchipped. Lmao.

  7. wifegriz says:

    Yup! Next best thing to being micro-chipped.

    Now I know somebody will respond that I’m “not with it” or paranoid but think about it, do you REALLY want businesses to know your every move? Is it really worth a bogo coupon? Not to me!

  8. Kim says:

    I understand the concept, but if you are out shopping why would you check your phone to see if there is a discount? Isn’t that what all those big “SALE” signs are for? 🙂

  9. CarlyinCanada says:

    Sounds cool, but I don’t like the idea of them knowing where I am or where i shop, lol

  10. benji says:

    Exactly what carlyincanada said…. in theory it’s fun, but I don’t need the site getting hacked to find out when I’m not home.

  11. Khristopher says:

    Don’t bother with Foursquare. Once Facebook Places launches in Canada, it will just take over Foursquare.

  12. Natalie says:

    I totally agree with the creepy stalkerish, Big Brotherness of it all – user beware…


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