SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 18

Community Features


Everytime I come across a funny photo that I think is going to stump the captioners here on SmartCanucks, you always prove me wrong. Let’s see if you can do it again!

Also — it’s spring. Let this serve as your reminder to get your bike out of the shed and get riding this summer.


55 responses to “SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 18”

  1. DF says:

    I think a have a flat

  2. benji says:

    LOL! My friend’s Facebook pic is the exact same thing! (except it’s my friend,. not this dude).

  3. sophie says:

    No hunny I’m not lying down, I’m doing my workout.

  4. night_star says:

    ….Now how to attach my hockey card to the spokes….

  5. Simone says:

    The doctor didn’t say what kind of bike to ride to get excercise.

  6. operabob says:

    Unfortunately Johnny didn’t quite understand the “Start the car!” promotion at Zellers.

  7. RetroMama says:

    “Well you know my name is Simon…and the things I drawr come true…..”

  8. Kaldirris says:

    Hey!! Check out my cornering skills!

  9. Scott says:

    World’s Worst Bicycle Thief

  10. luh says:

    crap…forgot the helmet

  11. Scott says:

    Tragedy struck today when a cyclist was struck by a steamroller.

  12. Scott says:

    Strike that struck.

    Tragedy struck today when a cyclist was run over by a steamroller.

  13. Scott says:

    Too dimensional

  14. Scott says:

    This is not what I meant when I told you to paint my bike.

  15. JSAM_S Mom says:

    (Said by drunk person) Dang! This bike isn’t very fast!

  16. Scott says:

    OK! Quick, draw a chalk outline around me then we’ll put up some yellow police tape!

  17. Tammy says:

    Earth day, environmentally friendly

  18. Scott says:

    The policeman from The Village People just before being admitted to rehab.

  19. pat says:

    Ive fallen off the wagon too many times….

  20. Nancy says:

    I think I can, I think I can!

  21. Stephen says:

    This must be what bike riding in the Matrix is like. “There is no bike”

  22. nsangel says:

    Recreating the scne of the accident while waiting for the CSI team to show up..

  23. Chantal says:

    “Like my new stationary bike?”

  24. Chantal says:

    “Honey? … Do my glasses look stupid?”

  25. syh says:

    you are sitting on some art!

  26. Jill DaSilva (BD42) says:

    No back pedaling here

  27. Deanna says:

    … this is why you don’t drink and ride …

  28. kaela says:

    another reason not to drink and drive

  29. lala says:

    Best one-
    Apr 22nd, 2009 at 12:15 pm
    This is not what I meant when I told you to paint my bike”

  30. sarahdarling says:

    The stationary bike…redefined.

  31. Calvin says:

    Now the kids won’t make fun of me for not knowing how to ride a bike!

  32. Mark says:

    Sweetie, how does my butt look on this thing?

  33. Brig says:

    Honey, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

  34. Rick says:

    I never thought the recession would be this bad!

  35. Insane79 says:

    “Police still investigating suspicious death of bicycle”

  36. Marion Z says:

    CPC: Couch Potato Cycle (perfect for my husband)

  37. Anne says:

    What do you mean, it’s not a real bike !?!

  38. Alex89 says:

    World’s dumbest bike thief.

  39. Magenta Raven says:

    “Can somebody draw me a road now?”

  40. Richard says:

    Recession affects Santy Clause too.

  41. Evan says:

    time to put the training wheels back on and have another go

  42. terrilynn says:

    Dude, where’s my helmet??

  43. Chrissy says:

    HELLLLLLLLP, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

  44. nsangel2 says:

    Simon in his later years…

  45. Susan Mann says:

    I don’t need a real Bike this one is better I won’t fall off.

  46. Zay says:

    Gee traffic must be really bad, I haven’t moved for miles!

  47. Alan says:

    Crap!… I really mean it.. I think I’m lying on some dog CRAP!

  48. Alan says:

    “Now.. let me try to figure out how to get this bike BETWEEN my legs!”

  49. Alan says:

    Newsflash: Man attempts suicide on bike path; mistakes it for railway tracks; pleas insanity

  50. Scott says:

    We’ve replaced this man’s bike with a painting, let’s see if he notices the difference…

  51. Scott says:

    What “wet paint” sign?

  52. Scott says:

    Got it? Good. Let’s head over the handicapped parking now.

  53. Alan says:

    People have said my flatulence can peel paint off the walls. Time to try paint on the floors.

  54. grimmy says:

    wow! they really will flatten you in those bike lanes!


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