
Twilight New Moon Is Being Released At Midnight In Canada. Will You Be Buying It Tonight?


We are not going to dwell on the fact that I’ve lost some faith in humanity over the craze of these Twilight movies lol, but tonight is the release of New Moon Twilight. Stores like Blockbuster are staying open until 2am for all the vampires out there to be the first ones to pick up their copy of New Moon. While your in line for the release why not pop over to Toys R Us and pick up some Twilight dolls on sale, buy Jacob and get Edward or Bella half price! Made by Mattel. They look cute but I’m a bit dissapointed they don’t sparkle.

Will you be lining up tonight to get the movie? Or wait until daylight and buy it tommorow? Or perhaps you belong to the small united group that doesn’t care about Twilight. Either way comments are welcomed.

Winners of the Michael Buble “Crazy Love” Canada Contest!


Well, the contest has come to a close! With just over 1000 entrants I’m pleased to announce the winners of the contest.

First Place Is an autographed copy of “Crazy Love” and a collection of his other Cds.

The winner is……………………… firstbuble

missbobloblaw! Congratulations!

Second and third place will receive a copy of Michael Buble’s latest Cd “Crazy Love”


“Great Contest” is our second place winner!thirdbub

“Puddin57” is our third winner.

Winners please pm me your address on the forum, or email me at sally at smartcanucks dot ca.

I’d like to thank everyone who entered the contest! It was a great turnout, and I’m sorry everyone couldn’t win.

10 Online Stores Added to


For anyone that has an AirMiles card and shops online, there are 10 new stores added to the lineup of stores where you get AirMiles for shopping through The newly added online stores are:

  • Marlin Travel
  • Sportchek
  • Bath and Body Works
  • Alibris
  • Aeropostale
  • Under Armour
  • Beyond the Rack

Click here to see all online stores from

HBC Canada Points Program Change

Announcements 26 comments


I can across this thread in the deals section and thought it was something that a lot of people would be interested in.  As of January 31, 2010 HBC will no longer be offering merchandise as a reward to redeem your points for.  They will continue to offer Gift Cards and Apple products for trade in.  The rewards book that was issued in May 2009 will expire on January 31 and products will only be available while quantities last.

To go to the HBC Rewards website click here.

To go to the original thread started by Sniffasale click here.

Ringing in the New Year Smart Canuck style!


Well everyone, the New Year is upon us, in less then 10 hours (Ontario time) we will be in 2010.   A time for new resolutions and a fresh start of a New Year.

Do you make New Years resolutions? What kind of resolutions do us Smart Canucker’s make? Save more money? Use more coupons?

I personally don’t generally make resolutions. Last year I quit smoking the 3rd week of January, not a New Years resolution, just something I needed to do. Maybe this year I’ll work at losing the weight I gained from quitting lol!

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening tonight whether it be with friends, family or a quiet evening in. Please do not drink and drive, arrive alive.

Happy New Years from the Smart Canucks team! See you in 2010!

Addition Elle Canada Contest Winner

addition elle canada

Thank you ADDITION ELLE for sponsoring our latest contest 😀

Click here for video of winner. The winner is:

  • 379 dustykatt

Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize.

Hatley Store Free 2 x $50 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 24

Hatley Store Canada
Hatley Store is kindly sponsoring a second giveaway day! Thank you Hatley 😀

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 24: 2 people win $50 worth of free items from Hatley Store.

Today we’ll have 2 winners each getting $50 worth of free products from Hatley Store.

How do I enter the contest?


Click here to go to and choose the items you like up to a total of around $50. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

Boxing Day (Week) Canada 2009 – Submit Flyers/Deals & Get Free Gift Cards!

Gift Card Boxing Day Canada

This year I’ll be covering the Boxing Day (week) deals and flyers like never before! SmartCanucks will be your best source of all Boxing Day flyers and you’ll get to read the flyers in advance so that you can plan your shopping trip that day.

I invite everyone to participate by submitting any flyers they have advance access to. You’ll win immediate gift cards and prizes. No contests or draws… straight forward gift cards.

How can I pay for this? Well I have a few Google Ads placed around the website and I use the money I make from advertising to pay for prizes like these.

The full details on the prizes and how to add a flyer can be found here

ClearlyContacts Canada Coupon Codes & Contest Winner

Thanks to for sponsoring yesterday’s daily giveaway 😀

If you didn’t win here are some coupon codes for December 2009 that you might be interested in using:

  • Clearly Contacts Coupon code 1: SMARTFESTIVE
  • Discount: 10%, no minimum, everyone
  • Clearly Contacts Coupon code 1: SMARTHOLIDAYS
  • Discount: 25% Off Eyeglasses, no minimum, new customers

Click here to shop at

Now onto the winner. Click here for video of today’s winner. The winner is:

  • 335 wendigirl

Congrats wendigirl! Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail dot com to claim your prize 😀 Free Frame – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 23

Through My Eyes Canada

Today’s sponsor is one of our favourite retailers, 😀

ClearlyContacts carriers all kinds of original designer frames for amazing prices. Clearly Contacts also sells contact lenses and other eye related products such as sunglasses and accessories. I think ClearlyContacts’ business strategy is very simple and successful! Instead of renting stores at malls and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on brick and mortar stores, they stick to an online business model and transfer the savings onto us, the customers 😉

Enough of my chit chatter and I’ll let the website and products talk for themselves.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 23: Free frame from

Today we’ll have one winner getting a free frame of their choice from

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the ANY frame (glasses) you like – there’s no maximum value. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 22 Winners

Thank you for sponsoring yesterday contest 😀

Here is a video of today’s winners. The winners are:

  • 78 Kelly
  • 328 Deb
  • 480 Heidi McMaster

Congrats! Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail dot com to claim your prize.

Pediped Footwear 3 Free Pairs of Shoes – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 22

Pedipeds Canada

I’m very sorry for my very long absence. School took all of my time and I barely had any free time to do anything else. We’re back to normal now and you should be seeing more contests as well as deals on the blog.

Today’s sponsor is Pediped footwear which I personally think offer superb products. As a child, my Mom would only buy me “medical shoes” and I’ve come to really appreciate this over time since I never suffered from any walking/feet  problems. I like how Pediped go one step further and add the “Fashion” factor to their shoes. Fashionable medical shoes sounds perfect to me!

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 22: Free shoes from

Today we’ll have three winners each getting a free pair of shoes for their child from

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the pair of shoes you like from the originals or flex series only. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 21 Winner

It’s been a while I know! I’m sorry for the delays!’s winner is :

  • 21 jojo

Congrats! Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail dot com to claim your prize.

Click here for video of winner. Stay tuned for the next contest in less than an hour.

Canada Stock Up On Postage Stamps, price raising!


Well… I just called Canada Post ( 1-800-267-1177 )to confirm the bad news.   Sorry to say but it is time to stock up on stamps, because Canada Post is increasing the prices of postage stamps from $0.54 to $0.57  in the new year.  Good thing I have lots but for those of you who use or trade stamps better add them to you shopping list!!  The price increase will be being on January 11,2010.
Click here to go to the Discussion Thread.
Click here to go to Canada Posts Website.

Thanks to MiltonFreecycle for the heads up!!

(Stamp circa 1958)

Sorry for the Daily Giveaway Delays

Hi everyone!

I’m very sorry for being absent over the past few days. I had a long paper to write. It’s 9 pages long, two column with a font size of 10 and it’s about an utterly boring subject. I’ve also been having to attend seminars and a bunch of other not so fun school classes. The picture below describes how I feel about these classes. I’m almost done with the paper though and have no more seminars or classes to attend so we should be back on track soon!


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